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The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 7, May 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 7, May 1947
Official Publication of AZA and BBYM of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Y, 1947
Send address changes to The Shofar,
1746 M St. N. W., Washington 6. D. C.
True AZA Spirit
This month, we observe
the twenty-third anniver-
sary of the founding of
AZA. Since that time back
Most of Program
B.B. President
in 1924 when Sam Beber
organized our first chapter
For YM Meet
Stricken Suddenly
in Omaha, AZA, through its
ever-expanding membership
After Conference
and activities, has grown
IS Planned
immensely. Today, our
Henry Monsky, National
Order occupies the imposing
A partial convention and pre-
President of B'nai B'rith
position of America's lead-
convention program .for the na-
and Chairman of the B'nai
ing Jewish youth organiza-
tional BBYM convention has been
drawn up and will include serv-
B'rith Youth Commission,
ices, dances, sessions, seminars,
died suddenly of a heart at-
What has been respon-
and a banquet, Marcus Brown,
tack in New York City on
sible. There
convention chairman announced in
Friday, May 2. Mr. Monsky
can be little
doubt that
The program as it stands was
was stricken shortly after
planned in St. Louis when the
one of the
leaving a meeting of the
convention chairman met with
main factors
International Committee of
Harold Rhein, National BBYM
behind this
President, and representatives of
the American Jewish Con-
chapters in the host city.
ference, of which he was
growth has
While the convention itself will
one of the organizers, and
been "that
not get under way until Monday
chairman of its Interim
AZA spirit."
morning, July 7, all delegates are
expected to arrive by Sunday
One of the outstanding
Earl Pollock probably im-
night, July 6. with many of them
pulling in on the Fourth Thus
leaders in American, Jewish
possible to
plans were made accordingly,
life, Mr. Monsky was a
define, we easily recognize
Co-Chairmen for Hospitality
native of Omaha, Nebr., and
it at our meetings and COI-
After the trip, Brown clarified a
a prominent attorney in that
ventions, in our AZA hand-
statement that Dan Friedman and
community. He became ac-
shake and "Up, You Men,"
Ray Schoenfeld would be co-
tive in B'nai B'rith while
and in other symbols of
chairmen of the hospitality com-
still a young man and rose
AZA fraternalism.
See YM Meet, Page 3
to the national presidency
However, AZA spirit
through a series of local and
means much more than
national offices.
simply cheering and singing
BBYO Seder Programs
Mr. Monsky had always
and ordinary club loyalty.
been concerned with youth
It is what that loyalty
problems and welfare. He
represents that makes this
during throughout the years.
Probably Set Record
was instrumental in B'nai
spirit SO meaningful and en-
B'rith's adoption of Aleph
Zadik Aleph as a junior
First of all, the AZA
order in 1925 and became
spirit stands for a fellow-
ship based on the assump-
Successes Reported
Aeon AZA Praised
the first chairman of the
Project Head Asks
B'nai B'rith Youth Com-
tion that AZA is open to all
Jewish young men. And cer-
From All Over;
For Red Cross Aid
mission upon its formation
New BBYM Effort
in 1944. He was also the
tainly it would be a viola-
chairman of the U.S. Attor-
100 Seders in N.Y.
"I congratulate you on having
tion of that spirit if we were
ney General's Conference on
ever to follow the poor
these young men as members of
For Libraries
Juvenile Delinquency and a
examples of other organiza-
your organization, and in turn
member of the board of
tions which restrict their
A new record probably
thank the B'nai B'rith for the won-
Father Flanagan's famous
was set this year for BBYO
With the end of the current ac-
membership to youths of a
Boys' Town.
derful influence it must have to
tive year for many BBYM chapters
particular economic status
group participation in Pass-
An eminent leader in na-
produce men of this type."
approaching, Alex Raider, national
or social class. We are a
over programs on the basis
project chairman, urged all units
tional and international af-
fraternity in the true sense
Those were the words Mrs. Mar-
of the organization to redouble
fairs, Mr. Monsky had been
of reports received at the
of the word, but we dis-
garet Cornell, chairman of the
their efforts to complete the pres-
frequently honored for his
tinctly are not and can not
national office up to press
Outremont District Red Cross
ent project successfully.
contributions to the war
be a "frat," with its multi-
Campaign in Montreal, used in
The organization's Executive
effort and the organization
farious exclusive practices.
