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The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 9, November 1956
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Adults (BBYA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 9, November 1956
Democracy's Triumph
By separate legislative actions at their 1956 Inter-
national Conventions this past summer both AZA and
BBG have developed membership policies which place
them among the most democratic youth organizations
in the nation. Both organizations now permit all those
interested in joining to become members on a first come
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
-first-served basis-without vote-in those chapters
where there is room for more members, as defined by
local B'nai B'rith Youth Committees and staff.
33rd YEAR
Office of Publications, Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar, 1129 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 5.
The importance of this history-making step taken
by AZA in its move to outlaw discriminatory member-
ship selection practices in the organization is empha-
sized by Grand Aleph Godol Lefcoe in a letter to all new
BBYO Membership Hits
"The International convention has passed a democratic
membership policy. Because we believe firmly in equality of
All Time High Of 32,796
opportunity and because voting on prospective members leaves
room for us to select our members on an unequal basis (our friend
before the guy we do not know too well, the top pitcher before the
poor right-fielder, etc.), we have eliminated voting on prospec-
All Districts
tive members. (For unsatisfactory attendance and participation
in the AIT program, and by two-thirds vote of the chapter, an
Show Gains
AIT may be dropped.) From this year forward AZA chapters
admit members on the basis of the date of application for mem-
BBYO's spiralling mem-
bership. First come, first served.
bership has hit a new all-
"Not only do we hope to eliminate voting on prospective
time mark, Youth Commis-
members, but we intend to encourage all organizations, clubs,
sion chairman Label A. Katz
fraternities in our communities to do the same. We realize that
any type of selectivity can backfire. It is selectivity which brings
reports this month to the
the "Gentiles Only," "No dogs, children, or Jews allowed,"
B'nai B'rith Board of Gover-
"Negroes Seat From Rear," signs. As we believe discrimination
nors meeting.
practiced against minority is undemocratic, so we believe dis-
crimination against individuals seeking AZA membership is
The order's membership as of
August 31, 1956 stood at a grand
"We stand on record for democracy, for equality of oppor-
total of 32,796. The new figure
tunity for all. And this has particular meaning for alephs in
represents a net gain of 2,180
America's Clintons."
members over the same 12-month
The actual legislation reaffirms that an Aleph-in-
period for last year. It is also the
Training cannot be kept out of the chapter for failure
fifth consecutive year in which
to pass the AIT Evaluation. It states that the AIT, at
membership has shown a signi-
the end of his orientation period, becomes a member
ficant increase. '.The net gain
HELPING HAND FOR BELLEFAIRE, in the form of a $1000 check
automatically that voting is unnecessary. Tradition-
since 1951 in BBYO membership,"
ally, AZA has opposed hazing or humiliation of Alephs-
is presented by District 2 aleph godol Les Miller (second from left)
on behalf of AZA to Alan S. Geismer, Bellefaire president. Others
Mr. Katz says, "has been 9695,
pictured, left, Leon H. Richman, Bellefaire executive secretary,
or almost 42 percent."
BBG, at its conclave, reaffirmed its traditional view
and right, Frank E. Joseph, chairman of the executive committee.
A breakdown by orders shows
that membership is open to all girls in the community
Miller went to Bellefaire to represent AZA at the executive com-
the current registration figures
who meet the age requirements. The BBG membership
mittee meeting of the child center. (Story, page 3).
to be:
program provides that-as long as there is room for
members-any girl may become a Member-In-Training
(MIT). The Constitution states that even while going
through her orientation period, the MIT is a full-fledged
member and is "entitled to any and all privileges of
BBYA To Hold Its
Only and Canada
membership". No voting should take place at any time.
Mr. Katz's report points out
Service Rally Dec. 28-30
that the record registration figure
The delegates and officers of both orders are to be
includes only those members reg-
congratulated on their splendid actions. Their decisions
istered in BBYO's 1251 chapters
were vigorous triumphs for democracy.
Hospital, Denver, Colo.
BBY annual Service
2. Henry Monsky Foundation,
which is erecting a new B'nai
BBG Execs Consider Bas
Fund Rally will be held here
They're First
B'rith headquarters building in
Dec. 28-30, it was announced
Washington, D. C.
