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The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 6, April 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 6, April 1947
Official Publication of AZA and BBYM of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Send address changes to The Shofar.
APRIL, 1947
1746 M St. N. W., Washington 6, D C.
Sholom, Dr. Sachar
It is with a deep sense of
regret that I write this
column to bid good-bye to
Dr. A. L. Sachar, our Na-
tional BBYO Director.
BBYM Convention
Key Figures in Change
Perlmutter Upped;
Ever since the formation
of the B'nai Youth Organ-
Set for St. Louis;
Sachar Continues
ization, Dr. Sachar, who will
be leaving us shortly, has
made mani-
fold contribu-
July 7-9 Are Dates
As Hillel Chief
tions to AZA
and BBYO.
Brown Names Chairman
No Change in Policy
Through such
Or Program Planned
For Hospitality--Expect
By New Director
Dr. Sachar
Influx to Begin July 4
has continued
Rabbi Amram Prero,
Definite plans for the
his life-long
since last September BBYO
BBYM convention to be at
tradition of
Boys Director, has been ap-
service in the
the Hotel DeSoto, St. Louis,
pointed to succeed Dr.
A mericanEarl Pollock
Mo., July 7-9 have been
Abram L. Sachar as Na-
Jewish Community
made by the national offi-
tional Director of the B'nai
As an administrator, Dr.
cers of the organization.
B'rith Youth Organization, it was
Sachar has earned the re-
Marcus Brown, convention
spect of each of us for his
announced by Henry Monsky,
chairman, in announcing the final
President of B'nai B'rith and
role in setting up the ma-
plans for the date and place also
chinery which is the foun-
Chairman of the B'nai B'rith
reported that Dan Friedman, 5232
dation of BBYO. Today, we
Youth Commission.
Enright St., St. Louis, has been ap-
have undoubtedly the finest
Simultaneously, Mr. Monsky
pointed hospitality chairman for
tor is Rabbi Amram Prero (up-
and largest staff in our his-
announced the appointment of Vic-
the convention. Brown, himself,
per left), former Director of
tory, who work together
tor Perlmutter, National Adminis-
with precision teamwork to
expects to be in St. Louis for the
Boys Work, who was named to
.Serve our ever-expanding
District 2 convention this month
succeed Dr. Abram L. Sachar
trative Assistant, as Director of
and will confer there on other de-
(upper right) who has resigned
Dr. Sachar will continue as Na-
As a leader, Dr. Sachar
tails of the national meeting.
as Director after having held
tional Director of Hillel Founda-
has provided the impetus
Friedman is president of Mis-
that post during temporary re-
that has set into motion the
souri BBYM 38 and is president
tions. Given the additional assign-
organization since October, 1945.
of the St. Louis BBYO Council.
ment with BBYO in October, 1945,
gears of this machinery, and
Also elevated in the reorgani-
He will handle most of the details
Dr. Sachar assumed the director-
has been largely responsible
of local publicity and seeing that
zation was Victor Perlmutter
for the advances made by
ship of the youth groups on a tem-
everything is ready when the
(left), former Administrative
BBYO in the past eighteen
porary basis. In conveying his de-
delegates swarm in.
Assistant, who is new Director
months. However, his out-
sire to the Youth Commission to
Services and Oneg Shabbat First
of Administration.
standing leadership has not
The influx is expected to begin
step down, Dr. Sachar said he felt
been of the domineering or
July 4 when St. Louis and other
"the job of re-organization is now
dictatorial type.
BBYO groups will run Friday
virtually complete."
On the contrary, Dr.
night services and an Oneg Shab-
When he assumed his new posi-
Sachar has again and again
bat. A party, tours, and a talent
tion, Rabbi Prero announced that
championed the principle of
(See CONVENTION, Page 3)
AZA, BBYM Projects
he planned a continued emphasis
self-government, on both na-
upon democracy in the youth pro-
tional and local levels. He,
as well as his successor,
AZA's to Meet
Now in Second Month
gram, and that the program would
continue as it has been operating,
Rabbi Amram Prero, firmly
and that he saw a test and a chal-
believes that BBYO mem-
At Camp Near
AZA Roumania Drive
Young Men Progress
lenge ahead.
bers are able and eager to
Gets Aid From
Establishing, Aiding
carry out constructive ac-
"For and by Youth"
tivities on their own ini-
Kingston, N.Y.
