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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 6, February 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 6, February 1948
Official Publication of AZA and BBYM of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Send address changes to The Shofar,
1746 M St. N. W., Washington 6, D. C.
As one of the American
tenets it is usually stressed
during Brotherhood Week
YM, YW Executives
AZA Executives to
that "democracy can sur-
vive only if we are tolerant
To Hold Washington
and practice the principles
Meet in Washington
of the common brotherhood
of mankind." Yet in the
Meeting March 6
To Discuss Plans
meanings of the two words,
tolerance and brotherhood,
The Executive Committee
we find a basic contradiction.
of both BBYM and BBYW
The mid-year meeting of
will meet simultaneously in
the Executive Committee of
can be prac-
Washington on March 6 and
AZA will be held during the
ticed only by
7, it was announced by
week-end of Feb. 21-22 in
one who feels
Seymour S. Cohen and
Washington, D. C., it was
that he is
Helene Lechner Fishbein,
Presidents of the two organ-
announced by Myron Teitel-
superior to
another and
izations. Although the meet-
baum, Grand Aleph Godol.
ings will be simultaneous,
The executives of the B'nai
that he al-
lows the
they will not be joint, except
B'rith Girls will be meeting
other indi-
for discussion of mutual
in Washington at the same
vidual to
problems and get-acquainted
Isadore Aronson
Edwin M. Manson
The Executive Committee
peacefully in his every day
One of the outstanding
living; while brotherhood
subjects to be considered at
Aronson Declared Winner
will hear reports on progress
indicates that all men are
these meetings will be the
of the organization by the
equal and that there is no
initiation of plans for the na-
superior group of men who
tional conventions of the
In 1947 Sermon Contest
Grand Aleph Godol and by
the chairmen of the various
can practice the so-called
organizations. The two Ex-
The winner of the national AZA Sermon Contest for
committees. Among the re-
democratic concept of
ecutive Committees will also
discuss the program of the
1947 is Isadore Aronson of Hackensack, N. J. First and
ports will be those on the
second honorable mention went to Edwin Manson of
national AZA basketball
If, when questioned about
organizations, and progress
tournament, the implementa-
brotherhood someone
made in projects and ac-
Hartford, Conn., and Clarence Borns of Gary, Ind. The
tion of a national community
should ask us why a Jew is
tivities since the last conven-
judges of the annual contest, associated with continent-
service project, B'nai B'rith
equal to a Catholic, a Negro,
tions. Matters to be proposed
wide observance of AZA Sabbath in November, were
and BBYO cooperation, and
or an Irishman, how could
to the next national conven-
tions will be outlined at the
Rabbi Simon Greenberg, Provost of the Jewish Theologi-
the Interim Committee which
we prove this to his and our
Executive Committee meet-
cal Seminary; Rabbi Uri H. Miller, President of the Rab-
was established to investi-
own satisfaction? If he
should ask us what were the
binical Council of America: and Rabbi Theodore H.
gate and suggest revisions in
the organizational structure
accomplishments of our
Those who will attend
Gordon, Director of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation at
of AZA.
people, could we adequately
these sessions will be the na-
the University of Wisconsin.
This meeting will also out-
answer him? Perhaps he
tional officers and district
Aronson, whose sermon
Borns interpreted the mean-
line tentative plans for the
could tell us about his re-
representatives of each
group. Both presidents have
considered the question,
ing of "The Chosen People"
next AZA convention. These
ligion, race, or nationality
plans will be considered in
and why it is equal to that
sent announcements of their
'Are We Fit to Carry on
as imposing upon the Jews
the Jewish Birthright," is
the mission to transmit the
conjunction with the report
of others, but could we tell
plans to the various members
him of our history, litera-
of their Executive Commit-
the aleph kohen godol of
ideals which would make
of the interim Committee
Benjamin Chase AZA 633,
for a world based upon
which may suggest revisions
ture, or folklore Could we
of which he was one of the
in the organization and ad-
tell him of the Jewish
Both presidents are
organizers and first aleph
In his prize-winning ser-
ministration of national con-
ethical, moral, scientific, and
anxious to receive from
godol. A June, 1947, gradu-
mon, Isadore Aronson said:
economic contributions to
members and chapters of
ate of Hackensack High
"Whether or not Judaism
In addition to the national
the world?
their organizations all sug-
School, 18-year-old Aronson
will survive, will depend, in
officers of AZA, the Execu-
Thus it is clear that we
gestions and recommenda-
is now employed as an in-
great measure, upon our ef-
tive Committee includes the
cannot preach brotherhood
tions which should be con-
dustrial apprentice.
