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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 12, February 11, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 12, February 11, 1941
Official Organ Aleph 3adik Aleph of B'nai B'rith
FEBRUARY 11, 1941
No. 12
District One Ready
For Convention in
School Children Get
New Haven Feb. 22-25
All-Day Holiday For
Ne Haven, Conn.- All is pre-
pared for District 1's biggest and
best convention. With two dances,
a banquet, souvenirs, the beauti-
Attendance at Rally
ful girls of New Haven, sessions
by Burt Weithorn, new changes
in the District, and A. Z. A. spirit
Washington, D. C.-All of the school children of Altoona. Paie
all those who attend New Haven
are thankful that there is an A. z. A., and all because Altoona Chap-
are in for a grand week-end.
ter 353 is responsible for their getting a holiday from school on Tues-
On Saturday night, the basket-
day, February 25, on the occasion of the local "Youth and Democ-
ball teams get together to play
racy' Rally,
off some preliminary games at
Not only has the local A. Z. A
mittee paid a visit to the super-
the Jewish Center. House par-
committee been successful in get-
intendent of schools in Altoona,
ties follow. Sunday sessions will
ting a holiday declared, but they
Dr. Levi Gilbert.
feature administration reports
have even arranged for Hon. Ar-
Dr. Gilbert immediately saw
and reports of district standing
thur H. James, governor of the
the opportunity and, acting upon
committees. Basketball finals will
state of Pennsylvania, to come to
his recommendation, the Altoona
be run off in the afternoon, along
Altoona in order to be the prin-
High school senate, student gov-
with debate prelims. Oratory fol-
cipal speaker at the local rally.
erning body, was contacted and
lows. That Sunday evening prom-
The efforts of the Altoona com-
they immediately agreed to CO-
ises to be the most outstanding
mittee to promote their "Youth
operate. In order not to discrim-
eve of the entire convention, with
and Democracy" Rally, while not
inate against race, color or creed.
Joe Miller, New Haven's favorite
typical of plans being promoted
since that would obviously defeat
orchestra, conducting his orches-
throughout the country, at the
the purpose of the rally, the AI-
tra. The affair is to be semi-
same time gives some idea of
toona Catholic High school, and
formal. Monday's sessions fea-
what a chapter in a small com-
the two Junior High schools in
ture reports of external relations,
munity can do.
the city, Roosevelt and Keith,
finance, Junior A. z. A. and the
Lapidus Fund committee. District
The Alephs of Altoona Chapter
were invited to co-operate and
352 have long awaited some op-
they readily accepted.
elections are to be held then.
The afternoon will feature a spe-
portunity that would make A. z.
The Senior and Junior High
cial rally and the convention will
A. an important factor in their
schools then proceeded to invite
close with a final banquet and
community. The possibilities of
all the youth groups in Altoona
sport dance. Julius Bisno. Bill
the "Youth and Democracy" rally
to assist. Representatives of most
Feiga, Haves, Maurice Glaser
impressed them as just the type
of them are connected, in some
and Burt Weithorn will be there
of an affair that could be de-
way, with the school district and
to say "Hello" at the banquet.
veloped into that magnitude.
their acceptance was brought
"What you want, they've got."
Youth Looks to the Future
Upon receiving plans from S. A.
about in short order.
Dates? Well, they are the pret-
C. headquarters, their local com-
At first, they decided to hold
tiest you've ever seen. The ho-
the rally in one of Altoona's larg-
tel's facilities are perfect. There
On the occasion of the nation-wide "Youth and Democracy"
Entertain B. B.
est auditoriums, that of Roose-
is ample housing for all, so, re-
Rallies. America's youth looks to the future with full confidence
velt Junior High school, which
member, drop Mike Levine, 159
in the Democratic Way of Life,
seats 3,000 people. So much local
Winthrop street, New Haven, a
Chattanooga, Tenn. - At a re-
interest was created in the rally
line if you want a nice soft bed.
Deborah Presents
Boy Scouts and Chicago School
that it will now be held in the
Remember- out for New Ha-
cent B'nai B'rith meeting, the
largest city auditorium, seating
ven on February 22-25.
