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The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 8, December 10, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 8, December 10, 1943
Dec. 21st
Official Organ A.-B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
December 10, 1943
Kisley 13, 5704
Vol. XIX-No.
ining at a
ln, Nebr.
423 of Ch
Aleph In Service Wins Sam
AZA Chapters to Sponsor
te P. A.
engagement Beber 'Ideal AZA Boy' Award Youth Brotherhood Rallies
ond. Cort
estion on
aude "over
udes Berni
Lewis Miller of Dist.
Chapters Urged to Set
hen in Eng
n Italy, Jo
4 Recipient; Four Other
Aside February 20-26
ury Herso
the Pacifi
Awards Given by A. C.
As Brotherhood Week
Washington, D. C.-For the sec-
Washington, D. C.-The Supreme
(Pa.) Chap
and successive year an Aleph repre-
Advisory Council Headquarters to-
the Arm
senting District No. 4 was chosen to
day called upon all AZA chapters to
receive the Sam Beber Award as the
take the initiative in sponsoring, in
ites "I ner
boy who most clearly carries out the
cooperation with other local youth or-
of the fra
A. Z. A. ideals. Lewis J. Miller of
ganizations a "Youth Brotherhood
until I en
Santa Monica (Calif.) Chap. 53 was
Pictured above are the five
Rally" during National Brotherhood
etings with
awarded this prize by the National
Grand officers who were recent-
Week, February 20-26, 1944, the week
the country
Committee on Awards at their recent
ly elected in the National A. Z. A. Convention by Mail." Each was elected
of Washington's birthday.
at exists i
meeting in Washington. The com-
by majority vote of the chapters in the A. Z. A. through their duly elected
The introduction of such rallies
mittee was comprised of Bill Suckle,
delegates. They are, left to right: Edward A. Grause, Queens Village (N. Y.)
will continue the noble tradition of
ing in m
the former Grand Aleph Godol, and
Chap. 348, Grand Aleph Godol; Moe Weisberg, Reuben Brainin (Mont.) Can.)
AZA which was the first organization
I too ma
Hyman Goldstein and Congressman
Chap. 459, Grand Aleph S'gan; Zalm Gellerman, Tri-City (III.) Chap. 40,
to inaugurate nation-wide, patriotic
in buildin
Samuel A. Weiss, both of them mem-
Grand Aleph Mazkir; Samuel Lichtenstein, Alumnus Har Sinai (Phila., Pa.)
"Youth and Democracy" rallies in
ion for al
bers of the Supreme Advisory Coun-
Chap. 60, Junior S. A. C.; and William V. Suckle, Oaklane (Phila., Pa.)
February, 1938.
rds to my
Chap. 363, Junior S. A. C.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
for me an
Miller, at present a member of
in urging nation-wide observance of
vice to con
the U. S. Army, was granted the
Brotherhood Week, February 20-26,
n A. Z. A
award by unanimous decision after
Grause to Be Installed
Peoria Alumnus Gets
1944, said that he hoped "our citi-
part they
the qualifications for all applicants
zens will meet in church and school-
Have them
for the reward were judged. Miller,
As G. A. G. on Dec. 17th
Silver Star Award
house, in halls and public places to
who joined the A. Z. A. in 1938 held
think through the implications of
many offices in his chapter and re-
New York, N. Y.-Edward A.
For Gallantry
practical brotherhood today, to ce-
gion, and was Aleph Godol of his dis-
Grause the new Grand Aleph Godol
ment our country's unity during the
trict before entering the armed
will be officially installed in of-
Peoria, III.-T/Sgt. Jack Schaf-
trying times to come, and to pledge
forces. He won the honorable men-
fice by William Suckle of Phil-
fer, Aerial Gunner, has been awarded
anew allegiance to the flag which is
tion for the ideal A. Z. A. award for
adelphia, the outgoing G. A. G., at
the Silver Star for gallantry in ac-
a_living symbol of liberty and justice
District No. 4 in 1941-1942 and is the
Friday evening services on Decem-
tion. The presentation was made to
for all.'
holder of the Shield of David Awards
ber 17th in Queens Village, Long
Schaffer, Alumnus of Rabbi Ben
The Supreme Advisory Council
for leadership, activity and war serv-
Island, N. Y.
Frankel Chap. 215 at a ceremony at a
Headquarters is preparing the Janu-
Arrangements are in the hands
hospital somewhere in England where
ary-February issue of The AZA Pro-
Miller has had an outstanding rec-
of the New York Regional office.
he is recovering from frozen hands.
gram Guide which will be devoted to
ord in all phases of the A. A. "Five
Further information is available
Schaffer was wounded on August
practical plans and suggestions for
Fold and Full" program during the
from the New York Director, Kal-
12th in a battle over Germany. At
sponsoring a "Youth Brotherhood
five years in which he was a member
man Levitan, 11 W. 42nd Street,
that time, one of the members of the
of the A. Z. A.
