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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 16, April 9, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 16, April 9, 1943
Fill in the
your Chapter
14 year old
Official Organ A.-B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
April 9, 1943
Chelsea Alephs Ride Gay
A. Z. to Co-Op In "Homes
Ninety Style in Book Drive Use" Program for War Workers
2,000 Books and
Philip M. Klutznick, Housing Official,
5,000 Magazines
Confers With Representatives of
AZA and Other National Organizations
Chelsea, Mass -The Riephs of
A. Z. A. Urged to
is used to the luxury of "guest
Chelsea Chap. 443 have report-
rooms' used only occasionally
ed that their recent Book Drive
Work With War
These rooms have to go to work
proved to be very effective. In a
one-day canvass of their city, the
Housing Centers
for Uncle Sam seven days a week.
Those who have been renting
out rooms could afford to be
Washington, D. C.-Last week
'choosey" and discriminate
representatives of the A. Z. A.
against renting rooms to girls
and other national organizations
and family groups. Such preju-
met here in the nation's capital
dices have to be forgotten for the
at the invitation of Philip M.
duration if they mean that some
Klutznick, assistant administrator
vital war plants would have to
To honor an alumnus
of the National Housing Agency,
curtail production because such
who gave his life while
for the purpose of discussing the
workers can't find a place to stay.
serving his country, Bethlehem (Pa.) Chap. 190 inaugurated the
important problems of using ex-
Leon Shane Honor Pledge Class. This class of eleven men re-
What "Conversion" Means
listing housing facilities in order
cently. was given their first degree by District 3 Director, Lowell
to accommodate war workers in
One of the big problems is that
Adelson. Pictured above are those taking part in the installation
overcrowded areas engaged in
of large homes that do not have
ceremonies. They are: First row, left to right, Leonard Norman,
critical war work.
an extra bathroom and an extra
Zan Abramson, Lowell Adelson, Julius Newman (Chapter Advi-
In presenting the problem, Mr.
kitchen for an extra family Mr.
sor), Samuel Kline and Henry Kotteck, Second row, left to right:
Klutznick, who is also president
Klutznick explained that under
Martin Gross, Irwin Yacker, Nathan Cohen, Leonard Goldberg,
of A. Z. A.'s Supreme Advisory
the conversion plan such homes
Newton Frischberg and Henry Epstein,
Council, explained that "no man
can be put to use because, where
or woman can sleep in hallways or
necessary, the governmnt will
in overcrowded rooms and still
loan the money for remodelling
Brotherhood Rally Will
do the efficient job that the war
and a priority for materials will
demands. Either their work will
be made available.
be impaired or they will become
What A. Z. A. Members Can Do
Highlight Dist. 6 Tourney
discouraged and leave their jobs.
About the "Homes Use" Program
In either case, war production
Every A. Z. A. member can co-
will suffer."
operate in this "homes use" pro-
"We can't build enough new
gram by bringing the problem to
Participants at District Finals to Join
houses for all war workers'
the attention of their parents, rel-
In Gigantic Youth and Democracy Rally
Klutznick continued "Housing
atives, friends and neighbors, pro-
consumes the same materials that
vided that they live in a commu-
are needed for guns, planes, tanks
nity that has a critical housing
Nessie Seltzer, Dick Paul
Detroit, Mich Alephs of Dis-
and ships. Every pound of steel,
shortage. It is not intended that
trict 6 will meet in Detroit on
Alephs collected 2,000 books and
Shofar to Carry
copper, and other war materials
the government will give priori-
April 9. 10 and 11 to take part
5.000 magazines.
put into new houses means fewer
ties or loans for remodeling
in the District Finals in oratory,
The Alephs enlisted e aid of
Special Features of
weapons of war. Before using any
where it is not absolutely neces-
debate and basketball, it was an-
of our supply of war materials
sary. It will be explained below
the B'nai B'rith Girls of Chelsea
nounced by District Director
Jewish Current
for new housing, we must make
how you can determine whether
to help in the collection of the
Leonard Belove. This War Tour-
you live in a critical area.
sure that every possible alterna-
nament will be held in conjunc-
tive has been employéd to provide
What A. Z. A. Chapters Can Do
Pictured above are Alephs Dick
tion with a Youth and Democ-
decent shelter for our war
About the "Homes Use" Program
Paul and Nessie Seltzer, who
racy Rally co-sponsored by the
A. Z. A. chapters should first
Washington. D. C. With
were chairmen of their respective
Detroit A. Z. A. Council,
Mr. Klutznick urged the par-
determine whether they are locat-
this issue of The Shofar com-
groups in the drive which at-
Arrangements thus far indicate
mences the appearance of spe-
ticipation of all A. Z. A. members
ed in a community where the
tracted city-wide attention
that this double-program will af-
cial features of the Jewish Cur-
and the respective constituencies
"homes use" program applies. If
ford the Alephs of District 6 an
rent News published and su-
of the other organizations-pres
there is a WAR HOUSING CEN-
The books and magazines were
informative as well as enjoyable
ent, in getting private home own-
TER in your community, same
pervised by Dr. Ben Rosen of
collected by Alephs driving
ers to rent extra rooms to war
will signify that the "homes use"
horse and buggy carrying the
The Rally, whieh has been
The new features include
workers or, wherever possible, re-
program is in effect.
slogan, "A book that you want
called "a step forward for De-
'Do You Know That," "Jew-
model their homes so as to ac-
(Editor's Note: Because such
to keep is a good one to give.'
troit" by high city and youth
ish Heroes," "Jews in Sports'
commodate war workers.
leaders, will be the first city-wide
and "Famous Jews."
