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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 11, January 28, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 11, January 28, 1941
Official Organ Aleph 3adik Aleph of B'nai B'rith
JANUARY 28, 1941
No. 11
Rally Plans Near Completion
Major Youth Groups
OUT FOR 1000
Throughout America
Atlanta, Ga.-Aaron Tollin of
Offer Cooperation
Chester, Pennsylvania, Grand
New Haven, Conn. - District
Aleph Godol of A. Z. A. during
Fort Wayne, Ind. Aaron
One holds its annual convention
1930-31; was today appointed Na-
Zucker, traveling field secre-
and tournament finals at New
tional Chairman of the Lapidus
tary of District Two, will head
Haven, Conn., February 22-24,
a n paign
with the Jos. H. Ullman and, Geo.
for 1000 new
Washington, D. C. Reports
eople League. Student Christian
A. Kohut chapters playing hosts.
Alephs, ac-
have been coming into A, Z. A.
Association, Junior Naval Re-
Nothing has been left undone in
cording to an
preparing for this convention and
Headquarters from every corner
serves, Y. M. H. A., Masada, Ne-
America telling of enthusiastic
gro Youth, public. schools and a
a gala turnout is expected at the
12th Annual Conclave of District
plans for the February "Youth
wide variety of local youth agen-
ment made
this week by
and Democracy" rallies to be held
Nicholas M.
by A. Z. A. in cooperation with
Outstanding Speakers
The Hotel Taft will be the
Brazy, dis-
local youth organizations. While
Symbolic of the democratic
scene of the convention activities
trict repre-
most of the rallies will be con-
character of the meetings was the
with the Jewish Center being the
sentative on
centrated during National Broth-
fact that a large proportion of
rallying point for the basketball
the Supreme
erhood Week (Feb. 22-28), oth-
them took place in public school
competitions. Registration is to
ers will be scattered throughout
buildings. Other meeting places
be held at the Taft starting on
Aaron Zucker
the month because of local con-
included city halls, churchs, syn-
Saturday, The first games of
Zucker, who is employed
basketball start Saturday night
flicts. An effort is being made
agogues, college auditoriums, war
full time by the District, will
at the Center. At the same time
in most communities to get Sun-
memorials, American Legion halls,
be assisted by Bernard ("B.
the district general committee for
day afternoon or evening, Feb-
Masonic temples, Y. M. C. A.
A. Z. A. will convene at the Taft
ruary 23rd.
buildings, open air assemblies, Y.
G.") Goldstein, Louisville, Ky.,
M. H. A., Elks halls and conven-
field secretary; Leonard Be-
to prepare for the week-end's ses-
Radio Broadcast
tion halls, Indicative of the wide-
love. A. Z. A. Director for
A feature of this year's rally
spread suplic support received by
Kansas City; Bob Friedman,
Burt Weithorn, District Aleph
which will tie-in the programs
the rallies was the character of
A. Z. A. Director for St. Louis;
Godol, raps the gavel on Sunday
throughout the nation, is the 15
speakers who addressed them.
Sid Franklin, A. Z.. Direc-
morning to open the business ses-
minute recorded broadcast fea-
Among the speakers were mayors,
tor for Cleveland; Hyman
sions. Committees will be offi-
Aaron Tollin
turing J. Edgar Hoover, Director,
S. Senators, college deans, pro-
Goldberg. Lorain, O., Grand
cially announced and the conven-
Memorial Fund campaign, accord-
of the Federal Bureau of Inves-
fessors, army and navy chaplains,
Councillor; and the following
tion sessions will be on. Taft
ing to an announcement by Grand
tigation, who will speak on
army oficers, clergymen, state of
regional deputies: Manny
will resound with debate prelimi-
Aleph Godol, Irving Kaler. At
"Youth and Democracy.' The re-
ficials, directors of state National
Stern (E. o. C.), Cleveland;
naries on Sunday afternoon, while
the same time Kaler announced
corded program will be sent free
Youth Administration offices, su-
Norman Weisman (Ind.), In-
basketball continues to hold the
that Past Grand Aleph Godol,
of charge to all local committees
perintendents of schools, Catholic,
dianapolis; Harry Goldstein
spotlight at the Center. The ora-
that secure radio time. Efforts
Protestant and Jewish clergymen,
Jack Finkelstein, of Fort Wayne,
(W. O. and Ky.), Columbus;
tory finals will be held Sunday
Boy Scout leaders. civic leaders,
Indiana, who has previously been
are being made to secure the
and Melvin Lenefsky (Rocky
afternoon, too, and at this writ-
social workers and newspaper edi-
appointed to head this committee
largest local radio outlet. Details
Mt.), Denver.
