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- AZA Dinner-Dance to Commemorate 50 Years of Brotherhood Newspaper Clipping, October 2, 1974
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AZA Dinner-Dance to Commemorate 50 Years of Brotherhood Newspaper Clipping, October 2, 1974
October 2, 1974
Page Seven
AZA Dinner-Dance to Commemorate 50 Years of Brotherhood
and BBG: the young adults pro-
paid AZA executive. Philip Klutz-
exhibits and concerts (cultural)
A representative from each
Light Associate Editor
gram has since been integrated
nick, who then received a $25-a-
Harris emphasized, "One of the
B'nai B'rith Lodge and B'nai
When past and present
into the adult B'nai B'rith.
month salary, journeyed here, and
basic objectives of BBYO is to
B'rith Women Chapter form the
members of Aleph Zadik Aleph
AZA has come far since its mod-
AZA No. 28 was off and running.
stress the democratic small-group
St. Louis B.B. Young Adult Com-
est beginnings in Omaha to be the
'The first meeting was held in my
process and the informal educa-
mittee, chaired by Bonnie Solo-
gather for a 50th anniversary
largest Jewish youth organization
parents' home. recalled Kranz-
tional sharing and learning and
mon (Mrs. Barry), and various St.
dinner-dance, they not only
in the world, and St. Louis AZA is
berg. "and I retained my interest
maturing and growth. These are
Louisans also have volunteered
will be celebrating 50 years of
proud to be a part of that tradition.
in AZA for many years, later serv-
not merely recreational groups,
their services over the years to the
the organization's existence,
maintained Blumenthal and Har-
ing as an advisor.
but they are groups that are ori-
National B.B. Youth Commission:
but 50 years of brotherly love,
Many other professional and
ented towards strengthening Jew-
Morley Gluskoter, Mrs. David
The growth of AZA here has
volunteer staff members followed
ish identity and community con-
Blumoff, Mrs. Sidney Goldberg,
benevolence and harmony, for
been linked closely with the
Klutznick to help AZA, and later
cern through cooperation between
the late Judge A. B. Frey, Mrs.
which the letters AZA stand.
growth of various other commun-
BBG and BBYO. get off the
idealistic young people and knowl-
Hvman Weisman and Mrs. Albert
And at the event, planned for
ity organizations, and it is signifi-
ground: among them, Harri
edgeable, commited and well-
listed. were Robert Friedman,
Jules Dubinsky, Max Kleinbaum,
Gertrude Carnofsky, Esther Tiet-
elbaum. Felice Hoffman, Edna
Cherrick, Anita Rosenberg, Don
Feiner. Annette Mintz, Len Gra-
vitz. Marty Tessler, Mike Win-
throp, Neilson Goldman and Jack
Harris himself joined the BBYO
office in 1948, and today supervises
all of District No. 2, which includes
Colorado, Indiana, Kansas. Ken-
tucky, Missouri, New Mexico,
Ohio and Wyoming.
Both volunteers and staff have
nurtured AZA along until present-
ly, it encompasses a wide spec-
trum of programs. A number of
these activities take place at the
Jewish Community Centers Asso-
ciation, under a contractual
agreement between the two
groups. Aubrey Herman super-
vises the program at the JCCA.
and he is also the BBYO regional
director, in an area including St.
Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph and
Still today, the chapters follow
Bogen's Five-Fold and Full guide-
lines and Herman listed a few ex-
amples: participation in the Jerry
Lewis telethon, 'Adopt a Grand-
parent" program, group services
at hospitals and children's institu-
Sunday, Oct. 20, in the Starlight
cant to mention, said Harris, that
tions, letter-writing campaigns
trained adult volunteers, as well
Since its founding, an estimated
Roof of the Chase-Park Plaza
in 1927, the year AZA Chapter No.
