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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 12, February 20, 1936
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 12, February 20, 1936
February 20, 1936
No. 12
A. C. Moves
Southern Calif. Regional Council
Lay Plans For
Camp Conclave
and Larger Offices In
Important Actions by S. A. C
Brandeis Theatre
Executive Committee
Meeting at Omaha
Supreme Advisory Council
Tentative plans for the Thir
the Fraternity announces the
teenth International Convention to
oval of its International Head-
be held next summer in southern
arters from 508-12 Omaha Na-
California were formulated at a
al Bank Bldg. to the following
meeting of the Executive Commit
address: 609-15 Brandeis The-
tee of the Supreme Advisory Coun
cil in Omaha on February 16. For
The interest on the part of a
mal endorsement of the joint Dis
stain prominent member of
tribution Committee and American
aha Jewry has made it pos-
Palestine campaigns, approval of
for the Headquarters to se-
six Aleph Club charters, 12
larger and more attractive
permanent charters and the revo
commodations at reduced rental.
cation of six existing charters
were some of the important mat
new suite consists of a
ters included on the agenda.
abination library and private
The contract between the Su
for the Executive Secretary,
joining private office for the
preme Advisory Council and the
sistant Executive Secretary, re-
Pacific Palisades Corp., ratified by
the Executive Committee, provides
room, a large work office
nisting of 330 square feet of
that the A.Z.A. will have exclu
for the under secretaries,
Officers of the Council, left to right, first row: Bruce Stern,
sive use of the Assembly Grounds
Bess Stalmaster, Miss Mar-
Regional Aleph Kohen Godol; Abe Rosensweig, Regional Aleph Sopher.
west of Santa Monica for one
Kaplan and Miss Sylvia Let-
Center: Averill Pasarow, Regional Aleph Gisbor; Jack Spitzer, Re-
week, beginning Monday morning
This large office also pro-
gional Aleph S'gan; Mayer Frieden, Regional Aleph Godol and Con-
July 20, and closing Monday morn-
ample space for files, supply
vention Chairman; Herb Geldberg, Regional Aleph Mazkir. Back
ing, July 27. Approximately 700
nets and office equipment.
row: Arthur Haskel. Junior Deputy; Charles Dell Rubin, Senior
boys will be accommodated at the
suite also includes a special
Deputy; Larry Evenburg, Regional Aleph Shotare Godol; Morris Klein,
camp, which is completely equip-
for stock, supplies, shipping,
Regional Aleph Shotare Kotone; and Walt Hadel, Regional Field
ped with modern cottages, dining
room, auditorium with seating ca-
pacity of 1,200, and athletic fields.
were elected to office and these
Registration fee will be ten dol-
Macrh Program
(Editor's Note: This is the first
Alephs have taken a firm grasp
lars, including board, room and
of a series of articles by Herbert
of the activities of the Region and
entertainment for the week.
Features Sabbath
Kalman, of Santa Monica, Chair-
are now making elaborate plans
man of Publicity for the 13th In-
for the next camp convention.
Bisno Director
ternational Camp Convention.)
Here they are, Brother Alephs,
Julius Bisno, Executive Secre-
the officers of the Southern Cali-
tary, was named camp-convention
the receipt of this issue of
Southern California-the site of
the 1936 International A. Z. A.
fornia Regional Council who you
director. The assistant director
Shofer, the Aleph Godol and
will see and hear a lot more of
will be Max Baer, the Assistant
Camp Convention, is generally rec-
of Advisory Boards will
ognized as one of the most active
at the next convention and from
Executive Secretary. Negotiations
received the March issue of
A. Z. A. Regions in the entire or-
time to time in The Shofer.
are now being conducted for the
A. Z. A. Monthly Program,
Regional Aleph Godol Mayer
engagement of a medical director
features complete plans and
der. Almost no other Region can
Frieden, Huntington Park Chap-
and assistants, athletic and water-
boast of some 11 Chapters, which
for the observance of
go to make up the Southern Cali-
ter 170 who was unanimously
front directors and assistants, di-
ernational A. z. A. Sabbath,
fornia Regional Council. The
elected. Twice Aleph Godol and
rector of religious activity, enter-
commences Friday evening,
Council consists of the following
twice Aleph Mazkir of his own
tainment director, camp adjutant.
27. Section two of the
outstanding Chapters: Los An-
Chapter, past District Aleph So-
In addition, the Southern Califor-
is devoted to plans for
pher and at present time the Dis-
nia Regional Council will select a
geles 43, Pasadena 48, Santa Mon-
which falls on Sunday,
ica 53, San Diego 122, Nathan
trict Aleph Mazkir of the Western
number of co-operating commit-
Straus 141, Hollywood 149, Hunt-
worth-while suggestions
ington Park 170, Cedars of Leban-
Regional Aleph S'gan - Jack
Permanent Charters Granted
given in the pages to be dis-
on 194, Greater Harbor 196,
Spitzer, Hollywood Chapter 49-
Aleph Clubs that were granted
to the chairman of the
Friendship 235, and Long Beach
President of the Religous Confer-
permanent chapter status are:
Social Service, Cultural,
Aleph Club 250.
ence at the University of Califor-
Reading 203, Reading, Pa.; A. A.
and Athletic Committees.
A short time ago, the Council
nia at Los Angeles and twice
of Cleveland 209, Cleveland, Ohio;
program is sixty-three pages
was completely re-organized. In-
Aleph Gizbor of his own Chapter.
Ceramic City 233, E. Liverpool,
length. If you are chairman
stead of the Senior and Junior
Regional Aleph Mazkir-Herb
Ohio: Convention City 236, Atlan-
important committee, get
Deputies conducting the affairs of
Geldberg, Los Angeles Chapter 43
tic City, N. J.; Mansfield 237,
program pages" from the
the Region, various outstanding
-twice Aleph Mazkir and Aleph
Mansfiel Ohio; Wilmington 164,
Godol at the next meeting.
Alephs of +'ve various Chapters
(Continued on Page 4)
(Continued on Page 4)
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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 12, February 20, 1936
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.