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The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 10, January 16, 1942
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 10, January 16, 1942
6, 1941
Page 1.)
groups com-
ach "certiti-
will bear a
ered certici-
in the order
1 headquar
roll will be
t 100 chap
Official Organ Aleph 3adik Aleph of B'nai B'rith
se Resources
S are asked
sis is of ut-
dependent of
JANUARY 16, 1942
No. 10
the Survey
ters is the
abling local
e the effect
hapter. For
hbership in
r 18, imme
aken to en-
Id members
the Survey
ership needs
result o
for military
Emergency Meeting of SAC Is Called
essary, new
be secured
insure the
Norman Davis
but going
bers of the
Lauds B'nai
n asked to
B'rith Aid
which time
Washington, D. C.-Creation of
e conducted
a War Service Department. of
B'nai B'rith to coordinate its ex-
Washington, D. C.-Below is
listing war service projects in
reprinted a copy of the letter re-
seven major fields and to serve
Washington, D. -Philip M.
ceived by Henry Monsky from
Los Angeles, Calif. Seventy-
as the instrumentality for the ini-
rvey should
Klutznick, President of the Su-
Norman H. Davis, national chair-
rned to Na-
five per cent of the 400 Los An-
tiation and execution of addition-
preme Advisory Council, has call-
man of the American Red Cross,
geles Alumni are willing to join
al activities in an expanding pro-
quarters at
oment. This
ed an emergency meeting of the
in response to B'nai B'rith's con-
a B'nai B'rith lodge of young men
gram of service to the nation was
S. A. C. to be held in the nation's
tribution and pledge of $50,000:
between the ages of twenty-one
announced here by Henry Mon-
that the
capital on January 31-February
and thirty-five, a survey made by
Defense, the
December 27, 1941.
sky, president of B'nai B'rith,
at the Willard Hotel. The meet-
Past District Four Aleph Godol
oldest and largest national Jewish
y, and other
Mr. Henry Monsky
ing. the first of its kind held in
President, B'nai B'rith
Leon Simmons revealed. Sim-
service and fraternal organization,
as well as
the history of A. Z. A. will re-
Omaha National Bank Building,
mons, who made the survey on
At the same time it as announc-
loss may be
Omaha, Nebraska.
view the present structure and
behalf of the B'nai B'rith Council
ed that over 5,000 members of
t they may
program of the order, with a view
Dear Mr. Monsky:
of Southern California, polled over
B'nai B'rith and of leph AZadik
on of A. Z
It pleasure for me to acknowledge
to taking further steps toward
the receipt of the $5.000. contributed by
400 Alumni and prospective B'nai
Aleph, its youth organization, are
gearing A. Z. A, into war service
B'rith members in the Los An-
for the Nation.
American Red Cross War Fund, and which
who is no
you so kindly trasmitted to me with your
serving in the armed forces of
geles area.
the United States. Membership
Response to date indicates that
letter of December 19th.
To date, 132 questionnaires
dues for them have been waived
that indi
virtually the entire S. A. C. mem-
Mr. Bisgyer again was among the first
were returned and 101 of those
for the duration of the war.
the pledge
to give ragement in an emergency
new Aleph
bership will be present, including
campaign. His immediate assurance that
polled indicated a desire to form
In Seven Fields
the junior representatives elected
B'nai B'rith would make an early and
a new young men's lodge. Only
The seven fields in which B'nai
substantial contribution from the Supreme
at the last National Convention
29 persons indicated a desire to
r the local
Lodge has been promptly fulfilled. are
B'rith war service is already in
received by
in Kerrville, Texas, Thiy are
gratified to have you concur with him
join a young men's group within
operation are civilian defense,
onger chair
Grand Aleph Godol William Suc-
promising that later approximately $45.000
an already established lodge, if a
might be expected by our Red Cross Chap-
Red Cross cooperation, sponsor-
kle of Cambridge, Massachusetts,
is respect
ters from the various lodges, women's
new lodge is not formed.
ship of and participation in com-
Merton Koplin of Milwaukee, and
auxiliaries A. Chapters and the
Abe A. Freed Chapter 118 in
The Alumni regard this move-
n the infor
munity meetings and rallies on
Past Grand Aleph Godol Irving
many other units that constitute B'na
New Orleans is officially col-
ment as important and they
war service, assistance to govern-
esent chair
Kaler of Atlanta.
We are proud to have the membership
placed it before the District Four
lecting 1941 license plates.
ment agencies, collabaration, in
The starf at National Headquar-
of B'na B'rith marching shoulder
convention last month. The Con-
Army and Navy welfare work,
shoulder with the Red Cross in these days
ters has been at work, preparing
Beryl Canovsky (left) and Fred
vention unanimously passed a res-
stimulation of the purchase and
when national solidarity is so necessary
an analysis of the effects of the
to the preservation of our American way
Gottesman (right), chairman,
olution urging the District Four
sale of defense bonds and stamps
of life. The fine manner in which the
war on A. Z. A. and will have
American people everywhere are respond-
are shown removing the first
Grand lodge to approve the move-
and continued contributions to
Page 1.)
its report completed by the end
ing to the appeal of their Red Cross
of the month
tests to their determination to cope with
barrelful from New Orleans'
war relief agencies.