Approximately 2,500 BBYO
referring to the aid she received
Committee decided in February to
of a lasting peace. He acted
Secondly, the AZA spirit
members of the New York Region
undertake establishment of li-
from Aeon AZA. She enthusiasti-
as a consultant at the organ-
alone took part in more than 100
braries in the district and regional
stands for the traditional
ization conference of the
cally reported the AZA part in the
offices where none exist and to
Five-Fold-and-Full program.
Third Seder programs this year
United Nations in San Fran-
campaign in a letter to Baruch
strengthen and enlarge those that
This program, incorporated
This was more than double the
(Abe) Rabinowitz, Montreal Di-
were in existence. Chapters were
cisco. The meeting which
into AZA in 1928 and now
number of Gotham programs re-
urged to contact their respective
Mr. Monsky was attending
ported a year ago. The rest of
adopted as the official pro-
directors for suggestions on build-
just before his death
gram of all BBYO, aims at
Halfway through the latest Red
ing or establishing libraries.
concerned with the current
providing each Aleph with
Additional news of special
Cross drive for funds, Mrs. Corneil
Goal of the project was set at
meeting of the United Na-
wide range of activities.
Passover rites and another pic-
found that many cards had not
providing program, reading, and
tions General Assembly
ture will be found on Page 12
reference material for BBYO
which include athletic and
been given to canvassers. Some-
Mr. Monsky had been
of this issue.
members as close to their homes
one suggested that Stanley Hyman,
revealed by a recent poll to
social affairs as well as com-
as possible. Few field offices had
be the best-known Jewish
a member of Aeons, might be
adequate libraries at the beginning
munity service projects and
the organization seemed to be
able to help. Mrs. Cornell called
of the drive, but BBYM hoped that
organizational leader in the
religious and cultural func-
headed for new heights, too.
all offices would have a good se-
United States. His sudden
tions. With such an excel-
Pre-Seders in Los Angeles, St.
upon Hyman and he immediately
lection of books and magazines
death aroused expressions
Louis, and other cities were spon-
replied that he could organize
when the drive closed.
of shock and sorrow from
lent program, our AZA
sored by chapters and councils
group of solicitors.
In asking that chapters go all
leaders and simple citizens
loyalty and enthusiasm gain
from two weeks to one day before
Of the campaign these boys con-
out in the closing weeks of the
the beginning of the ancient holi-
throughout the country.
far greater significance.
ducted Mrs. Cornell said:
drive, by conducting money-rais-
day marking the exodus of the
cannot too highly express my
ing affairs and by soliciting,
Now, as we embark upon
Jews from Egyptian bondage. Six
The news of Mr. Monsky's
Raider said, "I know the drive
our twenty-fourth year, my
Los Angeles area chapters joined
thanks and appreciation for the
tragic death came too near
will not fail. Our organization has
in one Seder, which was attended
brother Alephs, let us con-
wonderful help they gave me.
press time to include a full
always tried to serve all BBYO,
by 150 alephs, and three joined
story of his life and his con-
stantly strive to strengthen
Their contribution was $292.89,
and this drive was undertaken in
in another program. All 15 BBYO
tributions to B'nai B'rith and
groups of St. Louis took part in
but the courteous and efficient
line with that policy. hope every
this AZA spirit. We dare not
BBYO. This material and oth-
the mammouth Pre-Seder there.
manner in which they handled this
chapter of BBYM will work with
er news in connection with his
rest on our laurels; there is
vigor to write 'success' to another
In addition there were two St.
assignment could not be reckoned
loss to BBYO will be in the
job do!
worthy campaign for our organi-
See SEDER, Page 10
in dollars and cents."
next issue.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 7, May 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.