against Arab terrorism, Soviet
as professional social group work-
10,000 persons and probably as
Hotel, members will have the
28 was formed in St. Louis, the new
Jewry rallies and the Jewish Fed-
ers with a strong Jewish back-
many ideas have gone into the
opportunity to reminisce about the
Young Men's Hebrew Association
eration-Israel Emergency Fund
making of AZA and the B'nai
good ol days in AZA, according to
building on Union and Enright was
Campaign (communal service)
Continued Harris, BBYO has the
B'rith Youth Organization, and no
David Blumenthal, chairman of
gym hockey, softball, basketball
distinction of being one of the first
doubt, many more will pass
the local AZA Golden Anniversary
Said Blumenthal, it was the
and bowling leagues (athletic)
organizations to democratically
through their ranks in the coming
Committee. Helping bring back
dedication of two volunteers,
creative services in members
involve both men and women,
those memories will be the
years. So if you want to join those
Mickey Kranzberg and Alvin
homes, institutes and AZA Sab-
youth and adult community repre-
featured guest of the event, David
who have made their mark on AZA
Wolff. that was responsible for the
bath nights (religious); computer
sentatives in one group. Coopera-
Blumberg, president of the In-
founding of AZA in St. Louis. To
dance and parties (social), and
tive youth and adult input into the
at the golden anniversary event,
ternational Order of B'nai B'rith
help them in their task, the first
workshops and attendance at art
program is vital, he added.
call David Blumenthal at 993-2271.
and a St. Louis AZA No. 28
The history of AZA on a national
Nizer Book, New Evidence Spur Son to Reopen Rosenberg Case
level actually began in 1923, said
Blumenthal and Stanley Harris,
violation of the 1971 freedom of
Klaus Fuchs of England, who
introduced as evidence at the trial.
Light Staff Writer
information act.
admitted giving information to the
Two sketches, presented at the
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
In the midst of Watergate
Meeropol believes that the
Russians, to Harry Gold, who
trial, one of the atom bomb and the
district director, in an interview
material on the case in the FBI
confessed to being a courier for
other of a lens mold, were later
with the Jewish Light. It was in this
and the recent political chaos
files will reveal the reasons why
Fuchs. Greenglass was implicated
found to be worthless
year that 15 boys around the age of
in the United States, which
David Greenglass testified against
as Gold's accomplice, and the
reproductions. Dr. Phillip
16 adopted the name Aleph Zadik
have provoked a climate of
brother-in-law Julius
Rosenbergs and Martin Sobel
Morrison, coholder of the patent
Aleph for their group, which in
distrust of the government, it
Rosenberg. Meeropol thinks it is
were charged as conspirators.
on the Nagasaki bomb, described
many ways emulated the fratern-
Besides the Rosenbergs, the
the first sketch as a "uselessly
ities of the time, with their rituals
is not surprising that Robert
partially because of conflicts
between the two men over
others served reduced prison
crude caricature.' Greenglass'
and the camaraderie which came
Meeropol, son of Julius and
business: more importantly,
boss said that the second sketch
with belonging.
Ethel Rosenberg, should work
however, he believes it was due to
In his speech, Meeropol pointed
did not show anything that could
But in 1924, taken as AZA's
toward reopening the
government coercion and the
be effectively used.
founding date, a 22-year-old
Creighton Law School graduate
Rosenberg Case. The
promise of governmental
Passport photos, claimed to be
protection for him and his wife,
taken by Greenglass on the
Sam Beber, concerned with the
Rosenbergs were sent to the
suggestion of Rosenberg, should
number of young men drifting
electric chair in 1953 on a
Robert is presently on leave
the former have to flee the country
away from Judaism and aiming to
charge of "conspiracy to
from teaching anthropology at
with his family, were the wrong
establish a junior B'nai B'rith, or-
commit espionage.'
Western New England College in
size and pose for passport
ganized the group nationally. Its
Springfield, Mass. His traveling
Supreme Advisory Council was
expenses are being financed by the
Various pieces of evidence con-
formed. and an organizational
cerned Harry Gold. A cut Jell-O
meeting was held in Omaha, the
In addition to the case against
box top was presumably used as a
city whose group was granted the
the government, in June 1973, the
code for the meeting of Gold and
first charter and dubbed Mother
Meeropols filed a $3 million
Greenglass in Albuquerque, N.M.
Chapter of Aleph Zadik Aleph for
lawsuit against Louis Nizer.
