Julius Bisno to Aleph Mazkirs of Chapters and Aleph Clubs Memorandum, March 14, 1940
Supreme Advisory Council Junior B'nai B'rith
1003 K Street, N. W.
March 14, 1940
Aleph Mazkirs of
Chapters and
Aloph Clubs
Dear Aloph Mazkir:
I am he rewith enclosing the latost list of names and
,ddresses of aleph mazkirs of chapters and aleph clubs.
In addition, you will find enclosed a copy of tho latest
list of books available in the A.Z.A. Free Circulating
Library. Please call this to the attention of your
Additional copies are available upon request.
I just received word that the chapter at Loods, England
will be installed officially on March 31 at the Jubilee
Hall, Saville Rd., Loods. Ploase sond official word of
congratulations from your chaptor to their advisor,
Mr. Louis Wigoder, 134 Chapoltown Rd., Loods, England.
Remombor that lottors to England should have a fivo cent
(56) stamp and be sure and mark on the outsido of the
onvolopo, "No Moncy Valuo".
Sincerely and fratornally,
Excentivo BISNO Director Bisno
CC-Exceutivo list
Sam Beber
Jacob J. Lieberman
Joseph Herbach
Julius Bisno
Ben Barkin
Hyman Goldstein
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Executive Director
Ass't Executive Director
Omaha, Nebr.
Los Angeles, Calif.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Washington, D. C.
Washington, D. C.
Washington, D. C.
Julius Atinsky
Maurice Bisgyer
Joseph Borenstein
Nicholas M. Brazy
Alfred M. Cohen
Louis Cohen
Milwaukee, Wisc.
Washington, D. C.
Chicago, III.
Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ft. Smith, Ark.
Wilfred B. Feiga
1. F. Goodman
Philip M. Klutznick
Sidney G. Kusworm
Henry Monsky
Jack Spitzer
Worcester, Mass.
San Antonio, Texas
Omaha, Nebr.
Dayton, Ohio
Omaha, Nebr.
Los Angeles, Calif.