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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, September 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, September 1947
Official Publication of AZA and BBYM of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Send address changes to The Shofar,
1746 M St. N. W., Washington 6, D C.
State of the Order
(The following is the first part
YMers Seek to Strengthen Order
of the annual report of the Grand
Aleph Godol to the National
Convention of AZA. This report
was read to the delegates at
New BBYM President
Conclave Amends Constitution, Ritual;
Camp High Point, New York, on
Aug. 30, by Grand Aleph Godol
Earl ck.-Editor.
Asks Youth Council, Merged Paper
Over a year has elapsed
Approximately 75 BBYM delegates from chapters that
since your Grand Aleph
had been part of a group that had survived clouded early
Godol took office. For all the
days gathered in the Hotel DeSoto, St. Louis, to review
world it has been basically
progress, polish up rough spots, and make plans for the
future. It was the successful second annual convention of
a year of transition from
war to peace For AZA, too,
Dedicated to the late B'nai B'rith
it has been a year of re-
Miss Lechner
President, Henry Monsky, the con-
adjustment and rebuilding.
vention proper opened with
Just as the coming of war
Is Elected
eulogy to him by Seymour S. (Si)
Cohen, Secretary. Setting the tone
called for radical changes in
for the entire meeting, Cohen said,
our structure and member-
ship, so the coming of peace
YW Head
"We pause not to mourn alone,
but to gain inspiration, to follow
brought with it equally seri-
the signposts which he SQ clearly
ous prob-
National Council,
1 e m s At
Harold Rhein, National Presi-
Joint Paper and
the time, a
dent, was prevented from presid-
Programs OK'd
ing because of business, but his
clear overall
message was read to the conven-
national pol-
The new national officers of
tion. Dan Leibl, Vice-president,
icy had not
B'nai B'rith Young Women, elect-
conducted the sessions at St. Louis.
yet been
ed at their second national con-
Executives of the organization
vention at St. Paul, Minn., Aug.
had met at two Sunday sessions,
9-12, are Helene Lechner, Brook-
July 6. and before the opening
and changes
lyn, President: Henrietta Klein,
general session on Monday. Dele-
of staff were
Los Angeles, Vice-president; Paula
gates who arrived as early as Fri-
Lach, Miami, Fla., Treasurer, and
day were treated to a full round
Pollock still under-
Mirjam Albert, Chicago, Counsel-
of pre-convention activities
way. Confu-
lor and Youth Commissioner.
planned by the convention chair-
sion and controversy over
Discussed and acted upon at the
man, Marcus Brown, and by the
age limits were widespread.
BBYW Convention were many is-
co-chairmen of hospitality, Ray
The introduction of more
sues of interest to all BBYO. The
Shoenfeld and Dan Friedman.
democ ratic programming
young women voted in favor of a
Plan Member Drive
techniques was hailed with
National BBYO Council, the com-
Delegates rewrote sections of
suspicion. A serious short-
Enthusiasm Marks Elections of Cohen,
bining of The Shofar and The Me-
the constitution, amended the
norah, joint conventions with
age of competent advisers
chapter constitution and made
BBYM, and planning joint pro-
threatened to scuttle the en-
only certain sections of it binding
Abrahamson, Booker, and Zisenwine
grams with other BBYO and B'nai
on all chapters, rewrote the ritu-
tire program This was the
B'rith groups.
als and made the installation ritu-
sobering challenge then
Local Classes
al a model, handled 40 resolutions
faced by your national
With elections varying from acclamation to multiple
The national organization of
favorably, and planned for a cam-
ballots Seymour S. (Si) Cohen, Joseph L. Abrahamson,
BBYW also decided that BBYW
paign that would double the num-
Today, the picture is cer-
groups in local areas should spon-
Alvin E. Booker, and Gilbert M. Zisenwine were voted
ber of chapters and members
sor classes in such subjects at
between then and the next con-
tainly a far brighter one.
into office enthusiastically at final session of the second
Jewish History, The Jew in Amer-
Your Grand Aleph Godol is
annual BBYM convention at St. Louis. All new officers
ica, Jewish -Art. and Jewish Cus-
Most amendments to the consti-
pleased to report that today
are AZA alumni.
toms and Traditions. They urged
tution were made to conform with
the state of the Order is
Cohen, the second President of
chapters to conduct world affairs
the new age limits, 19-23, to take
sound, that AZA has suc-
300 Alephs
BBYM, succeeds Harold Rhein,
programs that would both increase
into consideration the rew dual
cessfully bridged the gap be-
Chicago, who was unable to attend
the members' knowledge of vital
position of Secretary-Treasurer,
tween war and peace. For
this year's convention. Rhein com-
issues and lead them to take ac-
and to provide for a new stream-
Are Meeting
mended Cohen for his "tireless
this, the National Organiza-
tion as individuals or as groups
lined national organizational set
work" as Secretary in his admin-
within B'nai B'rith policies.