Little Material for New Homes
cate the presence of vital war
Members of the A. Z. A. commit-
tee in charge of the Book Drive
Brotherhood meeting for youth
Samuel Sussman is editor of
It was explained to those pres-
plants, The Shofar is prohibited
were Dick Paul, Bob Freedman.
in Detroit. Professor Preston
Jewish Current News and Sam-
ent that in the months ahead 55
from publishing a list of those A
Slosson of the University of
uel Deutsch is contributing
per cent of the housing units
z. A. communities in which such
Irving Berg and Benny Rubin.
Michigan is to be main speaker
needed will have to come from
CENTERS are located.)
at the meeting.
Established in 1927, Jewish
the existing supply of rooms "even
You may get in touch with your
Des Moines AZA Co-
A panel discussion led by Pro-
Current News is published ev-
if it means temporary overcrowd-
fessor Eggerston of the Univer-
ery other week during the
ing." or from privately or pub-
Manager through a listing in your
Sponsors Rally With
sity of Michigan which will in-
school year. The single sub-
licly financed conversion of exist-
telephone directory or by com-
clude twelve young people from
scription rate is 65 cents. Ten
ing large homes so that they will
municating with the Post Office
Five Youth Groups
the participating organizations,
subscriptions and over. mailed
accommodate one or more addi-
or the Mayor's office.
and a "pageant of America" are
to one address, are 50 cents
tional families.
It is suggested that an Aleph
each. Subscriptions should be
Because of the shortage of ma-
or committee of Alephs, together
a few of the features of the
sent to P. O. Box 5286, Phila-
terials only 45 per cent of the
with at least one Advisor, arrange
Des Moines. Ia.-The Alephs
Participating in the Rally with
delphia, Pa.
housing units needed will be new
an appointment with the Manager
of Des Moines Chap. 4 recently
units built by private and public
sponsored a Youth and Democ-
the Detroit A. Z. A. Council are:
and discuss ways in which he and
racy Rally in conjunction with
The Catholic Youth Organiza-
tion, the Catholic Theater, the
Leon Shane Honored
Less New Homes, More Bullets
his staff can use the services of
the De Molay, Universalist
Mr. Klutznick pointed out that
your chapter.
Church of Christ, Crocker Y. M.
Arch Diocesan Sodality, the
where existing facilities are re-
C. A., Central Presbyterian
Christian Youth Conference, the
Church League and the Catholic
Hi-Y, the Girl Reserves, the De-
By Pledge Class in
modeled, the saving in building
undoubtedly will have a WAR
troit Urban League (Negro Com-
materials and labor, for every
Action Youth Group.
A large audience was on hand
Bethlehem, Pa.
family unit produced, equal to
TEE made up of representatives
munity Center), Metropolitan De-
three extra jeeps, or 500 anti-tank
of public and private agencies in-
to participate with these groups
troit Youth Council, the League
shells. or 150,000 cartridges for
terested in housing. The A. Z. A.
in the rededication of the "prin-
of Detroit Youth, the B'nai B'rith
Bethlehem, Pa.-Eleven mem-
our fighting men at the front.
chapter should, if its members
ciples of liberty." A member of
Girls. and the Detroit Round
bers of the "Leon Shane" honor
In the critical areas, where the
desire, extend their offer of as-
each of the participating groups
Table of Catholics, Protestants
Pledge Class were initiated into
government is finding it difficult
sistance officially to the commit-
spoke to the assemblage on the
and Jews.
Bethlehem Chap. 190 at a joint
to find rooms for single men, it is
tee through the Manager of the
part youth was playing in the
War Effort.
Fitness Series Held
meeting of the Chapter, the spon-
even more difficult to find rooms
soring B'nai B'rith Lodge and the
for women workers, and most dif-
Hospitality Committee
Ladies' Auxiliary. The class was
ficult of all to find living*accom-
Mr. Klutznick explained that
Sing for Victory
By Two AZA Chapters
named in memory of Lieut. Leon
modations for the war worker
one of the problems arising from
Shane of the Army Air Corps,
with a wife and family.
war workers moving into a new
Springfield, Henry Horner
former member of the Bethlehem
Responsibility of Private
community was that of discontent
Detroit, "Sing for
Chap. 467 travelled to Peoria.
Victory" is the slogan that
Ill., to be the guests of Rabbi
A. Z. A. Chapter, who was killed
due to being removed from friends
in an airplane crash in October,
A. Z. A. and the other organi-
and family. Frequently this dis-
has been adopted by Highland
Ben Frankel Chap. 215 in the
zations present were charged with
content impairs the morale of the
Park Chap. 313 in an effort to
first of a series of Physical Fit-
Lowell Adelson, District 3 Di-
the responsibility of getting across
war worker and his family, with
raise the morale of the coun-
ness for Victory basketball
rector, officiated with the aid of
to their members and their fam-
the result that they give up their
try by song.
P. A. G. David Scoblionko. An
ilies in particular, and the public
work and return to their original
In order to better carry out
The Horner A. Z. A. quintet
in general, the importance of
address was delivered to the au-
this program this A. Z. A. Chap-
was the victor in the first game
of this series by defeating the
dience of more than 100 Alephs,
opening their homes to paying
It is suggested that A. 2. A.
ter has organized a singing
B'nai B'rith members, parents
"war worker guests" because. in
chapters can help solve this prob-
group that plans to give recit-
Rabbi Ben Frankel Alephs by a
and friends.
that way, they would be render-
lem by appointing a "hospitality
als on patriotic songs in De-
score of 38-12. The victors were
ing an important war service.
committee" which shall have the
feted at a dance held in their
The government is cognizant of
responsibility of seeing to it that
Buy U. War Bonds and Stamps the fact that the American public
(Contined on Page 3.)
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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 16, April 9, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.