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The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 7, November 26, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 7, November 26, 1943
Debate and
for the
See Page 3
Official Organ A.-B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
November 26, 1943
Heshvan 28, 5704
Vol. XIX-No.7
Klutznick Appointed
Suckle and Lichtenstein
S. C. Alumnus Killed
Member of OCD
While Serving With U.S.
Voted Jr. S. A. Members
Youth Committee
A. A. in Asiatic Area
Committee Will Seek to
All Changes for Jan. 1
Washington, D. C.-Word has
Promote Jr. Branch of
been received at National Head-
Assessment Must Be
Citizens Service Corps
quarters that Lieut. Morton Sher,
22 year old alumnus of Greenville
in Before Dec. 25
(S. C.) Chap. 386, has been killed
Washington, D. C.-The Office of
in action while serving with the
Washington, D. C.-On January 1,
Washington, D. C.-Philip M.
Civilian Defense has announced the
1944, all Chapters and Aleph clubs
Klutznick, chairman of the Committee
Army Air Forces in the Asiatic
appointment of Philip M. Klutznick,
will be assessed $1.00 for each active
on Nominations and Elections of the
President of the Supreme Advisory
Lieut. Sher was an active mem-
Aleph listed on the records at Na-
20th National AZA "Convention By
Council of A. Z. A., as a member of
tional Headquarters. This is the
Mail," today announced the follow-
ber of the chapter and held the of-
fice of Aleph Mazkir before enter-
semi-annual national dues assessment
ing official results of
ing the University of Alabam.a
for the six-month term ending June
the national, election
Prior to the entrance of the
30, 1944, and will be used to help
of grand officers for
U. S. into this war Sher became a
defray the expenses of conducting
the year 1943-44,
member of the famous Flying Tig-
the affairs of the fraternity.
balloting on which
ers, and his name is mentioned
The records of National Head-
ended at midnight,
several times in the widely read
quarters will be closed on Decem-
November 19th
book "God Is My Co-Pilot.'
ber 25, 1943. Any membership
For the office of
changes sent in after that date will
Grand Aleph Godol:
in no way affect the assessment.
Hazelton Alephs Hold
Edward A. Grause,
S. A. C. Rulings
Edward A.
20, of Queens Vil-
Bar Mitzvah Celebration
In accordance with the ruling set
lage Chap. 348,
down by the S. A. C., members listed
Queens Village, Long Island, New
as having joined the Armed Forces
Hazelton, Pa.-The Alephs of
York. Runner up: Arthur N. Gilbert,
will enjoy free membership privileges
Hazelton Chap. 137 celebrated their
17, of Frankfort Chap. 289, Philadel-
and should not be taken off Chap-
13th (Bar Mitzvah) anniversary on
phia, Pa.
ter's records. Non-resident members
the November 25th week-end with
will only be assessed for one-half the
For the office of Grand Aleph
three days of activity at which Alephs
regular fee. If your chapter has any
S'gan: Moe Weisberg, 19, Reuben
from neighboring chapters were
members falling into either of these
Brainin Chap. 459, Montreal, Que.
two categories notify your City or
Canada. Runner up: Harold Rhein,
The Alephs and their friends start-
District Director immediately. Use
18, Dr. A. L. Sachar Chap. 305, Chi-
Philip M. Klutznick
ed the week-end with a Friday eve-
Form 164 for reporting men entering
cago, III.
the newly constituted National OCD
ning service in honor of the A. Z. A.
the armed service.
For the office of Grand Aleph
Youth Advisory Committee, the first
War Heroes. On Saturday evening
If there are any Alephs in any
Mazkir Zalm Gellerman, 20, Tri-City
meeting of which was held in New
basketball games were held as part
Chapter or Aleph clubs who have not
Chap. 40, Rock Island, III. Runner
York City on Friday, November 19,
of the festivities.
been recorded at National Headquar-
up: Gilbert Dorfman, 17, Abraham
and was attended by Mr. Klutznick.
The anniversary celebration was
ters, Aleph Mazkirs have been sent
M. Fabian Chap. 497, Paterson,
Among others, the Advisory Com-
brought to a close with a banquet
See "Assessment"
For the two offices of Junior
mittee includes Senator Arthur Cap-
and dance on Sunday evening.
(Continued on Page Eight)
members of the Supreme Advisory
per, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Daniel
Council: William V. Suckle, 20, Oak
F. Lincoln of Rotary International,
Lane Chap. 363, Philadelphia, Pa.,
Dr. Donald Shank of the American
and Sam Lichtenstein, 25, alumnus of
Council on Education; G. Howland
Second AZA Chapter in British
Har Sinai Chap. 60, Philadelphia, Pa.
