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Aleph Zadik Aleph Journal Clipping, March 1929
850 Words
Aleph Zadik Aleph
HE Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph of
Finally, the program of the A. Z. A. is
the Independent Order of B'nai
itself attractive. It is well rounded and
B'rith is the newest Jewish youth
runs the gamut of young men's needs and
movement in this country. There was or-
desires. It is not a playground for youth
ganized at Omaha, Nebraska, on May 3,
in any sense of the word; it mixes play with
1924, the first chapter of A. Z. A. So
serious work and everything is done in a
strong has been its appeal to the boys 16
Jewish environment. Its cultural program
to 21 years who compose its membership
is varied, unique, and interesting. Debat-
that 76 chapters are now to be found
ing and oratory on Jewish subjects are done
throughout this country and Canada.
on a national scale. Each year a tourna-
A. Z. A. aims to give Jewish youth an
ment, which also includes basketball, is
understanding of Jewish history and Ju-
held. First local and then district elimi-
daism; to develop in him a sympathetic
nations are held. After these are over,
appreciation and love of his religion and
the winning debaters, basketball players
his people; and to inspire him with a de-
and orators meet at some central point for
sire to help and to serve his people and
the finals. Debates and orations are on
subjects of Jewish interest.
How well A. Z. A. has succeeded in
For the past two years we have sponsored
carrying out its purposes can best be as-
national essay contest which has dealt
certained by actual contact with the boys
with "The Jew in Many and "The
who constitute its membership. Just to
Future of Judaism in America." Each
have watched the boys at one of their con-
chapter sponsors cultural programs period-
ventions or tournaments would convince
ically, and annually on the third Sunday
even the most skeptical that there is some-
in December, "National A. Z. A. Day" is
thing about the very atmosphere surround-
observed by public ceremonies in each
ing A. Z. A. that inspires the boy and at-
taches him more closely to his people.
The ritualistic services have a cultural
See how well it is equipped to do its
value and make a strong impress on the
work. In the first place it rests on a foun-
members. They portray the story of Juda
dation that is psychologically sound. It
Maccabeus and his brothers, and are sym-
takes the boy at the impressionable stage
bolic of the age old combat of darkness
and places him in company with other boys
and intolerance versus enlightenment and
of the same age. It does not make the mis-
in Denverthe
take of trying to mix boys of widely vary-
At the last A. Z. A. convention, Dr. Boris
ing ages. Neither does it mix boys and
D. Bogen, secretary of the B'nai B'rith, out-
girls in the same group.
lined a program of work for the A. Z. A.
Each chapter has an advisory board
that was instantly adopted. It includes a
made up of senior B'nai B'rith men who
study of religious rituals by visitation to
serve in a purely advisory capacity. Thus,
all the various temples and synagogues; the
the boy is furnished with guidance and
establishment of national A. Z. A. Sabbath,
on which occasion special A. Z. A. ser-
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Aleph Zadik Aleph Journal Clipping, March 1929
This article presents Sam Beber's overview of AZA as a Jewish youth organization in the United States.