Rest of BBYO
Field Libraries
Elaborating on these three
tiative and responsibility,
points, the new director pointed
without resort to "canned"
Other BBYO groups were re-
BBYM's current national proj-
out that BBYO is now the largest
Convention Is Set for
programming or "remote
ported to be joining AZA chapters
ect, the building up and establish-
and fastest-growing Jewish youth
control." This basic prin-
Labor Day Week End
in gathering textbooks, prayer
ment of BBYO libraries in regional
organization "The important
ciple of self-government,
and district offices, is now in its
point," he said, "is not size or the
books, and religious articles for
which was so emphasized in
Camp Highpoint, Broadhead,
pace of expansion, but that we are
shipment to aid the 400,000 Rou-
second month with the young men
N. Y., will become the point of
a youth organization-for and by
the recommendations of the
interest for all AZA Aug. 29 and
manian Jewish survivors of the
soliciting aid from other BBYO
youth. The responsibility of the
National Executive Commit-
will continue to hold the spot-
Nazis regain a spiritual life.
groups in carrying out the project.
staff is to guide without domina-
tee, is today given greater
light until late Sept. 1 for
The project on a national scale
In line with the BBYM policy
tion so the young people may carry
recognition than ever be-
that will be the time that dele-
out a program in their own or-
of gathering these articles was
of contributing to the welfare of
gates, contestarts, and guests meet
adopted at the February meeting
the youth organizations, the proj-
As a friend and guiding
at the 1947 national convention
The present program will be
there. The camp is in Ulster Coun-
of the Order's Executive Commit-
ect was adopted at the February
continued, Rabbi Prero went on.
light, Dr. Sachar has won
ty, near Kingston.
tee at Washington. Action by AZA
meeting of the National Executive
"No revision whatever," he as-
the admiration of all who
While most of the convention
came after an appeal was made by
Committee. The project was sug-
serted, "will be made in the policy
have had the opportunity to
details are in the planning stage,
Dr. Alexander Shafran, Chief Rab-
gested by Alex Raider, Chairman
or the basic program of BBYO
some facts are definite. Beryl
bi of Roumania, for material and
of the Cultural Committee.
that has been continued and
know and work with him.
Weinstein, Grand Aleph S'gan, has
strengthened under Dr. Sachar.
equipment to be sent to his coun-
Goal of the organization, in un-
With your Grand Aleph
been appointed chairman of the
Our active motto still will be 'Five
trymen for rebuilding their religi-
dertaking this project, was to
Godol, national committee
convention. Although he lives in
Fold and Full'."
ous and cultural lives.
make cultural and reference ma-
Jacksonville, Fla., convention mail
chairmen, and every aleph
In a recent visit to national
terial available to BBYO mem-
Although he sees "tremendous
for him should be addressed to
headquarters, Rabbi Shafran
bers near local units. Few field
tasks ahead," Rabbi Prero is con-
with whom he has come in
national headquarters, 1746 M St.,
offices had libraries at the begin-
fident that an "era of tremendous
contact, Dr. Sachar has al-
N. W., Washington, D. C.
noted that all synagogues, text-
Alephs will begin arriving the
books, prayer books, t'fillin, tale-
ning of this drive, and those where
expansion lies ahead. I have every
ways been generous of his
afternoon of Aug. 29. Supper
isim, and other Jewish articles had
library existed needed more
confidence in the capabilities, in-
been destroyed by the invaders.
books. The project is designed to
telligence, and the desire to serve
time and energy.
will be served that evening, and
among our members."
For this, and for your in-
the convention proper will get un-
These are the items being hunted
build up libraries that existed and
and bought by chapters for ship-
to establish libraries in all the
29,028 in BBYO Now
der way the next morning. The
valuable aid in the building
conclave will end late in the day,
other offices.
While Dr. Sachar was Director,
of a strong B'nai B'rith
Sept. 1, Labor Day.
House-to-house canvasses, home
Chapters were asked at the
the youth organizations made tre-
Registration fee for the meeting
searches, and appeals to local
opening of the drive to work with
mendous strides in growth. Latest
youth movement, Dr.
will be $21. More complete de-
Jewish communities through or-
regional and district directors on
membership figures show 1,214 ac-
Sachar, we are indeed grate-
tails will be published in future
ganizations, synagogues and
the project. Directors are co-op-
tive chapters in the four member
editions of The Shofar.
(See AZA, Page 10)
(See YM, Page 3)
(See PRERO Page 2)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 6, April 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.