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The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 11, January 30, 1942
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 11, January 30, 1942
Official Organ Aleph 3adik Aleph of B'nai B'rith
JANUARY 30, 1942
No. 11
Joe Baker Elected
Award Offered
Stockton, Calif. - Irving
Gartner, National A. Z. A.
Western Conference
Membership Chairman, today
announced that an award will
be given to the chapter that
shows the greatest percentage
in membership increase be-
Godol; 220 Register
tween July, 1941, and July,
Nine honorable mention cer-
Suggest Defense
tificates will also be awarded.
Santa Monica, Calif. - Joe Baker, P. A, G. of Pasadena
Chap. 48 was elected District Aleph Godol at the closing ses-
sion of the 12th annual Western Conference and District Four
Washington, D. C. - With the
Halevi Junior AZA
tournament finals, held here December 26-28, the first of its
middle of February just a couple
kind held under war time conditions. Two hundred and twelve
of weeks off, chapter reports from
coast to coast are optimistic and
Develop Point
Alephs registered for the combined conclave and tourney, which
enthusiastic about plans for local
reached its climax with Joe Hasson of Portland Chap. 65 win-
Youth and Democracy rallies.
This week, national headquar-
ning in oratory, Martin Berger and Milton Lewis of Seattle
Chap. 73 winning in debate, and Nathan Straus Chap. 141 of
ters submitted several new ideas
for giving the rallies a keynote of
Chicago, Ill. - Judah Halevi
Los Angeles victorious in basketball.
war service. With the slogan
415 of this city has organized an
The convention started off with
"GET IN THE SCRAP," the sug-
active Junior A. Z. A. group, with
a bang at the pre-convention
Later, following the work
gestion is made that an admission
a full and complete program
dance held at the local Odd Fel-
group meetings, the preliminary
charge be required in the form of
worked out in co-operation with
lows Hall. Here it was that new
basketball and debate contests
a bundle of newspapers and mag-
the Alephs. Originally starting
acquaintances were made and old
were held. Golden Gate 195, Cen-
azines, or a piece of scrap metal.
with seven members. the Junior
ones were renewed. Here, indeed,
tral Regional representative, de-
This should be sold after the rally
Group now has thirty boys be-
was the place where the fine spir-
feated Los Feliz Aleph Club in
with the proceeds going to the
tween the ages of twelve to fif-
it of the conclave began.
the first basketball encounter. In
Red Cross or local Civilian De-
The morning of the 26th was
the second tussle of the afternoon,
fense Council. Or the rally com-
The Juniors have already held
occupied with the registration of
Nathan Straus, tourney favorite.
mittee might require that in order
an U. S. O. Magazine Drive, col-
all Alephs for the convention. The
trounced the Northern Regional
to get into the Rally, every per-
lecting 1,000 magazines in one
first session of the District was
winner Seattle 73. In debate,
son must show a defense stamp
week through a house-to-house
called to order at 10:00 a. m.,
Martin Berger and Milton Lewis,
album with at least 10c in stamps.
speaking under the colors of Se-
canvass. They are at present
and various dignitaries were in-
The committee can arrange to sell
troduced. This session was fea-
attle 73, defeated Ephraim Ko-
sponsoring a defense stamp drive
10c stamps at the entrance.
tured by the District Aleph Godol
nigsberg and Marshall Moss, who
that is progressing satisfactorily.
Defense Demonstration
Irwin Gartner's message. Follow-
were representing Highland Park
The group is not neglecting the
Second it is suggested that the
remaining portion of the Five-
ing the sessions were the meet-
300 and the Southern Region.
program include an actual demon-
Fold and Full program, having
ings of the various Work Groups
Mother's Club Entertains
stration of a) putting out an in-
held successful social and cultural
in different rooms throughout the
The same evening the A. z. A.
cendiary bomb; b) first aid: c)
registration headquarters. The
events in co-operation with the
Mothers Club of Santa Monica
fire fighting, etc. For this, the
work groups convened on topics
chapter. The chapter has appoint-
treated the Alephs to an outstand-
committee can get the cooperation
of the following: B'nai B'rith Co-
ed three Advisors to work with
ing turkey dinner. At this event.
of the local Civilian Defense
operation, Culture, Community
the Juniors, and an Advancement
Leo Levine, District Director, was
Council, fire and police depart-
Service, Membership, Jr. B. B.
the toastmaster, and enthusiasm
program has been developed. This
Girl's Cooperation, and Inter
(See "Rally," Page 8.)