New York 18,1 N. Y. Telephone:
crew he was with, froze to death.
Steps to Take Now
Honorable mention for this award
Lackawanna 4-9492.
While a member of the Peoria
Each AZA chapter and Aleph club
was given to Harry Dalin, Judah
Milton Cohen, national adminis-
Tuoro Chap. 448, St. Louis, Mo.; Ar-
trator assistant will represent the
chapter, Schaffer held the office of
should take the following preliminary
Aleph Kohen Godol. His brother,
steps NOW in planning its rally.
thur Gilbert of Frankford Chap. 289,
S. A. C. at the installation.
All members of the A. Z. A.,
Abraham Schaffer, also an alumnus
1. Appoint a "Youth Brotherhood
Philadelphia, Pa. Edward A. Grause
of Queens Village Chap. 348, Long
B. B. G., and B'nai B'rith are
of the chapter, is a S/Sgt. in training
Rally" committee with an active, en-
at the University of California at the
ergetic chairman at the head.
Island; and Harold Rhein of A. L.
urged to be present.
2. The AZA committee should call
Army of Occupation School there.
Sacher Chap. 305, of Chicago, III.
upon the local committee of the Na-
tional Conference of Christians and
Bogen Award
Jews (or the Round Table of Cath-
The Dr. Boris D. Bogen Award
was given to Jerry Friedman of Lo-
Chapter Elections Scheduled
olics, Jews, and Protestants, as it is
called in some communities) and urge
rain (Ohio) Chap. 267. This award
was presented to the boy who did the
most to revive the Hebrew Language
For Last Week in December
that they provide for a "Youth
Brotherhood Rally" in their local
plans for Brotherhood Week.
and the most effective religious work
3. The local committee of the Na.
in his community.
Washington, D. C.-The last week
lookout between now and election
tional Conference of Christians and
Friedman's outstanding record of
Communal Religious work was a ma-
in December will be set aside by ev-
time for workers who will carry on
Jews should be requested to assume
jor factor in choosing him as the
ery A. Z. A. chapter for the purpose
the administration of the chapter. An
the responsibility of calling together
of electing officers. Every officer with
the heads of local youth organiza-
award winner. His interest in the
the exception of the Aleph Mazkir
opportunity should be given to young-
tions and church and synagogue
religious education of the young peo-
will assume his obligations to the
er men wherever possible to assume
youth groups for the purpose of or-
ple of Lorain, Ohio, and his co-opera-
tion with the A. Z. A. chapter was
chapter on January 1, 1944. The
office. Older members who contem-
ganizing a representative community
Aleph Mazkir is elected for the pe-
plate going into the service can be
wide committee to take charge of
given consideration. Honorable men-
tion for this award was given to Mor-
riod of e year and will continue in
useful to these new young officers by
sponsoring and arranging for the
office until June 30, 1944.
aiding in the capacity of junior Ad-
date, place and program of the
decai Simon of Judah Touro Chap.
Every chapter is urged to send
"Youth Brotherhood Rally."
448 of St. Louis, Mo.
the names of all officers and Advisors
If and when an officer who has
B. B. G. to Cooperate
Alfred M. Cohen Award
elected for the chapter to their City
been duly elected enters the armed
Chapters of the B'nai B'rith Girls
The Alfred M. Cohen Award, an-
or District Director immediately after
forces, the City or District Director
and B'nai B'rith Young Women
nually presented to the chapter ob-
elections are held, on the official
of the chapter involved should be no-
should be invited to join with the
taining the greatest number of new
election report (form No. 6). The
tified immediately in order that he
AZA in initiating local rallies.
members for B'nai B'rith from
importance of sending this report to
may make the necessary notations on
In communities where there is an
amongst fathers, brothers and alum-
the director cannot be emphasized
his records and in turn notify Na-
AZA Council, the Council organiza-
ni of A. Z. A. chapter members, was
too strongly.
tional Headquarters.
tion should assume the initiative in
given to Lorain (Ohio) Chap. 267.
This chapter, which was awarded the
This is the only method which we
Every chapter will keep in mind
this activity. Chapters in those com-
have for obtaining the names and
that the officers selected must be sin-
munities where an AZA City Direc-
National A. Z. A. best chapter award
addresses (including zone numbers)
cere in their willingness to build the
tor's office is located, should work
for the years 1940-41 and 1941-42,
of the officers and Advisors. This
chapter's strength so that it may be
through his office.
walked off with this award by get-
should be made the first official task
alive and active when the Alephs
The National Conference of Chris-
ting nine new members for the Lo-
of the incumbent Aleph Mazkir.
who are now on the fighting fronts re-
tians and Jews has been requested
Workers Wanted
turn after victory and a just peace
(Continued on Page Eight)
Every chapter should be on the
has been won.
(Continued on Page Eight)
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The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 8, December 10, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.