For 1956-5
this week by international presi-
3. Anita Perlman Scholarship
Mitzvah Theme for 1957
Four chapters share honors
dent Larry Schwimmer. Purpose
4. B'nai B'rith Children's Home
for being the first to register
of the three-day gathering will be
in Israel.
with the BBYO Washington
BBG's international convention and leadership training
to redeem pledges made by chap-
$3500 Toward Goal
headquarters office for the
ters, regions and councils at
International BBYA Treasurer
1956-57 year.
institute for 1957 - its 13th annual event / will revolve
BBYA's 1955 international con-
Martin 'Levy of Chicago, report-
First AZA chapter registra-
around the order's Bas Mitzvah, denoting its 13th anniver-
vention here last December. The
ing on pre-rally activity, has
tion to be recorded by the
sary as an international organization.
order's goal for the year is
announced that $3500 of BBYA's
Membership Office is James
Manishen AZA of Manchester,
This was one of the conclusions
1956 goal of $5000 has already
reached by four of BBG's top
top BBG executives live in rela-
The rally will include seminars
been pledged.
New Hampshire. Jeffrey Gal-
tively close proximity to each
on all phases of BBYA's four-
Although plans for the rally
per is aleph godol of the group.
officers at a weekend meeting in
other. Anne and Cindy both live
part Service Fund which encom-
here have not yet been finalized,
First honors for BBG go to
Washington last month. The meet-
in Silver Spring, Maryland, a
it is expected that speakers rep-
three chapters whose registra-
ing was the first of what inter-
suburb of Washington, D. C. Deb-
1. Fight Against Disease, un-
resenting all phases of BBYA's
tions were received simultane-
national BBG president Anne
bie is from Philadelphia, a two-
der which are the Leo N. Levi
Service Fund will be on hand to
ously. They are: Metropolitan
Goldstein says will be a series of
hour train ride to Washington.
Memorial Hospital, Hot Springs,
address delegates.
BBG, Los Angeles, which has
(see EXECS, page 5)
Ark., and the National Jewish
(see RALLY, page 2)
20 members, Sheryl Deutsch
planning sessions throughout the
president; San Francisco BBG,
San Francisco, Calif., which
In addition to the international
Regionals May Draw
has 46 members, Nadine Vuyas
president; and Aviva BBG,
BBG president, 1st vice president
Toronto, Canada, which has 17
Debbie Getzik, 2nd vice-president
Elaine Gilner and secretary Cindy
An estimated 7500 BBYO' will take part this year in
members, Carol Goodman,
president Elaine Kiner. Included
Towsner were in attendance.
regional conventions throughout the order, a preliminary
on the convention program were
President Goldstein explained
survey by SHOFAR this week showed. With only a few ex-
seminars on such diversified topics
that similar meetings are feasible
as: "Segregation and Integra-
throughout the United States and
ceptions, the conclaves will be held during the winter school
this year because four of the five
tion," "Does Rock 'n Roll Music
Canada. "Our registration figures
vacation in late December. Virtually all gatherings will be
Have a Bad Effect on Teen-
do not reflect some 2500 members
co-ed. Some parleys will take the form of Universities of
agers?" and "Are Jewish Cus-
outside of the United States and
Canada, who do not pay dues to
Where To Find It
toms and Rituals Outdated A
Among the first of the regional
highlight of the convention was
our headquarters office," he says.
to be geared to the order's MIT
Aleph Godol's Message
gatherings to be hela will be those
program and the dozens of MITs
a final night banquet-dance.
Likewise, his report says, the
expected to attend the parley.
Elsewhere in District 1, the
figure does not include members
Page 3
of two New England regions
BBG President's
Tri-State AZA, at which 200
Some 200 delegates are expected
only other region on which infor-
now serving in the Armed Forces
Page 5
alephs were expected to partici-
mation is presently available is
who pay no dues during their mili-
to be on hand for the three-day
BBYA President's
pate November 2 through 4. Site
Long Island Region which is plan-
tary service.
of the parley is Newton, Mass.
District One's Southern On-
ning for a co-ed BBYO Univer-
Despite its steady growth, Mr.
Page 2
Katz calls BBYO's membership
Chapter Chatter
Page 7
Among speakers scheduled were
tario Regional convention, held
sity, in place of the traditional
convention, to be held some time
rise "only a fraction of the poten-
Names In The News
Page 8
Warren Simon, District 1 DAG.
late last month, saw some 200
around Dec. 2.
tial." He cites limited resources
Theme of the AZA conclave is
alephs and BBG's at the three-day
as the major obstacle to further
On Tap
Page 6
"Are We Jewish In Name Only
gathering held in Toronto, Cana-
District 2 Activity
membership growth at this time.
World Datelines
Page 7
New England's Bay State BBG
da. Speakers at the co-ed parley
In District 2, the Greater Ohio
Mr. Katz credits BBYO's ex-
Shofar Feature Section Page 4
regional convention, November
included District 1 DAG War-
Council parley in Lorain, Ohio,
pansion to a combination of "its
16-18, at Framingham, Mass., is
ren Simon and District 1 BBG
(see REGIONALS, page 8)
(see MEMBERSHIP, page 6)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 9, November 1956
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.