Patriotic Program
Many B'nai B'rith notables at-
Adolph S. Ochs Chapter present-
almost 5,000.
tended this affair, including Ben-
ed a tableu showing the Five
The program that has been
jamin Samuels, Otto Weiner, Bob
Kaler at Macon
Chicago, III, - Deborah 263
Samuels and Joe Taussig. It was
Fold and Full Program of A. Z.
worked out consists of an open-
presented its second annual Pa-
A, Abe Wise narrated the event
ing band concert by the Keith
considered one of the finest af-
fairs of its kind.
to the Lodge. Leo Mennen de-
Junior High school band, followed
triotism Program at a local high
Reggi Newman was elected
livered his oration on "Religion
by a presentation of the colors by
Macon, Ga.-Grand Aleph Go-
school recently. A crowd of 600
in the Present Crisis.'
the Boy Scouts. Next in order
Aleph Godol at the last leection,
attended this rogram, which was
will be choral singing, led by Pro-
dol Irving Kaler, assisted by Re-
and Morris Falstein was given the
presented in cooperation with the
The chapter is still raising
fessor Lindaman, teacher of mu-
gional Deputy Elliott Serotta, P.
pen of Mazkir.
money for the ambulance fund.
sic at Altoona High school. There-
A. G. Perry Smolen. Aleph Godol
after, follows a symposium on
Ben Bolgla, and Maxwell Stein-
berg of the Augusta chapter,
"What Democracy Means to Me."
which will be participated in by
stalled the Macon Aleph Club on
an A. Z. A. member representing
January 26, with eighteen mem-
the Jewish faith, and representa-
tives of the Catholic and Protes-
The installation ceremonies
tant faiths.
were presented before the com-
Following the introduction of
munity, following which G. A. G.
dignitaries, the principle address
Kaler addressed a very appreci-
will be delivered by Governor
ative audience.
James. The program will con-
clude with choral numbers, under
Dr. Lindaman's direction.
Governor James is making
special trip from the capitol at
Harrisburg for the rally, and his
Radio Recording
visit will be made the occasion
for a general turnout of the local
To Run 15 Minutes
Reports coming from other
Washington, D. C. The
quarters indicate that the rallies
other day Advisors were noti-
this year throughout America will
fied by S. A. C. that the record-
bring the largest attendance in
ed radio program for the ral-
history, which will make the
lies featuring J Edgar Hoover
"Youth and Democracy" rallies
would run about 13 minutes
under A. Z. A.'s direction the
thereby allowing two minutes
largest American youth activity.
for local announcements.
Already some 60 stations have
The factory manufacturing
signed up for the "Youth and De-
the records has since notified
mocracy" radio recording featur-
AZA Headquarters that the
ing J. Edgar Hoover, director of
record runs 14 minutes and 45
the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
seconds, which will not permit
tion. The recordings are being
for local announcements unless
Washington, D. C.-J. Edgar Hoover
Hoover on "Youth and Democracy," and an
sent without charge by the Su-
additional time is secured from
the station.
(left), director of the Federal Bureau of In-
introduction by Julius Bisno, executive direc-
preme Advisory Council. Complete
information has been sent to the
Opening and closing music
vestigation, has been featured on a fifteen-
tor. The program consumes about 14 minutes,
45 seconds.
chairman of the Advisory Board
consists of "Yankee Doodle'
minute radio recording which will be broad-
of each chapter.
which is in the public domain
The picture at right, reading from left to
and does not infringe on BMI
cast in cities throughout America in connec-
right, shows Irving Levitas, national cultural
The Supreme Advisory Council
tion with the "Youth and Democracy" rallies
is presenting large American and
director; Julius Bisno, and Ben Barkin, as-
this month. The recording consists of pa-
sistant executive director, going ever plans
Canadian flags to the chapters
triotic music, an eight-minute address by Mr.
for the rallies,
sponsoring the most outstanding
rallies in the country.
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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 12, February 11, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.