ing, arrangements are being made
had resigned because of the pres-
regarding the broadcast were sent
Editorial Comment
to secure one of America's out-
sure of personal commitments.
last week to chapter Advisors.
standing religious leaders to
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt,
At the present time, chapters
This year the local committees,
speak to the convention prior to
writing in her syndicated column,
throughout the country are at
working in some 200 cities, are
MY DAY. praised the rallies as
Haym Solomon,
the contest on the subject "Re-
work raising funds for the Lap-
making an effort to get out as
ligion in the Present Crisis."
showing that "youth can be stir-
idus Committee which this year
many youth as possible so as to
red to take an interest in citizen-
Maccabee, Victors
Sunday night, all the Alephs
will be used for the purchase of
reach a 200.000 attendance, and
ship" and evidencing the fact that
will relax in the grand ballroom
an ambulance for the American
if possible, to reach the quarter
"young people are less prejudie-
At Lowell Tourney
of the hotel and dance with their
Red Cross which in turn will be
million mark.
ed than older people." The Fort
sweethearts. Rudy Vallee will
sent to Great Britain.
Already advance stories are be-
Wayne Journal Gazette said the
present the band to the couples
Old-timers who have followed
ginning to appear in the nation's
local rally was "a meeting where a
Lowell, Mass.-The Tri State
in attendance. The dance will be
the progress of the fraternity,
press and frequently pictures of
premium is placed upon the aver-
Regional Tournament held here
semi-formal and the dating com-
consider Aaron Tollin as one of
the planning committee
age American's opportunity to see
found Maccabee victors in the
mittee is busy preparing the New
the most capable Grand Aleph
been run. Efforts are being made
and take part in democratic pro-
basketball finals, with the repre-
Haven beauties for the boys.
Godol in the history of the Order.
to get the newspapers to write
cedure." The Malden (Mass.)
sentatives of Haym Solomon
Many Alephs will then learn why
The National Committee that
special editorials commenting on
Press said this is "our idea of the
chapter of Dorchester winning the
boys go to Yale.
will assist Tollin is composed or
the importance of the rallies.
(See "Rallies" Page 8.)
debating and oratory honors.
Final sessions and elections
Maccabee found themselves facing
the following: District 1, Sydney
Last Year's Record
will keep the delegates busy Mon-
Hartnig, 1842 North St. Bridge-
Revere in the finals, while Haym
During February, 1940, repre-
day morning. In the afternoon
port, Conn.: District 2, Sam Gold-
Solomon faced Lowell in the de-
senatives of American youth or-
all sessions will be concluded and
S. A. C. to Present
man, 5842-a Enright St., St.
bating finals.
ganizations of all races, creeds
a get-together is being specially
Herbert Weinstein was elected
Louis, Mo.: District 3, Irving
and colors, having a combined
American Flags
prepared. Monday night all the
Rosner, 6138 Ridge Ave., Phila-
membership of 3,000,000, rededi-
Aleph Godol of the Tri-State Re-
Alephs and visitors in attendance
gional Council, while Sidney
delphia, Pa.: District 4, Irving
cated themselves to the democra-
For Best Rallies
will dine in the spacious dining
Green and Max Ross took the
Gartner, 5 E. Main, Stockton,
tic way of life at a series of si-
hall of the Taft to banquet at a
posts of Aleph S'gan and Aleph
Calif.; District 5, Sidney Gold-
multaneous nationwide youth and
Washington, D. C.-The Su-
specially prepared kosher meal.
stein, 90 Courtland Ave., Ashe-
democracy rallies held in over 200
preme Advisory Council will
Mazkir, respectively.
The New Haven hostelry is noted
The three-day tournament was
ville, N. C.: District 6, Sheldon
communities on Washington's
present large American Flags
for its fine meals. Dancing will
concluded with a banquet, at
Gensler, 1703 Morgan Ave. North,
Birthday under the auspices of
to those chapters that sponsor
follow the banquet with a sport
Minneapolis, Minn.; District 7.
