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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 15, March 26, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 15, March 26, 1943
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14 year old
Official Organ A-B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
MARCH 26, 1943
No. 15
Chi-AZA Initiates City
Joins With Vocational Service Bureau
Wide Blood Donor Drive
Chicago Youth Mobilized to Enroll Donors
In Promoting Victory Farm Volunteers
After AZA Drive Nets 1,000 Applications
Chicago, Ill.-The Chicago A.
Z. A. Council recently initiated a
city-wide Blood Donor Campaign
500,000 Non-Farm
which pressed into service 17,000
Youth Needed
youths of the city as well as the
newspapers and radio stations.
The drive came on the heels of a
Washington, D. C.-An inten-
successful campaign concluded by
sive campaign to recruit Jewish
the Chicago Council which en-
youth for summer farm work in
rolled 1,000 applicants to donate
order to help relieve the national
blood to the American Red Cross.
food shortage is being inaugur-
Starting first as an A. Z. A.
ated on April 1 by the B'nai
project to enlist all Alephs as
B'rith through its youth organi-
blood donors. a plan was later
zation, the Aleph Zadik Aleph,
formulated. by Stuart Hillman,
and through its Vocational Service
Council War Service Chairman:
Bureau, it was announced by
Mr. R. A. Baur, Director of the
Philip M. Klutznick, President of
Chicago Red Cross Blood Donor
A. Z. A.'s Supreme Advisory
Center; Mr. Fred Mann, B'nai
Council, and Alfred A. Benesch,
B'rith Council Blood Donor
chairman of the B'nai B'rith Na-
Chairman, and Bill Kaplan, City
tional Vocational Service Com-
Director, to include all the youth
groups of the city as solicitors in
The B'nai B'rith program will
a city-wide drive to enroll blood
The first A. Z. A. Chapter to report
be part of the nation-wide drive
donors in the city of Chicago.
that a Clothing Drive had been or-
of the U. S. Office of Education
ganized for the relief of our Russian Allies was Max Kaufman Chap. 461 of Clarksdale, Miss.
Mr. William Temple, director of
and the Extension Service of the
the C. Y. O., was placed in charge
entire city of Clarksdale has been mobilized by the Alephs and many youth and adult groups have
U. S. Department of Agriculture
of the A. Y. R., the O. C.D. Youth
joined in to aid in the collection of clothes. The school children have also set aside a week for the
to enlist 500,000 non-farm youth
Organization of Chicago, which
collection of this clothing. Clothing depots have been set up and the citizens were urged to bring
in the Victory Farm Volunteers.
will undertake a house to house
all available clothing to these depots. Already thousands of articles bearing the "Friendship Tag"
The program, said Benesch and
canvsas to enlist blood donors.
of A. Z. A. have been collected and shipped to the collection headquarters. Pictured above
Klutznick, will "serve the three-
Bill Kaplan was appointed assist-
Alephs and Advisors of the Max Kaufman Chapter standing behind a pile of clothing at one of the
fold purpose of providing much-
ant to Mr. Temple.
collection depots.
needed labor for wartime farm
In the A. Z. A. blood donor
needs, toughening young Jewish
drive a total of 1,000 applications
men for subsequent military train-
were turned in by the Chicago A.
z. A. Chapters. Simon Heller
Philadelphia AZA Book
No Bottleneck In
ing and service, and giving Jew-
ish youth an unusual opportunity
Chap. 506 was awarded the Coun-
for try-out experience in agricul-
cil trophy for having acquired
tural work."
the greatest number of applica-
Drive Gains Momentum
Everyone Helping
To Use Full Machinery
tions. The Chapter also received
B'nai B'rith will work with all
a $25.00 War Bond presented by
Jewish youth groups interested in
Clarksdale, Miss. Large
the Chicago B'nai B'rith Council.
the project. The publications and
10,000 Book Goal Set by Council; Letter
packing boxes, which had been
personnel of its Vocational Serv-
one of the handicaps in the
Reading AZA Holds
From Aleph Shows Spirit of Cooperation
Russian Relief Clothing drive
ice Bureau and the A. z. A. will
sponsored by Max Kaufman
be utilized for this purpose. Co-
Chap. 461, are now available
operative relationships are being
Induction At B. B.,
Philadelphia, Pa. Twenty-one
Adelson from Aleph Fred Cantor,
through the cooperation of a
established with the Jewish Agri-
Philadelphia A. Z. A. Chapters are
of Har Sinai Chap. 60:
cultural Society, Jewish vocation-
J. W. V. Meeting
friendly lumber company and
participating in the Victory Book
"Dear Lowell:
the High School Vocational De-
al service agencies, and the pub-
Campaign in an effort to match
lic schools.