Alephs who have just become
With thousands of B'nai B'rith
how lovely
any eventuality
largest office building. A.
Chairmen of chapter advisory
Alumni and interested in joining
Will you be so kind as to express our
men, women and young people al-
There are
boards who have received the
very real gratitude to all members of your
barrels have been placed in
the new lodge are urged to com-
ready enlisted for civilian defense
the approx
organization who have contributed to the
every important downtown
st year was
form for the National Resources
municate with Mr. Simmons at
duties, the 900 B'nai B'rith units
American Red Cross War Fund, and who
Survey are urged to complete
building. (Additional story on
be that this
in the future may give not only of their
860 N. Ave. 65, Los Angeles.
and the 480 chapters of the B'nai
these surveys to the fullest and
monies but also of their services We
Page 7.)
B'rith youth organization are en-
enditure o
appreciate greatly moreover, the leader-
ble to you
return same to National Head-
ship you give to B'nai B'rith and to so
Each A. Z. A. chapter is ex-
gaged in a nationwide effort to
quarters, so that the survey may
many other institutions that have strength-
some pho
A. z. A. is doing all it can to
pected to make a record showing
enroll all of their members in
shall for
be tabulated and submitted to the
ened for more ably overcoming
the difficulties that lie ahead of all of us.
help the U. S. win the war. Each
in the "Youth and Democracy'
some civilian defense job, Mr.
emergency S. A. C. meeting.
With kind personal regards,
chapter can aid this effort by buy-
Rallies for February.
Monsky declared. Many B'nai
anks again
All Chapters and Aleph Clubs
ing defense bonds and stamps.
Plan Now!
B'rith members are also serving
in Home Guard or State Militia
wishes for
that have not yet submitted their
units, he added
w Year to
Pledge of Cooperation to the A.
ers of your
z. A. Headquarters are urged to
Gives to Red Cross
B'nai B'rith's national head-
do so prior to the S. A. C. meet-
quarters has contributed $5,000
to the Red Cross' $50,000,000
The meeting of the S. A. C. will
war relief appeal and the B'nai
consider applications for service
B'rith units throughout the coun-
certificates to advisors who have
try are raising an additional $45.-
served five, ten, and fifteen years.
000, Mr. Monsky stated. In addi-
Application forms have been sent
tion, he continued B'nai B'rith
in care of Aleph Mazkirs.
men. women and young people
ss, London
Aleph Clubs that have been in-
are eagerly donating blood plas-
stalled at least six months are
ma to the Red Cross and hun-
urged to make application for
dreds of B'nai B'rith women's
their permanent charters. A pe-
groups are organized into Red
age 1.)
tition has been sent to all Aleph
Cross sewing, knitting, first aid
Clubs. The two necessary require-
and bandage-rolling units.
staff mem-
ments are: (1) that an Aleph
Nearly $200,000 of B'nai B'rith
ned at stra
Club must have been in A. Z. A.
funds have already been invested
ve been or
at least six months. and (2) that
in defense bonds and B'nai B'rith
ency need
they must have attained their
units have sold an additional
se bombing
minimum membership goal set by
$500,000 worth to their own
nts, the na
S. A. C. which is as follows: 12
members through a variety of
th the sup
Alephs for communities of less
selling techniques.
has inaug
than 1.000 Jews; 20 Alephs for
B'nai B'rith is also co-operat-
communities of 1,000 to 2,500
ing fully with the program of
pect, may
Jews; and 30 Alephs for commu-
welfare service for soldiers and
ith lend us
nities with more than 2,500 Jews.
sailors in camp communities and
ce through
in adjacent cities through home
ts organiza
hospitality, sponsorship of social
ntire coun
Cross chap
Uncle Sam to
and religious functions and col-
lection of magazines, cigarettes,
Profit by Naughty
shaving supplies and other arti-
cles. In cooperation with the Of-
and Tardy Alephs
fice of Chief of Chaplains of the
U. S. Army and the Jewish Wel-
fare Board B'nai B'rith has ob-
Santa Monica, Calif.-Lewis
tained 125 Torah Scrolls for use
J. Miller, acting defense chair-
in Jewish religious services at
man of Santa Monica Chapter
Army chapels.
53 reports a new way of stim-
S. Ever
For war relief purposes B'nai
ulating the sale of defense
for a blood
B'rith has contributed over $450.-
stamps. When Alephs and
000 in the past year, a large pro-
ross Mobil
Pledges disturb the meeting,
portion of it to non-sectarian
apter meet
or fail to arrive on time, they
BLOOD FOR AMERICA-On the hospital table is one of the 18 members of the Pittsfield, Mass.,
agencies such as the British War
will be fined a 10c defense
A. Z. A. Chapter who each gave a pint of blood to the local Red Cross donors unit. In the inset are
Relief Society, United China Re-
75% o
stamp. The Aleph Gisbor acts
all 18 members and their advisor, with sleeves rolled up, waiting to give blood for America. (Addi-
lief, Queen Wilhelmina Fund,
as cashier.
ents in de
tional story on Page 6),
Bundles for Britain and British-
nd stamp
(Additional Story on Page 6.)
American Ambulance corps.
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The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 10, January 16, 1942
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.