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The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 8, June 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 8, June 1947
Official Publication of AZA and BBYM of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
JUNE, 1947
Send address changes to The Shofar,
1746 M St. N. W., Washington 6, D. O.
National Convention
Conclave BBYM to Open Season
Once again convention
time is drawing near. In just
a few months, Alephs repre-
Near-Aug. 10
senting every segment of our
Of Conventions July 7th
International Order will as-
semble at Camp High Point
Is Deadline
for what promises to be one
Plan for Convention
Conclave to Honor
of the most important na-
Less Than Two Months
tional conventions in our
Left to Register
Memory of Monsky;
There your chosen dele-
gates will spend many a
Eulogy by Cohen
long session
Place- -Camp High Point, West
Shokan, Ulster County, N. Y.
and deciding
Date-Aug. 29-Sept. 1
Registration deadline-A Aug. 10
ipon such
Place-Hotel DeSoto, St. Louis,
Send registration to - Beryl
Weinstein, Chairman, 1746 M. St.,
Date-July 7-9
questions as
N. W. Washington 6, D. C.
Pre-convention activity from
youth publi-
Registration fee-$21
July 4
cation of
Convention mail address- Camp
Send registration to - Marcus
The Shofar,
High Point, West Shokan, Ulster
Brown, Chairman, 1746 M. St.,
County, N. Y.
N. W., Washington 6, D. C.
dues, youth
Convention freight address
Earl Pollock
Camp High Point, Ashokan,
Ulster County, N. Y.
FOUR OF THE KEY FIGURES in making ready for the 1947
BBYO's national conventions
national basketball tourna-
BBYM national convention put their thoughts together in St.
AZA's 24th annual convention
ment, National BBYO Coun-
Louis. They are: (I. to r.) Ray Schoenfeld, co-chairman of hos-
will be given a rousing send off
is less than three months away,
cil, and revision of pledge
pitality; Max Kleinbaum, District 2 Director: Marcus Brown,
July 7-9 in St. Louis when dele-
and the deadline for registration
convention chairman, and Dan Friedman, co-chairman of hos-
gates and visitors converge on the
is less than two months away.
DeSoto Hotel there for their sec-
In addition, under the
ond annual convention of the na-
That means that final details
leadership of our rejuve-
are being completed by those
tional organization of BBYM.
nated national committee
charged with the success of the
B'nai B'rith Puts Ceiling
In recognition of Jewry's great
camp meeting. Grand Aleph
loss in the passing of the beloved
system, ways and means of
S'gan Beryl Weinstein, convention
leader of B'nai B'rith, Henry
strengthening each phase of
our Five-Fold-and-Full pro-
chairman. while holding up his
Of 23 on YM Ages
Monsky, the convention will be
end of the planning, has an-
dedicated to his memory. Sey-
gram will be considered.
nounced a final registration date
mour S. Cohen, BBYM National
Sorry to say, it will be
of Aug. 10. Those alephs who
On the basis of recommendations from an investigating
Secretary, will deliver a eulogy to
impossible for all of our
plan to attend the meeting must
committee appointed by Henry Monsky, the Supreme
Henry Monsky at the opening
membership actually to be
send forms to him at 1746 M St.,
session of the convention on Mon-
Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith set the upper age limit of
present at the convention. It
N. W., Washington 6, D. C., be-
day, July 7. That evening Henry
fore that date.
BBYM at 23.
Monsky Memorial exercises will
is, however, entirely possible
and vitally necessary that
Camp officials and the BBYO
The investigating committee, presided over by Leon W.
be conducted by Joseph Abram-
son, President of Henry Monsky
every Aleph and chapter
staff are also working on details
Obermayer, Chairman of the Vocational Service Commis-
Chapter No. 137, Minneapolis,
take an active part in this
to make this the biggest and
sion, had been studying this ques-
democratic process of formu-
best in nearly a quarter of a cen-
tury of international conclaves.
lating national policy. Only
AZA Drive
tion for six months. After hear-
Pre-Convention Schedule
The New York office is making
ing representatives of the B'nai
Friday evening, July 4, Missouri
in this way can self-govern-
arrangements for bus service
Looks Like
B'rith Membership Department,
Chapter 38 will sponsor Friday
ment in AZA be made ef-
from New York to the camp at
of the B'nai B'rith Youth Commis-
evening services and an Oneg
West Shokan in Ulster County,
sion, and members of the organ-
near Kingston. Those alephs who
On Saturday evening Midwest-
First, each of us must
give serious thought to ideas
are attending the convention can
izations, including "Si" Cohen,
ern Chapter 112 will sponsor an
ride from New York City direct-
national BBYM secretary, the
"Early Birds' Dance" at Temple
which we feel might aid
ly to the camp on these buses.