up. The age-limit question was
tion is especially indebted
A strong resolution established a
explained by Si Cohen and by
for efficient administration
and programming by our na-
At Camp
Officer nominations began as
policy of conducting on the Sab-
Rabbi Amram Prero, BBYO Di-
Seymour Brenner nominated Co-
bath only such activities as were
rector, and others, and the con-
tional staff, to the passing of
hen. There were no other nomi-
in harmony with Jewish belief and
vention approved a resolution of
time, and to an unquench-
An estimated 300 alephs, rep-
nations, and, in a wave of enthu-
good faith in regard to the decision
able AZA spirit.
resenting seven districts of the
siasm stemming from praise
A move to increase national
of the B'ani B'rith Supreme Lodge
United States and Canada, are
heaped on the candidate after a
dues won the approval of a large
setting the ceiling age for new
As we emerge from this
meeting now at Camp High Point,
year as Secretary, the YMers rose
majority of the delegates but
members at 23.
transition period. we are in
West Shokan, N. Y., for the 24th
and indicated their hearty appro-
failed by two-thirds of a vote to
New Fund With $2 Dues
an excellent position to
annual convention of AZA.
val with applause.
gain the necessary two-thirds ma-
Having raised national dues to
evaluate more closely the
The convention, which opened
jority for passage.
Headed Co-operation Unit
$2 a member, del ates amended
actual progress which has
the afternoon of Aug. 29 and
Single National Project
the constitution so that $1 of the
which will close the afternoon of
In addition to serving the order
been made. This can best be
A single national project, to send
Sept. 1, faced several problems in
as its national Secretary, Cohen
new dues will be put into a special
done by measuring AZA
creative and recreational materials
BBYM fund. The convention also
with two criteria: first, the
arrangements. Sessions and sports
was chairman of the B'nai B'rith-
to children overseas was adopted
BBYO Co-operation Committee of
gave the Secretary the additional
were limited on the opening day
as the major Community Service
quantity of our membership,
the organization last year. He has
job of Treasurer.
because the organization planned
for the year
and, second, the quality of
been a member of Raymond Katz
In streamlining, delegates TO-
no events inconsistent with the
A memorial service for Henry
duced the number of national
the program pursued by that
Sabbath. In addition Rabbi Am-
BBYM 10, Washington, for two
Monsky was conducted by Joseph
committees to three. A Program
ram Prero, BBYO Director, and
years during which he has been
Abrahamson, national Vice-presi-
and Activities Committee will taka
Victor Perlmutter, Administrative
reporter and secretary. He is also
dent of BBYM, who also presented
on the Youth Conference of Chris-
(See CONCLAVE, Page 3)
Director, were in Washington for
to the young women the gavel used
From a quantitative stand-
tians and Jews.
(See AZA CAMP, Page 10)
by BBYM at their convention,
point AZA has today the
Cohen came to Washington
Among the guests at the con-
largest membership in its
upon completion of work for the
vention were Rabbi Amram Prero,
Happy New Year
B. S. degree at the University of
history. A3 of June 30,
Director of BBYO, who gave the
Florida. His family home is now
More news of the BBYM
AZA had 596 chapters with
main address at the final banquet;
in Miami. He is an alumnus of
convention, including detailed
As another page in Jewish
Mrs. Albert Woldman of Cleve-
13,379 members. At the
Miami AZA 322 and was a mem-
stories on constitution and ritu-
history is turned and we enter
land, Chairman of the BBYW Ad-
same time last year, we had
the year 5708, the staff of the
ber of Royal Palm Chapter, Miami
al changes, complete details of
visory Board; Mrs. Louis Perlman
491 chapters with 11,086
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Beach, when that unit was an
seminars, and news of resolu-
of Chicago, Chairman of BBG Ad-
wishes to extend to each mem-
Aleph Club. While attending Mi-
tions passed will be found on
members. This represents
visory Board: Mrs. Max Katz of
ami Beach High School, Cohen was
Pages 2, 3, 4, and 10 along with
the substantial increase
ber and to each devoted friend a
Brookline, Mass., Chairman of the
elected to the National Honor So-
pictures of the convention.
within one year of 105
sincere wish for a good year for
BBYO Committee of the Women's
Next issue will contain full
chapters and 2,293 mem-
you and for all the Jewish peo-
Supreme Council; and Mrs.
At the University of Florida
coverage of the AZA meeting
ple. L'shanah tovah tikosevu.
Kornbleet of Kansas City, Mo.
(See GAG, Page 9)
now in progress.
(See ELECTIONS, Page 4)
District 2 Youth Commissioner.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, September 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.