I am writing to tell you how
the number of books contributed
Reading, Pa.-At a joint meet-
sorry I am to not have been able
Lumber for the boxes is be-
Although some Jewish youth
by the entire city. Thus far in the
ing of the B'nai B'rith Lodge and
to collect more books for our re-
ing donated to the campaign
will be placed individually in
extensive campaign which began
Jewish War Veterans, Reading
cent victory book campaign. The
by the Bornman Lumber Co.
farm homes, an effort will be
early in March, more than 2.000
Chap. 203 held a formal induc-
reason being, I work in the Signal
and the students of the Voca-
made wherever possible to recruit
books have been collected by A.
tion of eight new pledges. Speak-
Depot from four in the afternoon
tion department are building
and place groups of young peo-
z. A. boys and deposited in offi-
ing for the three groups at this
until twelve-thirty at night. This
the containers under the di-
ple at farm work. Thus, a dozen
cial collection agencies.
enables me but a few leisure hours
rection of Paul Hunter.
or so boys from the same A. Z. A.
meeting was the Rev. Dr. Evans.
Joshua Chap. 49 has reported
in the morning. Besides working
chapter may be working together
Dr. Evans praised the work of
that 1.000 books were collected by
on the same farm.
the B'nai B'rith in its efforts to
nights I happen to be social chair-
their Alephs in one day. Ernest
man and captain of the bowling
For many years A. Z. A. has
guide the Jewish youth of Amer-
Milou, Council Aleph Godol, has
team in my chapter, and also an
Montreal AZA To Send
been promoting the interest of
ica through the medium of the
collected 200 books, while Ed
air-raid warden in my neighbor-
Jewish youth in farming through
A. Z. A. A report was given by
Brown, Har Sinai Chap. 60, has
hood. This shows you how much
reported the collection of 180
time I have to myself. If I had
Comforts To Ten
the scholarships which it main-
Aleph Godol, Bert Brown on the
tains at the National Farm
"state" of the A. Z. A. Chapter
books from his friends and neigh-
more time my eighty-seven books
He reported that a_new Pledge
would have amounted to one hun-
"Adopted" Buddies
At present the Executives of
Class was now being schooled and
that fifteen new Alephs were
Each Aleph in the city was
dred and eight-seven books.
the A. Z. A. and the Vocational
awaiting entrance into the Order.
provided with 10 printed slips
'Give the Books You Want to
Service Bureau are working at
Montreal, Can. It was an-
Keep' is a good slogan. I found
plans for the program in consul-
with instructions to place same
nounced that the Alephs of Mon-
under the front doors of his im-
out it helped a lot in collecting
tation with officials of the U. S.
treal had adopted ten service men
Office of Education and the De-
Alephs Raise Funds
mediate neighbors. The slip indi-
my few books. You see I just
overseas in
partment of Agriculture. Further
cates that A. Z. A. is cooperating
went to some neighbors, told them
For J. N.
drive by the
in the Victory Book Campaign and
about the drive and mentioned
details of the program will ap-
youth organiza-
pear in the next issue of THE
that an A. Z. A. boy will return
our slogan, and in a few days
tions of that
Jacksonville, F1a. - The
to collect and deposit books that
found it to bring results.
city to procure
Alephs of Jacksonville Chap.
the family wishes to contribute.
I want you to know that just
comforts for
272 collected $60.00 during the
The slogan "Give books you wish
because our drive is over it
soldiers abroad.
Donate to the life-blood of your
recent Jewish National Fund
to keep" has been adopted. All
doesn't mean that I'll stop col-
The Alephs
chapter bring in new 4-year-
Alephs have been supplied with
lecting books. I expect to double
ill endeavor
old members.
The money collected during
post card report forms on which
my amount in the next few weeks.
to contribute
J. N. F. Flag Day was sent to
they may individually indicate the
Yours sincerely,
or raise funds
"adopted" soldiers will consist of
number of books collected and
the National Headquarters by
Aleph Fred Cantor.
the soldiers luxuries
a standard assortment of jam,
the Alephs as their contribution
10,000 books is the goal set by
which are at times so difficult to
razor blades, chocolate, cigarettes,
to this worthy cause.
The following letter was re-
the Philadelphia A. Z. A. Council
obtain in the fields of operation.
socks, etc., along with letters of
ceived by City Director Lowell
to be collected by end of March.
Comfort boxes sent to these
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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 15, March 26, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.