Bernard Cohn
reigned supreme. Following this
(See "Jr. A. Z. A.," Page 7.)
Group Relations.
(See "District 4," Page 7.)
Baltimore, Md.-Visiting three
winter tournaments, 13 cities and
Bar Kochbian, Ebn
19 chapters, Bernard Cohn, field
director of District Five, com-
pleted this tour of the District
Rabin, Cutler,
with a feeling that District Five
Ezra Win Honors
is one in which the spirit of fra-
ternity is at its best.
Traveling by every possible
means of conveyanec, Bernie was
Robin, Omaha 100,
In K. C. Regional
able to speak to Advisors; Alephs
and pledges on the role of A. Z.
A., during this time of crisis. At
Cornbelt Victors
(See "Cohn," Page 7.)
Kansas City, Mo.-The Missouri
Cedar Rapids, Iawo.-Seymour
Kansas Regional Winter Tourna-
Rabin of Tri-Cities 40 won the
ment and convention, sponsored
oratorical contest at the annual
by Kansas City 2, featured upset
Cornbelt Regional held here, with
victories in oratory and debate.
Herman Robin and Henry Cutler
of Waterloo 367 taking debating
Kansas City, Heart of America
honors. Omaha 100 defeated Des
Chapter 347, who last year swept
Moines 4 for the basketball title,
the regional debate and oratory,
were overshadowed by another
With representatives from Oma-
K. C. chapter, namely the Bar
ha, Lincoln, Des Moines. Water-
Kochbian 356. Carl Lyon, Aleph
loo, Peoria and the Tri-Cities, the
Godol of 356, was awarded the
Cornbelt Regional featured its an-
oratory medal, to team with his
nual convention. Yale Richards
brother Alephs Joe Gaba and A.
was elected Regional Godol; War-
E Botwinick, debate winners, to
ner Frohman, S'gan; Milton Zei-
represent this region in the spring
chek, Mazkir: and Mel Levine,
District 2 convention to be held
Kohen Godol.
in Cleveland, Ohio.
Bob Katz of Des Moines 40
St. Louis Eben Ezra 187 dom-
placed second in the oratorical
inated the athletic activity of the
contest, with the Tri-Cities de-
convention. winning the bowling
bating team of Bob Becker and
trophy and eking out a close de-
Herman Coher placing second in
cision over the Heart of America
their tourney. An all-star basket-
347 to cop the regional basket-
ball team was selected, with
ball championship.
Alephs Mel Levine, Mike Land-
man and Ben Kutler of Omaha:
At the final banquet on Sun-
Marvin Davidson, Dan Kroloff,
day night, Mr. Joe Cohen, past
and Bill Kouffa of Des Moines:
president of District 2, B'nai
Louis Golad of Cedar Rapids and
B'rith gave an inspiring address
Jack Marantz of Tri-Cities win-
on "A. Z. A. and the War." Mr.
ning places on this team.
Cohen pointed out that Alephs
and alumni would not only have
Norfolk, Va.-Dr. Israel Brown
to help our country make peace
256 recently presented a show at
and democracy the world over,
local Camp Pendleton for the boys
but we also would have to do our
there. They are going to present
utmost to preserve peace and
this show at other camps. The
democracy after the war.
boys are also delivering dough-
Mr. Jack Brown, Kansas City
nuts and coffee to the Anti-Air-
B'nai B'rith Lodge 184 president,
Thousands of private automobiles
craft unit at the nearby beach. A
and A. Z. A. alumnus, served as
throughout the United States and Canada
radio has been given this unit by
master of ceremonies. He was in- today are bearing the colorful A. Z. A. windshield sticker offering rides to men in uniform. Soldiers, the chapter. The Alephs are also
troduced by Al Tiber, Kansas
sailors and marines are beginning to look for friendly A. Z. A. cars "going their way." While men in
holding a Defense Stamp contest,
City 2 Aleph Godol. Marvin Le-
the armed forces are not permitted to "thumb" a ride, there is no objection to their accepting one
with the Aleph having the most
vine, Missouri-Kansas regional
freely offered. Help to make their $21.00 per month go farther by sponsoring rides in your commu-
purchased at a specific time re-
deputy, presented the trophies
nity. Stickers may be purchased for 40 cents per 100 from the A. Z. A. Supply Department, 1003
ceiving an A. Z. A. pin. Aleph
and medals to the winners.
K St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Orders for less than 100 stickers are filled without any charge.
Fine is in the lead.
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The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 11, January 30, 1942
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.