Shaw, Assistant Secretary of State:
Runner up: Ensign Sheldon Gensler,
Charles P. Taft, of the Federal Se-
curity Agency; and Ray Lyman Wil-
Isles Installed in Birmingham
23, alumnus of Dr. Deinard Chap. 8,
Minneapolis, Minn. Ed Grause, the
bur, President of Stanford Univer-
new Grand Aleph Godol, also serves
as a Junior member of the S. A. C.
American and English Alephs Present at Induction
by virtue of his office.
Chairman of the Advisory Com-
Edward A. Grause, the nineteenth
mittee is Roy Sorenson of the Na-
tional Council of the Y. M. C. A.
Birmingham, England - The sec-
member of the Oorder to be honored
The National Advisory Committee
ond chapter in the British Isles was
The installation was held at the
by election to the office of the Grand
will have as one of its principal func-
installed on October 10 at Birming-
Communal Hall, commencing at 3:30
Aleph Godolship, succeeds William V.
tions the promotion of the Junior
ham, England, under the direction of
p. m., followed by a banquet and
Suckle who was elected at the na-
Citizens Service Corps, which was re-
tional AZA "campus convention" at
Mr. Louis E. Wigoder, special deputy
cently organized as the junior branch
Harry Levine, chairman of the
Schreiner Institute at Kerrville, Texas
of the S. A. C. for District Grand
Lodge No. 15, and Elkan Levy, past
chapter advisory board, and editor of
in JJuly, 1941 and re-elected at the
of the U. S. Citizens Service Corps,
and which seeks to enroll boys and
Aleph Godol of Pioneer Chapter 481
the Birmingham Jewish Recorder,
national AZA "war service confer-
girls under 16 who are members of
was toastmaster at the banquet, with
ence" at the Congress Hotel in Chi-
of Leeds.
a group under a qualified adult lead-
Mr. Wigoder as the principal speaker.
cago, III., in July, 1942.
Participating in the installation
er such as a school teacher, scoutmas-
Addresses were also delivered by the
Grause, who resides at 90-20 214
were Pfc. William Katz, alumnus of
ter or A. Z. A. advisor.
Rev. Dr. Cohn of Singers Hill Syna-
Street, Qeens Village 8, New York,
Washington, Pa.; Sgt. Abe Tulchin,
Alephs Under 16 Eligible
gogue and the Hon. Julius Schwab
joined AZA on February 24, 1939 and
Fall River, Mass., past Aleph Godol of
of London, President of District
has held the office of Aleph Godol,
Members of A. Z. A. chapters un-
District No. 1; Pfc. Ben Shapiro, Chi-
Grand Lodge No. 15 of B'nai B'rith,
in addition to minor offices and com-
der 16 are eligible to become mem-
cago; Pvt. Stanley Besefsky of Den-
bers of the Junior Citizens Service
Remarks were delivered by prominent
mittee chairmanships, in his chapter
ver Chapter 6; and Pvt. Max Ross of
Corps, provided they have complet
members of the Birmingham Jewish
in the Long Island Council, and in the
Chelsea, Mass.
ed, in the year preceding their en-
Metropolitan New York Region, and
Mr. Wigoder was accompanied to
rollment, at least ten hours of service
Mrs. Harry Levine, wife of the
at present he heads the District No.
Birmingham by a delegation of 23
in one or more projects acceptable
chapter advisor, was chairman of the
1 AZA Association. He is employed in
Alephs of the Leeds chapter, who
as being a part of the community's
reception committee. The dance fea-
a war plant, and spends almost every
made the trip in order to install the
war program. The advisor of the
'tured Allan Ayres and his band.
hour away from work on some of his
Birmingham charter class of 20
chapter must certify that the appli-
Among the Alephs of the new
many AZA activities.
Alephs. Because of crowded train
Birmingham chapter inducted was
Last year, Grause received the
cant is performing the obligations of
schedules following the High Holi-
Pvt. Maurice Kriss of a Scots regi-
award as the best Alehp Mazkir in
See "Klutznick"
days, it was necessary for the Leeds
ment, who is one of the outstanding
See "Grause"
(Continued on Page Two)
delegation to travel two nights by
table tennis stars of Great Britain.
(Continued on Page Eight)
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The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 7, November 26, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.