forts to remain true and
chairmen of the national
or claim that the Jews are
sidered by the Executive
Committees. Such communi-
"It really started the New
loyal to the doctrines and
committees, each of whom
equal to other peoples unless
Year off right for me and
practises of Judaism. It will
is from a different district.
we first know our own past
cations may be sent either
for the fellow-members of
depend, too, upon our will-
All individuals and chap-
in order to represent our-
directly to the presidents or
my chapter," was Aronson's
ingness to learn more and
ters who have suggestions
selves correctly to the out-
to the district association
more about Jewish law, his-
and recommendations for
president who will see to it
comment upon being in-
side world. Therefore as a
that the material is transmit-
formed of his selection by
tory, ethics and philosophy
discussion by the Executive
basic part of our year-round
-and all else that makes
Committee should submit
ted to the Executive Com-
the judges.
inter-group program, we
one a true and genuine fol-
these in writing either to the
Alephs should strive to know
Manson was chosen as
lower of Judaism. Our mem-
Grand Aleph Godol or to a
more about ourselves. We
second-place winner for the
bership in AZA can help us
member of the Committee.
should gain a thorough
second successive year. His
meet this challenge bet-
Such communications will be
understanding of our own
Convention Commiltees
sermon this year was en-
welcomed by the Committee.
heritage and a pride in our
titled, "A College Man
Get Reminder from GAG
own people.
Looks at AZA." A past
Then when we are asked
aleph godol of the Julius
AZA Bowling Contest Announced by Lipsman
According to a decision of
what a Jew is, we shall be
Adler Memorial chapter of
the last national AZA con-
A national AZA bowling
must be submitted on the
able to dispel many of the
AZA, Manson is now attend-
vention, it is mandatory for
contest during the month of
official AZA Bowling Contest
false suspicions or general-
ing Willimantic State Teach-
all regional and district
izations that have been
ers College. He plans to
March was announced by
Scoresheet which is printed
tournaments to include in
on Page 10 of this issue of
stated about the Jews. We
enter the field of vocational
Milt Lipsman national
their schedules a seminar or
The Shofar. Scoresheets must
shall, by showing the true
guidance upon completion of
chairman of the AZA Ath-
workshop on some subject of
be postmarked no later than
worth of Judaism, gain re-
his professional studies.
letics, Awards and Contests
Jewish interest. This was
April 1, 1948.
Manson was also one of the
spect for our people.
Committee. Games will be
pointed out by Grand Aleph
Lipsman urged all chap-
recent winners of a $250
bowled by each chapter in
Godol Myron Teitelbaum
scholarship awarded to AZA
ters to make their plans now
its home town. Selection of
after attending several
for participation in the con-
members by the Hartford
winners, who will receive
Re-registrations of all BBYO
regional winter tourna-
B'nai B'rith.
test. These plans should in-
chapters were due on January
ments. Teitelbaum found
appropriate awards, will be
clude selection of the chap-
The winner of second
based on scoresheets sent to
1. All records and mailing lists,
that some of the committees
ter's team, setting of the
honorable mention, Clarence
the athletic chairman at
including subscriptions to this
planning these conclaves
date for bowling the games,
Borns, is serving his second
paper, are based on these re-
BBYO headquarters.
had not been aware of this
and arrangements for use of
registration cards, To be con-
term as aleph godol of Gary
Every registered AZA
the alleys. Since the ac-
sidered officially as part of the
AZA. He is also aleph
chapter is eligible to enter
curacy of the scoresheets
organization a chapter must be
All those who are plan-
mazkir of the K.I.O. Region-
the contest. Only one five-
must be attested by both the
registered. Eligibility for rep-
ning district conventions
al Association. Now 16 years
man team from that chapter
person who records the
resentation at conventions, tour-
should remember this re-
old, he is a junior at Horace
may compete in each of the
scores and the chapter's ad-
naments, etc., are determined by
quirement in completing
Mann High School and
three categories: ten pins,
viser or operator of the
registration. If your chapter has
their arrangements. District
member of the National
not registered yet, do so at once,
five pins, or candle pins.
bowling alleys, arrangements
BBYO Directors will co-
All registration cards and dues
Honor Society. He was
Games to be entered in the
should be made for such
operate with convention
must be sent to your regional
chosen as his chapter's win-
contest must be bowled on
persons to be available.
or district BBYO office.
committees in planning this
ner of the Sam Beber Award
a single date during the
Rules and official score-
phase of convention activity.
sermon, month of March. All scores
sheets are on Page 10.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 6, February 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.