As the two men met to exchange
Young Men.
author of The Implosion
information, Gold produced his
The prospect of AZA caught on
Conspiracy. They charged him
half of the top, previously cut by
immediately, and within two
with copyright infringement, (the
Rosenberg, and matched it with a
months. chapters had been formed
copyright of their parents
piece in the possession of
in Kansas City Lincoln, Neb.. and
published prison letters which
Des Moines, and it was just one
they own) defamation of
Meeropol noted that the original
year later that it was recognized
character and invasion of
top was never produced at the
by B'nai B'rith.
Emanuel Bloch, attorney for
trial 'The evidence only indicated
Two of the early leaders who
Robert noted a reference to
Julius Rosenberg, accompanies
that Greenglass could cut the top,
also helped get AZA on its feet
himself, during his recent speech
the Rosenberg children (from left)
he added sarcastically.
were Philip M. Klutznick, who fol-
at Graham Chapel, Washington
Michael, 10, and Robert, 6, after
At the meeting, Gold also was
lowed Beber in heading AZA, and
University, and at the Jewish
visiting their parents at "Death
accused of saying, "I come from
Dr. Boris D. Bogen, who developed
Community Centers Association,
Julius,' another part of the code to
the Five-Fold and Full program,
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg make
Row." (Implosion Conspiracy Photos)
which still forms the basis of
their way toward prison.
in the book on page 23, whereby he
indicate that Gold was part of the
(Implosion Conspiracy Photo)
is called a neurotic child, shunted
out each piece of evidence that he
conspiracy. Before the trial, Gold
AZA chapters: religious, social.
aside for political activity by his
feels was unfairly used against his
told the FBI that he remembered
athletic, cultural and communal
Robert and his brother Michael
parents. He emphasized that his
parents in the government's
the name as being, "Benny." It
service activities.
have been touring the country,
parents were not convicted of child
was the FBI that suggested
The organization was so suc-
speaking on behalf of the National
neglect but for conspiracy. At the
According to him, one of the
"Julius;" at which point, Gold
cessful that a women's counter-
Committee to Re-Open the
end of the book, both sons are
most objectionable parts of the
agreed. Gold also claimed that he
part, B'nai B'rith Girls, was
Rosenberg Case (NCRRC). Their
described as "beautiful American
entire trial was that all the
had never met the Rosenbergs.
formed in Seattle in 1926 "It's in-
main objectives are: to vindicate
citizens, suggesting that they
evidence came from
teresting to note, said Harris,
their parents; bring the 1951
coconspirators. About a hundred
In another trial, before the
repudiated their parents.
"that AZA had its beginning in the
Justice Dept. prosecutors, Irving
The Rosenberg Case was
nuclear scientists were on the list
Rosenbergs' it was disclosed that
Midwest and BBG on the West
H. Saypol and Roy Cohn, to trial
triggered by the 1949 explosion of
to testify, but only one did.
Gold created stories about his life,
Coast, not in the East. Young
and eventually see them "behind
the atom bomb by the Russians, at
The first item presented by
that he lived in a world of fantasy.
adults groups were also founded
bars for suborning perjury
a time presumed to be too soon for
Meeropol was a console table.
At the time of the Rosenbergs
B'nai B'rith Young Men and B'nai
violation of civil rights and
their development of it, according
charged by the government as
trial, Gold was under a 30-year
B'rith Young Women, and in 1944,
obstruction of justice, and gain
to the U.S. government. Then-
being a gift from the Russians that
sentence for espionage, and he
B.B. formed a Youth Commission
access to all the FBI files in the
contained a hollowed-out section
served as a witness for the
President Harry S Truman sought
with jurisdiction over all four pro-
case to determine the truth about
to find the spies that apparently
used for microfilming. The
grams, which were growing rapid-
the Rosenbergs' conviction. (The
leaked the secret of the atom
Rosenbergs testified that they had
Gold's registration card at a
ly. Today. a B'nai B'rith Youth Or-
Meeropols charge that the FBI's
purchased the table for $21 at
hotel in Albuquerque, supposedly
ganization is comprised of AZA
refusal to open the files is a
The conspiracy line ran from
Macy's. The table was never
(See MEEROPOL, Page 15)
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AZA Dinner-Dance to Commemorate 50 Years of Brotherhood Newspaper Clipping, October 2, 1974
This article discusses a dinner-dance held in St. Louis, Missouri, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of BBYO. A brief summary of the history of AZA and several photographs are included.