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The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 8, October 1956
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Adults (BBYA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 8, October 1956
In This Issue: AZA-BBG Conventions, Institutes In Pictures
(See Pages 4 and 5)
Label Katz Is AZA's
Outstanding Alumnus Of 56
Label A. Katz, who just last month was reelected to a
the SH FAR
second term as National Chairman of the B'nai B'rith Youth
Commission, has been named AZA's "Outstanding Alumnus
of 1956." Designation of Mr. Katz was made by delegates
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
attending AZA's 33rd annual international convention at the
University of Illinois. He will receive the "Sam Beber Dis-
tinguished Alumnus Award" at next year's international
33rd YEAR
Office of Publications, Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar, 1129 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 5.
AZA convention.
Mr. Katz, a New Orleans at-
torney and realtor, was an AZA
member some two decades ago.
District Five's Lefcoe,
He joins a select circle of six
former members of AZA who
have been similarly designated.
Previous recipients are:
Goldstein Head AZA, BBG
951-Philip M. Klutznick, Park
Forest, Ill.-world president of
B'nai B'rith, and former Commis-
Mrs. Perlman
AZA Delegates
sioner of the Federal Public
Lauds Parents'
Hear Klutznick,
Housing Authority.
1952 - Leo M. Cherne, New
New Attitudes
Katz Addresses
York - chairman of the In-
ternational Rescue Committee,
Champaign, Ill.
Champaign, III.
and executive secretary of the
Creation of a nine-project
With a brilliant cast of
Research Institute of America.
service fund was one of the
former AZA greats on hand
1953-Julius Bisno, Los An-
highlights of BBG's 12th an-
to participate in the order's
geles - executive director of
nual international convention
33rd annual international
the Los Angeles Jewish Com-
and leadership training insti-
convention and leadership
munity Council, and former exe-
tute at the University of Il-
training institute at the Uni-
cutive secretary of AZA.
linois here.
versity of Illinois here,
1954 - Samuel D. Gershovitz,
The unique innovation in BBG
George Lefcoe, 18-year-old
New York - executive vice-
community service programming
Dartmouth College sopho-
president of the National Jewish
shared the spotlight with con-
more from Miami, Fla., was
Welfare Board.
vention elections which saw Anne
elected the 32nd Grand
1955-Dr. Joseph D. Lohman,
Goldstein of Silver Spring, Md.,
Chicago, Ill. - Sheriff of Cook
Aleph Godol in AZA history.
named international BBG presi-
County, Ill., and former chair-
Named to serve with Lefcoe
were: Dave Cantor of Boston,
Anne, a 17-year-old freshman
Mass., grand aleph s'gan, and
at the University of Maryland,
Yale Rosenberg, Houston, Texas,
heads a slate of top executives
grand aleph mazkir. Leon Gins-
which includes: Deborah Getzik,
berg, past international GAG
17, Philadelphia, Penna., a high
was elected grand aleph kohen
school senior, first vice-president;
godol by acclamation.
Elaine Gilner, 16, Atlanta, Ga.,
a high school senior, second vice-
AZA's new slate of top officers
president; and Cindy Towsner, 17,
are all veterans of the youth
Silver Spring, Md., a high school
CONGRATULATIONS. The two new chief executives of BBG and
senior, secretary. Sharon Blanck,
AZA beam congratulatory smiles at each other at their first meeting
Lefcoe is a past District 5
1955-56 international president,
at the University of Illinois. Anne Goldstein, of Silver Spring, Md.,
godol and one-time international
will serve as counselor.
and George Lefcoe, of Miami, Fla., racked up a clean sweep for
membership chairman. Cantor, 20-
150 Attend
District 5 at the international parleys. It is the first time in BBYO
year-old senior at Boston Uni-
history that the BBG and AZA presidents are from the same district.
Some 150 teen-age delegates,
versity, served last year as AZA
International Human Relations
representing the more than 16,000
B'nai B'rith Girls throughout the
Twin B'nai B'rith Colonies
chairman. Rosenberg, 18, a sopho-
United States and Canada, heard
more at Rice Institute, was 1955-
their parents praised for adopting
56 international leadership train-
a more liberal atttitude toward
In Israel Get Major
ing chairman.
youth behavior. Mrs. Louis Perl-
A highlight of the parley, at-
man of Chicago, president of the
tended by some 165 boys
B'nai B'rith Women's Supreme
AZA Convention Attention
from all over the United
Label A. Katz
Council and one-time chairman of
States and Canada, and Ivan
AZA's Distinguished Alumnus
BBG Advisory Board, told dele-
Champaign, Ill.
