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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 10, January 14, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 10, January 14, 1941
Official Organ Aleph 3adik Aleph of B'nai B'rith
JANUARY 14, 1941
No. 10
Jerry Safur
Passes Away
Birmingham, Ala.-The great-
In Chica go
est tournament in the history of
the Eastern Region of District 7
A. Z. A. convened in Birmingham,
Chicago, -"Thank A.-Z.-A. boys for everything," were the
Ala.. December 27, 28. and 29.
last words of plucky, smiling Jerry Safur-A. Z. A.'s iron lung Aleph
With approximately 200 Alephs
who passed away at Mt. Sinai hospital here last Wednesday, Jan-
enrolled, representing cities all
uary 8. Word was sent immediately to A. Z. A. headquarters by
over the south, the order met to
Sydney Lavine, Legion of Honor member, who had taken charge of
decide its policies for the coming
Jerry on behalf of the fraternity.
year, elect new regional officers,
Stricken in September, 1939,
compete culturally and athletical-
New York Finals
with infantile paralysis, Jerry,
ly, and enjoy the several social
who at the time was Aleph Godol
functions for which the Tourna-
of the Milwaukee A. Z. A. Coun-
ments are famous.
To Be Held
cil, aroused the interest of mil-
In the competition, Knoxville
lions of people throughout Amer=
emerged superior in oratory, Jules
Feb. 1-2
ica by his smiling determination
Finkelstein winning over six oth-
to get well. But the chances
er contestants to take first place.
were thousands to one. With the
Second place went to the host
New York, N. gala week-
possible exception of the Fred
chapter, Birmingham, and third to
end is set for the New York
Snite case, it was perhaps one of
the Crescent City Aleph Club of
Alephs on Saturday and Sunday,
the most complete cases of par-
New Orleans: The Chattanooga
February 1 and 2-with special
alysis in the entire country
debate team composed of Alephs
price rates for A. Z. A. men. The
Wise and Spector, defeated the
Shortly after he was stricken,
affair opens with a swellegant
Memphis team of Eugene Gold-
Jerry became the special ward of
dance Saturday night at the Hotel
berger and Ralph Dubrovner, to
his ten thousand brothers in A.
Riverside Plaza, West 73 street,
the medals in the debate com-
Z. A. who proceeded to go out
off Broadway. Here, besides danc-
petition. The Levin brothers, Mor-
Picture of Jerry Safur taken several months ago, Jerry's
and raise money in order to make
ing-to the tunes of one of New
ris and Ellis. of New Orleans,
doctors said that one of the reasons he put up such a remark-
available to Jerry the best that
York's better bands, the people
were third. In basketball, Birm-
able fight for life was the thousands of pep letters he received
modern science could provide. A
present will witness the cham-
ingham's fine team beat a fight-
from A. Z. A. members from all over America.
remarkable trip was successfully
pionship basketball game. This
ing five from New Orleans by the
undertaken when Jerry was trans-
game will be between the finalists
narrow margin of three points.
ferred in his iron lung from his
of the various borough tourna-
The cup annually awarded to the
home town of Milwaukee to the
ments and the winner will rep-
best all-round chapter went to the
resent New York at the District
Mt. Sinai hospital of this city,
Birmingham chapter.
where he was able to receive
1 Convention.
Ellis Levin, of New Orleans
every attention.
(See "Birmingham" Page 11)
Sunday-th Alephs will gath-
er at 2:30 in the Hotel Edison to
As a result of the interest of
witness the four borough finalists
Alephs throughout America, al-
orate and debate for the New
most $10,000 was raised through
Oaklane First to
York crown.
the A. Z. A.-Jerry Safur paralysis
6:00 p. m. Sunday night, the
fund. During the past year vir-
Pay 1941 Dues
Alephs who attend the dance will
tually the entire fund was spent
be the guests of New York A. Z.
in order to aid Jerry's recovery.
A. at a dinner at Rosoff's restau-
The fine care given Jerry un-
Lebanon, Pa. - Lebanon Chap-
rant on West 43rd street. Here
doubtedly resulted in many extra
Washington, D. C. The
ter 287 recently completed a cen-
an outstanding A. Z. A. person-
months of life for him.
