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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 13, March 1, 1936
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 13, March 1, 1936
March 1, 1936
No. 13
ushing Off On
Raise Third Of
Speaking Tour
Lapidus Money
urty-Nine Speaking Engage-
Brazy Will Continue Drive
ments; Two Months
Until Full Quota Is
On Road
Alumnus Allen Cushing of Bos-
In a report under date of Feb-
in his younger days did not
ruary 26, 1936, submitted to the
lieve in "See America First."
Supreme Advisory Council, Mr.
stead, he spent months abroad,
Nicholas Brazy of Fort Wayne,
dying and touring Europe and
Indiana, National Chairman of the
But, now, because he has
Lapidus Forest Memorial, shows
mething important and interest-
that over one-third of the quota,
to tell, he will see a greater
$654.72, has been raised to date
of the United States within
for the establishment of a forest
next few months. On Satur-
of 1,000 trees in Palestine, in
evening, March 7th, he will
memory of Harry H. Lapidus, for-
Boston on an A. Z. A.
merly treasurer of the S. A. C.,
eaking Tour that will carry him
who died in 1931.
(Continued to Page 4)
The campaign, which was to
Above are pictured some of the leaders of New England A. z. A.,
have terminated last month, will,
istrict No. 6
taken at the final banquet of the Worcester Tournament. Seated, left
according to Brazy, continue un-
to right: Joseph Goldberg, President of Worcester Lodge, B'nai B'rith;
til the entire quota of $1,500 is
Chapters In
Wilfred B. Feiga, Worcester, representative of District Grand Lodge
raised. Brazy's decision to do
No. 1 on Supreme Advisory Council and First Vice-President of the
this is attributed to his confidence
B. B. Contest
district; and Dr. Harold S. Gorney, Boston, International A. z. A.
in the assurances that have been
Deputy. Standing, left to right: Charles Jainchill, Hartford, A. z. A.
forthcoming from chapters
Field Secretary; Marston Becker, Aleph Godol of Worcester No. 52
October 23rd, notice was
throughout the country that are
and General Chairman of Tournament; and Haves, New Haven,
conducting local projects at the
to the Advisors of all chap-
Grand Councillor and Aleph Godol of the New England A. z. A.
in District No. 6 of a contest
present moment in order to raise
ginated by I. B. Padway of Mil-
their quotas. The campaign was
aukee, President of District
officially opened on January 1st
Lodge No. 6, with a view
Middletown 174
William Cohen
but was slow getting under way
due to the many regional tourna
enlisting the aid of the
chapters in the district to
Host to Valley
Wins in A. Z. A.
ments and conferences being held
their alumni and parents to
at that time. Contributions are
the B'nai B'rith.
Basket Tourney
Chess Tournament
coming in every day and will con-
tinue to do SO in accordance with
the chapter reporting the
letters received from chapters
success in this work,
On March 8th, the Middletown
William Cohen won first place
from coast to coast, who are
upon the percentage of in-
chapter 174 will welcome the six
in the chess tournament sponsored
busily engaged in this fund-raising
from November 1, 1935, to
chapters of the Connecticut Valley
by Convention City Chapter 236.
1, 1936, President Padway
awarding a beautiful
Regional Council to the second
Second place was captured by Otto
54 Trees From Milwaukee
annual C. V. R. C. basketball tour-
By far the most splendid con-
of on entries Saturday, or following before chapters must must March ruling: 12 be trophy. be 14.
No. 6 are ad-
The chapter will hold an infor-
tribution to date was sent to the
All entries post-
The tournament is in the hands
mal dance on Saturday night,
chairman recently from the active
of Middletown's Alpeh S'gan, Max
March 14, in the Royal Palms
members, alumni and Advisors of
Dick, chairman, and Hertzel New-
Hotel. The affair will be a
Milwaukee Chapter 39. A check
berg, co-chairnman.
"Purim" celebration.
in the amount of $81 for fifty-four
S. Abrams, Director of
Registration will take place at
trees accompanied the following
12:30 p. m. in the Commercial
The Atlantic City invitation es-
letter sent by Ben Z. Glass, Ad-
Activities for B'nai B'rith
Gym, and basketball play will be-
say contest, sponsored by the two
visor of Milwaukee Chapter 39:
No. 6, Room 2045, 120
LaSalle Street, Chicago, Ill.
gin at 1:30. At the conclusion of
local A. Z. A. chapters and the
Mr. Nicholas Brazy, Chairman
B'nai B'rith, will close at the end
entries must be made re-
the games a C. V. R. C. Council
Lapidus Memorial Forest Commit-
of this month. All chapters in
to the names of those
meeting will be held in the local
the district have been invited to
and parents who have al-
B'nai B'rith meeting rooms.
113 West Wayne,
been initiated into the B'nai
take part.
Fort Wayne, Indiana.
In the evening there will be a
or who have signified their
Victory Dinner Dance, at which
The subject of the essay is "Tol-
Dear Nick:
of joining by petition of
time the Nathan H. Garber me-
erance." The winner will be pre-
Enclosed, please find the trib-
application and their nec-
morial cup will be presented to the
sented with the Perskie Trophy,
ute of the active members, alum-
winning team.
a large silver cup.
(Continued to Page 4)
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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 13, March 1, 1936
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.