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Minutes of the Executive Council, Supreme Advisory Council, March 24, 1940
March 24, 1940
Chicago, Ill.
ATTENDANCE: The semi-annual meeting of the executive committee of
the Supreme Advisory Council was held in Chicago, Ill., at the
Covenant Club on Sunday, March 24, 1940, with Sam Beber presiding.
Other members of the committee present were Sidney G. Kusworm,
Dayton, O.; Philip M. Klutznick, Omaha, Nebr.; Nicholas M. Brazy,
Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Joseph Borenstein, Chicago, Ill.; Julius Atinsky,
Milwaukee, Wis.; and Julius Bisno, Washington, D.C. Visitors
present were Max Chomsky and Gilbert Madiefsky, Detroit, Mich.
Yudell Luke, Champaign, Ill.; Edward Cohn, Al Jacobson, Ben z.
Glass, Sydney Lavine, and Ted Perlmutter, Chicago, Ill.; and Herb
Gronik, Lou Silberman, Morris Silberman, and Ben Ulevitch of
Milwaukee, Wisc.
CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS: It was moved, seconded, and passed that
the request of the Houston chapter 136 and the New Bedford aleph
club for constitutional amendments be denied.
It was moved, seconded, and passed that the petition of Joshua
chapter 49 to amend their constitution to prevent any aleph being
elected to the office of aleph godol unless he has been in the
chapter for at least one year, be grant ed.
Moved, seconded, and passed that the petition of the Warburg chapter
309 to amend their constitution be granted.
ALUMNI: Moved, seconded, and passed that the executive director
be instructed to advise Pittsburgh that as soon as the S.A.C. has
promulgated rules with regard to alumni associations, that they
will be advised, but that in the meantime, the executive committee
has no authority to approve the constitution of the Pittsburgh
Alumni Association.
EASTERN REGION DISTRICT 7: Moved, seconded, and passed that the
constitution of the Eastern Region of District 7 be approved as
submitted, provided that the word "Grand" is deleted from the title
so that same throughout will read "Regional Council instead of
"Regional Grand Council".
CHANGE IN NAMES: Moved, seconded, and passed that the following
petitions for change in names be approved: Temple Beth El of
Rockaway Park aleph club to Rockaway Park aleph club; Baltimore
aleph club to Monumental City aleph club; London aleph club to
Forest City aleph club; Palomise chapter 337 to Emmanuel chapter 337.