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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 21, June 25, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 21, June 25, 1943
Don't Forget
Elect Your
to the
A. Z. A.
By Mail'
Official Organ .3.A.-B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
June 25, 1943
Convention by Mail"
Announced by Suckle
JULY 4th
G.A.G. Urges All Chapters to
OCT. 13th
Bnai Brith Youth Organization
Elect Delegates Immediately
War Service
Every Aleph to Participate From July 4 Thru Oct. 13
Washington, D. C.-In view of the
in his own home community and dele-
By Mail
fact that delegates to our Annual Na-
gates will communicate with each
tional Convention travel approxi-
other via mail.
mately 1,000,000 miles, round trip,
In a sense, this type of convention
and further because our government
has merits over the assembly type
has made it known that traveling ex-
in that it wlil be possible for every
cept for absolute essental purposes
chapter to have a delegate and for
should be curtailed, as a patriotic ges-
every individual Aleph in the Order
ture and in keeping with our program
to directly participate.
to help the war effort, the Grand
Because SO much time must elapse
Aleph Godol William Suckle has an-
in sending committee reports through
nounced that the 20th Annual Nation-
the mail, arranging for election re-
al A. Z. A. Convention will be in the
ports by mail, etc., it has been decided
form of a "Convention by Mail!"
that the convention will run official-
The convention, as far as business
ly from July 4th, Independence Day,
is concerned, will be almost identcal
to October 13th, the 100th Anniver-
with those that have been held in
sary of the founding of B'nai B'rith.
years past. The convention will have
Election of Convention Delegates
delegates and committees and reports
In order to get the convention pro
and messages and, of course, the na-
gram moving, it is essential that
tional election of officers. The only
chapters and Aleph Clubs elect dele-
thing is, that chapter representatives
gates immediately. Last week chap-
from all over the country will not be
ters and Aleph Clubs were notfied
together. Each delegate will remain
of the convention by the Grand Aleph
Godol. The G. A. G. requested that
if the chapter will not hold their
regular meeting within the next
Cardoza Aleph Club
seven days, that the Aleph Godol call
a special meeting for the purpose of
Making Enviable
electing a convention delegate.
Every Aleph Mazkir has been sent
War Work Record
a Delegate Election Notification
which must be filled out completely
Boston, -Within a week
and returned to Convention Head-
after their formal installation as an
quarters by special air mail. Those
Pictured above is the cover to be used on
Aleph Club of the A. Z. A. the mem-
chapters and Aleph Clubs that re-
all literature sent to the delegates of the
bers of the Cardoza Aleph Club em-
spond first will be given preference
National War Service "Convention By Mail." Elsewhere on this page will
barked on an intensive war work
with respect to committee appoint-
be found the story, and plans for this convention. Don't wait. Elect your
program. The results al-
delegates now to the 20th Annual Convention of the A. Z. A.
ready show that this new
Each chapter and Aleph Club is
group has fallen into line
entitled to elect a delegate. Those
and will carry on its share
with a membership of sixty are en-
of war work.
titled to elect two delegates.
As its' first war project as an A.
Only Aleph Godols, Aleph Maz-
Membership Campaign Set
Z. A. Chapter, a book and magazine
kirs, Past Aleph Godols, Past Aleph
drive was held, and culminated in
Mazkirs, Aleph Godols-Elect, and
the collection of 6,346 books and
Aleph Mazkirs-Elect, who are still
To Get Under Way July 1
periodicals. These were turned over
members of the chapter, are eligible
to the Commanding Officer of the
for election as delegate for the Na-
Boston Port of Embarkation, for dis-
tonal Convention. In the event that
Chapters Will Set Own Quotas to "Fill in Ranks"
tribution to the Servicemen stationed
none of those above named are able
to serve as delegates, then the chap-
ter or Aleph Club may elect any
This Aleph Club has already bought
Washington, D. C.-Since the first
ter acquaint the members of A. Z. A.
resident member in good standing.
a $50 War Bond from its treasury
communication went out to all Aleph
with the drive to recruit 1,500 new
(Section 3, Article XVI of the S.
and has voted to expend 25 per cent
Godols in regard to the A. Z. A. War
Alephs between July 1 and Septem-
A. C. Constitution provides that an
of its weekly dues income for the
Heroes Memorial Membership Cam-
ber 30. It is hoped that the ranks of
Aleph must be a member in good
purchase-of War Stamps and Bonds.
paign, not more than two weeks ago,
A. Z. A. will be filled in with 14, 15
standing for at least two years and
Five of the Alephs were War Stamp
the appointments of chapter commit-
and 16 year old Alephs to replace
must have held some office for at
Drive Chairmen in their schools, dur-
tee chairmen have been pouring into
older members entering the Armed
least one year before being elected a
ing the Boston public schools "Buy a
National Headquarters. In the mails
delegate.) Because SO many new mem-
Jeep" campaign.
last week went the membership kits
Minimum Expected
bers have been brought into the Fra-
Twelve of the Alephs are enrolled
to all membership chairmen thus far
ternity and SO many officers have
The committee has been informed
in their local A. R. P. Medical Unit
reported to National Headquarters by
joined the armed forces, the S. A. C.
that no goal has been set by National
as messengers and First Aiders. All
the Aleph Godols.
has decided that for the purpose of
Headquarters for the individual Chap-
twelve of the Alephs were recently
the "Convention by Mail," that any
The membership kit, along with a
ters. Instead each Chapter will de-
awarded their white helmets and cer-
resident member in good standing
letter of instructions to membership
termine, after discussion with the ad-
tificates after having completed the
shall be eligible as delegate.
chairmen, was sent out in order to bet-
(Continued on Page 3.)
prescribed course to qualify.
(Continued on Page 3.)
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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 21, June 25, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.