Oaklane Chapter 363 of Phila-
sus of the complete Jewish popu-
ality will address the boys. At
delphia, Pa. was the first Chap-
lation of the city of Lebanon, its
this writing Mel Allen, CBS base-
home town.
ball announcer, is scheduled to
Benvaniste Marries
ter in the country to pay its
1941 semi-annual dues assess-
Aleph Mazkir Lester Benson,
Chairman of the Census Commit
Lebanon, Pa.-Reading from
speak, too.
ment when Ray Freudberg the
Aleph Godol of the Chapter
tee, was aided by Alephs Sidney
left to right are: Aleph Mazkir
The cost for the entire week-
Washington, D. C. The Na-
end in ONE DOLLAR. It includes
tional Office has just received
walked into headquarters on
Miller, Irvin Orel, George Shat-
Lester Benson, Rabbi Wolfgang
December 27 and laid down a
tles, and Bernard Bernstein, The
Kaelter, and Aleph Sidney Mill-
a couple or stag to the dance Sat-
word from the Sofia, Bulgaria,
city was divided into four sepa-
er, seated at the Rabbi's desk
furday night and the contests and
Chapter that Henry Benvaniste,
check for $32.00. The semi-
annual assessments had not
rate districts and the Alephs each
in the Beth Israel Synagogue
dinner on Sunday.
P. A. G., has just been married.
assigned to a certain district, ap-
and working on the results of
been figured yet, but Ray in-
In order to make the affair pay
Henry was in America during the
proached the Jewish families with
the recent census taken by the
each chapter in New York is
1938 Camp Convention, and, dur-
sisted that his Chapter's as-
sessment be figured immedi-
a questionnaire form drawn up by
Lebanon Chapter 287 of the
being requested to sell at least
ing that time, visited many Chap-
the committee.
Jewish population in the city
five tickets to outsiders at One
ters on his tour.
ately SO that they would have
of Lebanon,
Dollar per couple to the Cham-
the honor of being the first
The form consisted of inquiries
Chapter in the Order to pay its
as to the age. sex, and number of
pionship Basketball and
semi-annual assessment.
members of the family, as well as
New Radio Ham
dance Saturday night. The din-
Kahn Wins Oratory
All Aleph Mazkirs have re-
the individual's outside and Jew-
ner Sunday is a private party for
ceived statements showing the
ish affiliations. At the bottom of
Washington, D. C. A new
A. Z. A. only.
Hazleton, Pa. Hazleton 137
balances of their Chapter's ac-
the form a space was provided for
radio ham is on the A. Z. A. list.
The committee is working dili-
returned from the Wilkes-Barre
count and also showing the
suggestions by the family as to
Jack Silverstein, of Des Moines
gently to make this Second An-
Tournament with the basketball
of their Chapter's
the present and future needs of
Chapter 4, operates an amateur
nual Tournament Finals and Con-
and oratory trophies under their
semi-annula assessment. It is
the community.
station under the numbers of
vention of New York A. Z. A.
arms. P. A. G. Stuart Kahn rep-
urged by Julius Bisno, Execu-
The results were tabulated by
the grandest success yet.
resented the chapter in oratory.
tive Director, that the Chapters
the committee and handed over to
pay their assessments immedi-
Rabbi Kaelter to be used for com-
ately so that they wouldn't be
munity work.
Suggested Topics
Plan Dance for Ambulance Fund
worried with financial obliga-
tions to S. A. C. for the bal-
ance of the administration.
For Hebrew Letter
Washington, D. C. With
the judges for the Hebrew Let-
ter Writing Contest already
chosen. all that remains is for
the Alephs to begin writing
their letters. The rules for the
contest are to be found on
pages 37 and 38 of "Inside In-
formation." The subject of the
letter is left to the discretion
of the contestant.
Suggested subjects for the
Letter are: Jehudah Halevi
Hebrew in America: Palestine
and America; Chaim Nachman
Washington, D. C.-Pictured
subject of his own choosing,
Bialik: The Prophets and Jud-
above are the judges of the na-
however, it should be in the
aism: Hebrew Education To-
tional AZA Hebrew Letter
day; Hebrew and Yiddish
Witing Contest. (Left) Abra-
form of a letter to someone,
Letters must be written in
ham Goldberg, eminent He-
and should be between 500 and
long-hand, on one side of the
braist: (center) Dr. Israel
750 words. Entries must be in
sheet. The paper must be reg-
Efros, professor of Semitics at
National AZA Headquarters by
ulation 8 1/2 by 11 paper,
the University of Buffalo;
May 1. Judgment will be ren-
Kansas City, Mo.-This is the dance committee of the Heart
(right) Rabbi Aaron Opher, in-
dered 50 per cent on content
of America chapter drawing final plans for a benefit dance, the
structor at the Jewish Institute
and 50 per cent divided be-
proceeds of which are to be used for the Red Cross Ambulance
of Religion.
tween script, spelling and dic-
which the A. Z. A. chapters are to give to Great Britain through
An Aleph may write on any
the American Red Cross.
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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 10, January 14, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.