Aleph Zadik Aleph and 30 differ-
which Charles Berman, Regional
the best rallies throughout the
dance for all.
Charles Moskowitz, 315 W. Gray
ent youth-serving agencies. Re-
country in connection with the
deputy; Haves, field secretary
The basketball games will be
Ave., Houston, Texas. The ad-
ports received at AZA headquart-
of District 1, and Maurice Glazer,
handled by special referees from
ers here indicated that over 100,-
"Youth and Democracy" Pro-
director of Greater Boston, were
dress of the new chairman is
000 young people attended these
gram during the month of
the Arnold college for gym in-
the guest speakers.
Aaron Tollin, Crozier Bldg., Ches-
meetings, the theme of which was
February. Last year American
structors with high school rules
ter, Pennsylvania.
youth's faith in and adherence to
flags were given to the follow-
prevailing for the ten men squads
Brile Heads Chicago
ing chapters: Waco 312, Tam-
which will be allowed to consti-
S. S. Council
tute the competing teams.
Ochs Plans City
Youth organizations that co-
pa 311, Ft. Wayne 291. San-
operated in the rallies were: Boy
dow Ruby 276, Royal Palms
Prominent Jewish leaders in
Ambulance Drive
Scouts of America, Girl Scouts,
396, Miami 322, Augusta 192,
Chicago, III At the last meet-
New Haven as well as outstanding
Columbian Squires (Jr. K. of C.),
Ramah 181, San Diego 122,
ing of the South Section Council,
officials at the various schools in
Chattanooga, Tenn. The
Catholic Youth Organization,
Lorain 267, Portsmouth 262,
the following men were elected to
New Haven, the City of Yale, are
Adolph S. Ochs Chapter 252 has
Christian Endeavor, Junior Cham-
Hollywood 149, Sunshine City
office Aleph Godol, Chesley
being approached for roles of
begun an active drive to raise
ber of Commerce, Catholic Daugh-
351, Greenville 386, Granite
Brile, of Auburn Park 376; Aleph
judges in oratory and debate.
Mazkir, Norman Graff of Engle-
money for the A. Z. A. Ambul-
ter of America, Christian Youth
City 222, Madison 154, Green
wood 268; Stan Harrison, of Fort
In attendance at the convention
ance Fund. In addition to the
Council, Camp Fire Girls, De Mo-
Bay 373, Butler 299, Bay City
lay, Hi-Y, Sons of American Le-
Dearborn 274, as Shotare Godol,
will be the men already men-
$10 presented in Birmingham
319, San Pedro 196, New Bed-
and Myron Ridker, of South Side
tioned, Julius Bisno, executive di-
during the tournament there, an
gion, Sons of Veterans of Foreign
ford 394, Del Rouge 317, Si-
64. as Kohen Godol.
rector of A. Z. A.: Wilfred B.
additional amount will be pre-
Wars, Young Judaea, Boys Clubs
sented as the result of a city-
of America, Order of Pythagoras,
mon Atlas 126, Capital City
On February 19, the chapters
Feiga, District 1 SAC representa-
Sons of Pericles, Sons of Italy,
344, Joseph Ullman 110, and
on the south side held a host
tive; Maurice S. Glaser, Boston
wide campaign. Julius Brand-
Epworth League, Y. M. and Y. W.
Kohut 330.
night under the supervision of the
director, and Haves, New
man and his committee of Harold
A., National Youth Administra-
At the conclusion of your
council. At this affair, the medals
Haven's own and now field secre-
Shoenig, David Richelson, Abe
tion, Antlers (Jr. Elks), Girl Re-
Youth and Democracy Rally
of the south section basketball,
tary of the district. If the pres-
Wise, Leo Mennen, Ray Weitzner,
touchfootball, and
serves, Sea Scouts, ROTC, New-
your chairman should send in
sure of today's business does not
Ervin Dolob and Harold Gold-
man Clubs, Fleet Reserve Associ-
a report to A. Z. A. Headquar-
tournaments were presented to
interfere, Governor Hurley will
stein will call on the Jewish pop-
ation. Boy Builders, Junior
the winning chapters.
also be in attendance.
ulation to solicit contributions.
Knights of Pythias, Baptist Young
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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 11, January 28, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.