All indications point to the fact
investigating committee recom-
Israel House. Out-of-town
either the organization or
Further information is available
that the current AZA drive for re-
BBYMers who would like to at-
men what it considered a solu-
program of AZA. In par-
from the New York Regional of
ligious and educational articles for
tend that dance should notify
ticular, we should be fully
Roumania will be a tremendous
tion which would be fair to both
Marvin Taxman, 5620 Waterman
aware of the background of
BBYM and to B'nai B'rith Lodges.
Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
The convention will begin the
each of the major recom-
afternoon of Aug. 29 and will
In many localities girls' groups
The committee found during
America Chapter 86 will spon-
mendations of National
close on the afternoon of Sept. 1.
have conducted drives alone or
the course of its investigation
sor an "Ice Breaker Dance" at the
Executive Committee, which
Labor Day. Although no final
with AZA chapters so that the
that less than 10 percent of
YMHA roof garden on Sunday
are to be debated on the con-
program is available now, it is
project is receiving an added push
BBYM was over 23 and the mem-
night, July 6. The entire BBYO
known that business, culture, and
from the outside. Some chapters
bers of B'nai B'rith under 23 were
of St. Louis has promised a round
vention floor this summer.
The best medium by which
recreation will be blended in
have sponsored special services,
of entertainment and fun for
large doses and in a manner which
shows, and dances with those at-
visiting BBYM members in the
these problems might be
The text of the report made by
should make the convention
tending bringing articles for ship-
three days before the convention.
better understood is through
ment to Roumania.
the investigating committee on
Convention Schedule
intelligent discussion right
Most complete returns have
the BBYM age limits may be
Convention registration will be-
-In addition to completing reg-
in your own chapter meet-
istration, alephs who attend have
been reported by District 2. There
found on Page 3.
gin at Convention Headquarters
other items to think about before
Gary 329, Gary, Ind., led the field
in the Hotel De Soto on Sunday,
Second, we must use ex-
with 829 pamphlets, texts, dic-
July 6. Delegates and guests are
See AZA MEET, Page 11
tionaries, and Biblical material.
equally few in number. It there-
requested to register immediately
treme care in selecting our
Indications are that nearly
fore recommended this age limit
upon arrival. No rebate will be
delegates. Elect only those
as the most equitable arrange-
Dateless Alephs
every chapter in the organization
paid to any delegate who fails to
Alephs whom you believe,
has collected something for the
through their leadership and
Benefit UJA
Provision was made for those
register by 10:30 a. m., Monday,
Jews of Roumania who seek to re-
July 7.
members of BBYM who are now
experience, most capable of
build their educational and spirit-
23 years old or over. These men
Rebates will be paid to only
truly representing you and
The current UJA drive was
ual lives.
will be permitted to retain mem-
one delegate from each chapter.
working for the general
the recipient of a donation from
Logan Square Gives to UJA
bership in BBYM until they are
Those chapters that are sending
welfare of the Order. Those
the three AZA chapters of
25. The membership of other
two delegates will have to decide
who will be fortunate
Paterson, N. J. Paterson,
Chicago's UJA drive was boost-
BBYM members will terminate
which is to receive the travel re-
enough to attend the con-
Brandeis, and Kenneth Lip-
ed by Logan Square AZA 282 by
on the January 1st after their
bate. Ray Schoenfeld, co-chair-
vention must realize that
schultz after a unique fund-
$25. The money was contributed
23rd birthdays. This ruling will
man of the Convention Hospitality
they speak not only for
raising scheme.
from the chapter treasury.
become effective at once.
Committee, has asked that dele-
The chapters set aside a "no
Cohen, BBYM representative at
gates notify him of the exact time
themselves, but for their
chapters and districts as
date" night during which mem-
September Issue Next
the Youth Committee of the Su-
of their arrival. He can be ad-
bers and girls attended at least
preme Lodge, made a strong ap-
dressed care of BBYO, 705 Chest-
one of the more than half-
peal for an age limit of 25. He
nut Street, St. Louis, Mo.
With this issue The Shofar
Through this democratic
dozen house parties that were
suspends publication until Sep-
pointed out that this was the de-
The Executive Committee will
process, we can all share in
scheduled. Girls and boys each
sire of the majority of BBYM
meet on Sunday, July 6. The first
tember. The next Issue will be
the important decisions to be
paid the admission price of $2.
members. However, after much
convention session, including
prepared for mailing about Sept.
made at the 1947 National
Food and decorations for the
1 and will contain full coverage
discussion, the committee decided
greetings and a State of the Order
parties were donated, and all
of the BBYM convention, which
to support the recommendation of
address by National President
the proceeds went to the UJA.
will be in St. Louis July 7-9.
the special committee on BBYM
Harold Rhein, will occur on Mon-
See you there!
See YM CONCLAVE, Page 11
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The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 8, June 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.