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Ida Weis Chapter of B'nai B'rith Minutes, March 20, 1950
The monthly meeting of the Ida Weis Chapter of the B'nai Brith was held at
8:00 P.M., Monday evening, March 20, 1950 at the Jewish Community Center.
There were 38 members present. The meeting was called to order by Mrs.
Sam Alextander, President, and the minutes of the meeting held February 6,
by the Board taken by Miss Terese Irwin in the absence of the Secretary
were read and approved. Mrs. Wilfred Gehr, Treasurer submitted her report
which reads as follows:
Balance in Bank Feb. 12, 1950 $1364,91
Receipts February
Receipts for March
Disbursements & allocations
to District
Balance as of Mar. 20
Correspondence read from Mrs. Leon Rittenberg of the Jewish Welfar Fund
`requesting that we try and get people interested in the JWB 1950 Campaign
Drive which starts April 10th. They are also xxxx asking for suggestions
and the names of new members.
A resolution was passed by the B'nai Brith women's organization stating
"The Bnai Brith Council of of New Orleans will endorse the Jewish
Community Fund Raising Drive and will will urge its respective members and
young organizations to support the drive."
A letter was also read by Miss Elfenbaum asking for endorsement of the new
Crescent City Chapter of Young Women.
Miss Terese Irwin asked that a motion be made and sent to Miss Jean Laughman
requesting information regarding the new chapter, namely the Crescent City
Chapter, and discussion was held.
Motion was made by Miss Irwin to ask Miss Laughman regarding the formation of
a new chapter, also in this letter remark regarding the attitude of the new
chapter in not requesting permission. Also that a letter be sent to the
President of the District, Miss Meriam Weiss to determin why she did not
inform Mrs. Alexander, President of these facts. Motion passed.
Mrs. William Mayer, Budget Chairman, submitted a revised budget for 1949 and
1950 and moved that this budget be adopted. motion passed.
Mrs. Ben Buckman, A.D.L. Chairman gáve her report which reads as follows:
Letters announcing our guest speaker, Mr. Henry Epstein on Tuesday, March 14th
were sent to all our members. She attended a luncheon at Antoines for Mr.
Epstein at which time a New Orleans A.D.L. Council was formed. Mr. Eldon
Lazarus was elected chairman of the Council with the representative of the
N.O. Chapter as vice-chairman. Mr. Jerry Goldman, Mr. Levy, and Mrs. Buckman,
Mr. Brant Coopersmith wase elected executive secretary.