Lester, president of the BBYO
for 1956
gates that more enlightened par-
Council of Great Britain, was the
ent-child relationships are elim-
Looking to the early fulfillment of its Bellefaire and
presentation of the "1955 AZA
man of the National Capital
inating a major cause for
Henry Monsky B'nai B'rith Building pledges, the 1956 Inter-
Sam Beber Distinguished Alum-
Planning Commission under ex-
youthful rebellion against
nus Award" to Dr. Joseph D.
national AZA Convention here selected the twin B'nai B'rith
President Harry S. Truman.
Lohman of Chicago, Sheriff of
colonies in Israel, Ramat Tzvi and Moledeth B'nai B'rith as
Cook County, Illinois. Dr. Loh-
Given Annually
A former vice-chairman of the
(See BBG, Page 7)
the sole International Community Service projects until the
man, a one-time member of AZA
The Sam Beber Distinguished
in Denver, Colorado, was the fifth
1958 conclave.
Alumnus Award, named in honor
recipient of the award, which is
At the same time, a Service
of the man who founded AZA in
BBYA Launches
given annually to an AZA alum-
1924-Sam Beber, now of Park
Fund was set up to handle future
nus who has made notable con-
Colonies Products
Forest, Ill.-is given annually to
Member Drive
fund-raising activities.
tributions in the Jewish or gen-
a one-time member of AZA who
Of BB Interest
With $2100 of the $2500 Belle-
eral communities,
has made outstanding contribu-
A stepped-up drive to recruit
Moledeth B'nai B'rith and
faire pledge already "in the till,"
Sheriff Lohman, a national
tions to the general or American-
graduating alephs and BBG's into
the Service Committee under the
authority on juvenile delinquency,
Ramat Tzvi, the twin Israeli
Jewish communities.
BBYA's ranks has been an-
is a former chairman of the Na-
colonies which will be recipi-
chairmanship of Steve Schilder,
Mr. Katz joined the New Or-
nounced by Charlene Lipsitz, In-
Brooklyn, N.Y., will focus di-
tional Capital Planning Commis-
ents of BBYO support this
leans B'nai B'rith Lodge No. 182
ternational BBYA Membership
year, are both products of
rectly upon the completion of
(See AZA, Page 8)
when he was 21, and very quickly
chairman, on behalf of the order's
B'nai B'rith interest in the
their goal. To insure its success,
he was named to a steady suc-
executive board.
Jewish state,
the Convention body directed that
cession of important organiza-
Efforts will be made during
Moledeth, founded in 1938
no national fund-raising project
Where To Find It
tional posts which culminated in
this month to enroll outgoing or
with an initial B'nai B'rith
be promoted until the Bellefaire
1953 in his election as president
recently-graduated members of
grant of $100,000, is an attrac-
campaign was over.
Aleph Godol's Message
of the B'nai B'rith District Grand
AZA and BBG. To help with its
tive and relatively thriving
While pressing the Bellefaire
Page 3
Lodge No. 7. He achieved recog-
month-long membership cam-
community. All production is
project, the National Committee
BBG President's
nition on a national scale in 1955
paign, SHOFAR is carrying a
carried on cooperatively by
will prepare to launch its cam-
Page 7
when the B'nai B'rith Youth Com-
membership clip-out form on
the 75 families who live there.
paign for the new Service Fund.
mission elected him its National
page 7 of this issue.
As presently constituted, the
BBYA President's
Ramat Tzvi is a small-hold-
Chairman. Prior to that he had
Charlene points out that com-
ers settlement with the only
Service Fund will include the
Page 2
served as his District Grand
pletion of the form is in no way
cooperative features being
Henry Monsky Building and the
Chapter Chatter
Page 8
Lodge's representative to the
an obligation to join. "We sim-
buying and selling. The colony,
"Twin Colonies." In setting up
Names In The News
Commission - a post, incident-
ply want to have the opportunity
less financially able than Mole-
the Fund, the National Executive
Page 8
ally, he continues to hold.
of approaching you with the
deth, is in great need of a
Board was empowered to divide
Program Corner
Page 2
A graduate of Tulane Univer-
merits of our BBYA programs,"
school building.
funds received in the BBYO Na-
What Do You Think
Page 2
(See ALUMNUS, Page 2)
she says.
(See ISRAEL, Page 3)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 8, October 1956
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.