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- Many Attend Reception of Rabbi J.M. Charlop, Newly Elected Orthodox Leader Newspaper Clipping
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Many Attend Reception of Rabbi J.M. Charlop, Newly Elected Orthodox Leader Newspaper Clipping
violation of the Mann Act and the
ing if they were 100 per cent Amer-
other for murder."
ican. I wonder if the heroic charge
Himself a Protestant, Glasser point-
Class Formed by Aleph Zadi Alep
at Belleau Wood in the salient which
Club-All Are Asked to Join.
emanded Wreath
ed out that more than half the army
om Grave.
commanded by Washington and
marked the turning, carried out by
Lafayette at the birth of the Republic
Jews of the Seventy-seventh Division,
were of the Catholic faith.
recruited in the east side of New
wouldn't join an anti-Klan organ-
York, was an un-American act.
Twelve young men organized
Aleph Zadi Aleph Study Class to me
A.) Dr. Isaac
Saturday evening at clock at th
ar Rockaway, de-
ned denunciation
Mother'and Daughter
Many Attend Reception
Jewish Community Center under th
direction of Mr. Judah L. Woolfson
who intruded
Evening Planned By
Cedarhurst, L. I.,
Rabbi J. M. Charlop, Newly
who is an instructor at the City Ta
mud Torah.
was dedicated to
Members of Y. W.
Elected Orthodox Leader
The next class will be held this Sa
ade the suppeme
urday evening at 7:30 at the Jewis
rld War. There
Interesting Program to Be Presented
Interesting Program Held at
Community Center. Although
mmages as mem-
for Mothers.
class is being sponsored by the Alep
Legion tried to
Zadi Aleph club, all Jewish boys ove
away from the
16 years of age are eligible to join
ers of the hooded
Jewish literature and Jewish histor
are the subjects of study at thes
Vickersham, head
A Mother and Daughter evening, to
Post and son of
Installation of Rabbi J. M. Charlop
which all young women and their
as rabbi of four orthodox Jewish con-
Mr. S. H. Schaefer and Dr. Phili
im; C. C. Adams
mothers are invited, is being planned
gregations of the city took place Sun-
Sher, who have been endeavoring
others prominent
by members of the Y. W. H. A. to be
day evening at a service at B'nai Is-
establish such a class to instruct th
including many
given at the Jewish Community Cen-
rael synagogue, which was attended
Jewish boys in their traditions, his
away Hunt club,
ter early next month. Amportsment
by more than one thousand members
tory and literature, are both enthus
ontenders. They
of the affair was made at the meeting
of the four congregations.
astic in the work of this class. "Oma
at odds when a
of the Y last Monday night.
In connection with the service, the
ha has the example of several othe
ose son also was
This will be the third annual Mother
Jewish holiday Chanuka, or Feast of
cities in the establishment of a bibl
handed that the
and Daughter evening to be given by
Lights, was celebrated, with G. Freish-
class," said Mr. Schaefer. "St. Louis
ved because her
the Y. W. H. A., and the members of
tat as cantor, and twenty pupils of
for instance, has a large class. I kno
the tenets of its
the Committee are determined that it
Talmud Torah, the Jewish school,
many people, both old and young, wi
shall surpass the two previous affairs
singing the holiday hymn.
be interested to attend these classes.
tried to quell
in point of enjoyment and attendance.
The program opened with the sing-
Mr. Wolfson gave a short addres
suasion, but the
Ar most unusual program will be of-
of "America," led by Mrs. Max
at the last organization meeting. I
otter when Col-
fered, which will present to the moth-
Fromkin, with Miss Martye Weinstein
his address he said: "Many Chris
bed on the gran-
ers the abilities of their daughters.
accompanist. Oscar Weinstein played
tians are far more aware of the
ment and, using
The souvenirs of the affair will form
several cello solos, accompanied by
ish position in the history. of the worl
egged that both
an attractive surprise.
Mrs. Fromkin at the piano. Pupils of
than the maority of the Jews are
rested that as a
Members of the Committee arrang-
Talmud Torah from the South Side
For example, I recollect that when
th be deposited
ing the entertainment include Anne
sang two numbers, directed by Sam
was in college, when we studied th
exercises were
Selicow, chairman; Kate Goldstein,
Yaffe. Nathan Freishtat, 13, sang
Roman-Phoenician war, oui professo
Meryle Friedel, Ula Albert, Ann Free-
solos in Hebrew.
in telling us of the opposing leader
ie tattered sym-
man, Sadye Levey, Dora Greenberg
In the address of welcome Rabbi
said that Hannibal was Jewish, hi
Colonel, descend-
and Lottie Giventer.
P. Cehechanovitz, field secretary of a
name in Hebrew signifying "Graceful
his leg and start-
Places for the social will be 50 cents
Jewish theological school of New York,
man." Had the Carthagians been vic
fter that things
each and reservations must be made
read several letters from prominent
torious, continued the professor, th
it came Rabbi
in advance at the Y office in the Lyric
rabbis of this country and Europe,
world today would probably be a Jew
make the last
ish world instead of a Christian world
including one from Rabbi Cook of
Jerusalem, highly commending Rahbi
Although such facts may be of inter
at to the lawn
est to a Christian as historical facts
Charlop. S. Ravitz introduced Rabbi
Dr. Landman
Charlop to his new congregations.
think how much more significant the
efore the monus
In response Rabbi Charlop ad-
are to a Jew as legendary truth
Mr. Harry A. Wolf will be the prin-
dressed his audience in three lan-
which unfortunately are little know
Never have I
guages, Hebrew, English and Yiddish,
to the majority of the Jewish people.
with such deep
cipal speaker at the Annual Chanucka
program to be given by the City Sun-
stressing the moral need for parents
The text of the class will probabl
ent moment."
day School Sunday morning at ten
to guide their children in the Jewish
by Graetz' History of the Jews an
ng man named
the works of ancient and modern writ
on the assembly
o'clock, December 9, at the Binai Is-
faith and urging loyalty to its tenets.
The program closed with singing of
ers of Hebrew and Jewish literature.
peaker to shout,
rael Synagogue, Eighteenth and Chi-
on that monu-
cago streets. A play will be given by
the Jewish national hymn, "Hatik-
The class is now composed of Ab
the Confirmation Class and several vi-
Babior, Ben Bernstein, Max Givot
lan wreath put
Leonard Herman, Jerome Diamond
olin and piano solos will be given and
Harry Freed, Lester Lapidus, Harry
striding to the
also recitations by the members of the
Sidman, Barney Theodore, Sidne
finger straight
Sunday school.
Schiffer, Harry Wise, Sam Singer, Mr
Wolfson and Mr. Schaefer.
her your broth-
The annual election of the Omaha
The December meeting of the Board
her boys whom
Hebrew Camp, M. W. A. 4944 as
Directors of the Jewish Welfare
Jewish Women's Welfare Federa-