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The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 1, July 23, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 1, July 23, 1943
Don't Forget
Elect Your
to the
A. z. A.
By Mail"
Official Organ A.-B'nai B'nith Youth Organization
July 23, 1943
VOL. XIX-No. 1
AZA Starts "BUY A BOMBER' Campaign
Suckle to Represent
Plane Will Carry Name
Second AZA Chapter
Jewish Youth on
AZA If Drive Succeeds
In England Ready
Board of A. J. C.
For Installation
Treasury Dept. Lauds Drive From Aug. 1-Oct. 13;
Three AZA Delegates
All Chapters Will Sell Bonds for Heavy Bomber
Alumnus William Katz
Meet With Jewish
Aids in Organization
Youth Groups
Washington, D. C. - Isidore H.
pose of the campaign will be to pur-
of A. C.
Wachtel, alumnus of A. Z. A. and at
chase through the A. Z. A., by the
Washington, D. C.-William
present a member of the legal staff
sale of War Bonds, a four motored
Suckle, Grand Aleph Godol of A. Z.
of the Reconstruction Finance Cor-
bomber which will carry the name
Washington, D. C.-This week na-
'A., has been elected one of four dele-
poration, has been appointed Chair-
'Aleph Zadik Aleph, B'nai B'rith
tional headquarters of A. Z. A. re-
gates to represent the Council of Na-
man of the National A. Z. A. "Buy a
Youth Organization.'
ceived 15 membership applications
for a new Chapter being formed in
tional Jewish Youth Organizations,
Bomber" Campaign which will be
In cooperation with the United
of which A. Z. A. is a part, at the
launched August 1, and will continue
States Treasury, Mr. Wachtel has
Birmingham, England. Headquarters
American Jewish Conference to be
through October 13, 1943. The pur-
(Continued on Page 2.)
promptly cabled Mr. Louis E. Wigo-
der, the special deputy of the S. A.
held in New York City commencing
C. in Great Britain and Ireland, to
August 29.
proceed with the installation of the
Other delegates elected to repre-
Aleph Club at an early date.
sent the youth groups are Naomi
This is the second A. Z. A. Chap-
Chertoff, National President of Jun-
ter to be formed in England, the first
ior Hadassah: Sam Melnick, Junior
being Pioneer Chapter at Leeds,
Past President of the Young People's
which was installed as an Aleph Club
League of the United Synagogue;
in March, 1940, and which has since
and Gertrude Summer, National Vice-
become a permanent Chapcer operat-
President of Junior Mizrachi Women.
ing under Charter No. 481.
Several weeks ago the Executive
Organized by American Alumnus
Committee of the American Jewish
Conference approved A. Z. A. and
The Birmingham Chapter is pri-
marily the result of the work of Pfc.
twelve other youth organizations as
recognized members of the Confer-
William Katz, advisor of Canonsburg
ence. It was decided at that time the
Chapter 24, Canonsbur, Pa., who has
youth organizations should be en-
been stationed in England. Other A.
titled to four delegates at the August
Z. A. alumni stationed in England
29 Conference, and in addition they
with the U. S. armed forces, Max
are to be given two seats on the Ex-
Ross of Chelsea and George Shendel-
man of Memphis, have assisted in
ecutive Committee of the Conference,
this work.
one with vote and voice and one with
voice only. These two youth repre-
The Leeds A. Z. A., headed by
sentatives on the Executive Commit-
Mr. Wigoder, have also worked dili-
gently towards the formation of the
tee were selected by Henry Monsky,
Chairman of the Executive Commit-
"Bombs Away, Sir," the bombardier will say to the pilot. "Here's a present
Birmingham Chapter, and Elkan
to Hitler, Benito, and Hirohito from the Aleph Zadik Aleph, B'nai B'rith
Levy, Aleph Godol of the Leeds
tee. They are William Suckle and
Bernard Sang, President of the Na-
Youth Organization." This will be a reality with a bomber similar to the
Chapter, visited with the new group
tional Federation of Temple Youth.
one pictured above at the close of the National A. Z. A. "Buy a Bomber"
from May 8 to May 12 and was in a
Seven Organizations in Council
Campaign. The campaign is set for August 1-October 13. Get your Chapter
great measure helpful in the success-
to participate. Every Aleph should take part. Back our boys on the fight.
fui organization of the Chapter
On July 8 seven youth groups-
ing front now. Sell bonds today for Victory tomorrow.
In the absence of a B'nai B'rith
A. Z. A., Junior Hadassah, Young
lodge in Birmingham, the Chapter
People's League, National Council of
will be sponsored by the Leeds B'nai
Jewish Juniors, National Federation
B'rith lodge, with the approval of
0.3 Temple Youth, Junior Mizrachi
Julius Schwab of London, President
Women, and Hashomer Hadati-re-
of District Grand Lodge No. 15. It
sponded to an invitation to meet to-
is hoped that as a result of the forma-
gether for the purpose of electing the
tion of A. Z. A. in Birmingham a
four delegates reported above. At
lodge will soon follow.
this same meeting the youth organ-
Harry Levine Advisor
izations present voted to form a
Council of National Jewish Youth Or-
A committee of prominent Jewish
citizens headed by Mr. Harry Levine,
ganizations for the purpose of co-
editor of the Birmingham Jewish Re-
operating with the American Jewish
Conference and for carrying on oth-
corder, has assumed the responsibil=
er activities of common interest to
ity of advising the Chapter. In addi-
Jewish youth.
tion to Mr. Levine, the advisory
A. Z. A. was represented at the
board will consist of Arthur Lesser,
Baron Wolfe, and Pfc. William Katz.
meeting by Grand Aleph Godol Wil-
liam Suckle, Cambridge, Mass.: Ed-
Ronald Cowan, 16 years of age,
ward Grause, New York City, Dis-
has been selected as the temporary
Aleph Godol.
trict No. 1 Aleph Godol; and Stanley
All of the new members are vi-
Cohen, Monumental City Chapter 413
and Aleph Godol of the Baltimore A,
tally interested in the A. Z. A., and,
Z. A. Council. Also present at the
in their own words, "see the organ-s
ization as a means to unite the Jew-
meeting were Julins Bell and Sidney
ish youth of various countries and to
Scher of Monumental City Chapter
413, and Julius Bisno, the Executive
develop them into better citizens and
better Jews."
Director of the Supreme Advisory
In appreciation of the splendid THE
sistance given them by Alumnus WiL
Julius Bisno was selected as one
Is the discussion of the three men
of a committee of six to meet for the
liam Katz, the new Chapter voted to
in the picture above. Isadore H.
take the name of the William Katz
purpose of drawing up organizational
Wachtel, Chairman of the National A. Z. A. "Buy a Bomber" campaign,
plans for implementing the work of
Chapter. But because of the contrary
the Council of Jewish Youth Organ-
left, is consulting with William C. Fitzgibbons, center, and Earl Sangston,
policy of the S. A. C., which pro-
right, of the War Savings Staff of the United States Treasury Department.
hibits the naming of a chapter after
All three men were instrumental in launching the National Campaign which
a living individual, the group will be
(Continued on Page 12.)
will run from August 1 to October 13.
(Continued on Page 12.)
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The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 1, July 23, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.