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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 10, June 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 10, June 1948
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
JUNE 1948
Send address changes to The Shofar.
1746 M St. N W., Washington 6. D O.
This column in the June
issue of The Shofar is the
No Shofar in Summer
last for this summer, for
YM, YW to Have
With this issue, publication
July and August are vaca-
of The Shofar is suspended
tion months. It is fitting at
during the summer months of
this time to remind all
will resume publication in Sep-
July and August, The Shofar
Alephs that the prime goal
tember. Stories for the Sep-
At Conventions
of our Five-Fold a nd Full
tember issue must be in the
The drive was on. BBYO members swarmed out of
Program is to make good
National Office by August 5.
trucks and cars in every neighborhood of Philadelphia.
Striving to establish for
and THINKING Americans
Address your copy to The
Householders were ready for them. Their drive had been
themselves a concrete pro-
and Jews of all of us. We
Shofar, BBYO, 1746 M St.
preceded by sound trucks, radio announcements, flyers,
must always hold this dis-
N. W., Washington 6. D. C.
and newspapers. The BBYO'ers knocked on doors and
gram based on "The Role
tinct motive in view; other-
came away with armloads of shirts, trousers, helmets,
of Jewish Youth in the World
wise our organization would
GAG Urges
shoes, and sweaters.
Today," BBYM and BBYW
not have the right to exist.
Trip after trip was made.
One impor-
Synagogues, temples, and
BBG Meet Plans
will meet jointly during their
All to Aid
National Conventions to dis-
tant way to
vacant stores were filled
cuss this problem, Helene
achieve our
with materiel. When
aim is to be
New State
night came, BBYO had col-
Nearly Complete
Fishbein and Seymour Co-
hen, National Presidents of
fortified with
lected 350,000 articles of
facts and
With a full three days of
BBYW and BBYM re-
Expressing the desire of
clothing for the fighters in
spectively, have announced.
seminars, business sessions,
AZA to assist the new State
Haganah. H-Day was a suc-
outdoor sports, and social
A new type of discussion
of Israel in its efforts to
functions making up the
group will be inaugurated
time is op-
portune to
establish itself firmly, Grand
This drive to collect uni-
agenda, plans for the Na-
with the consideration of
Aleph Godol Myron Teitel-
forms for the Haganah was
catch up
tional BBG Convention are
this topic. It will begin with
Teitelbaum with the
baum has urged all echelons
inaugurated by Philadelphia
near completion, Rosalind
a keynote address by an
neglected reading of Jewish
of the order to organize and
BBYO in an effort to do
Brensilber, National Presi-
authority in this field. The
history, literature, and folk-
implement plans for co-
something concrete to help
dent has announced.
Convention body will then
operation with local and
the Jews of Israel. More
lore. Through this reading
Approximately 100 dele-
be divided into small groups
national drives to assist the
than 500 BBYO'ers met at
where an attempt will be
you will learn that being a
gates and as many guests as
new Jewish nation.
five area headquarters early
conscious Jew has its com-
the camp can hold are ex-
made to answer key ques-
In a letter addressed to
on May 16 to receive final
pected to attend the Na-
tions put forth by the
pensations, and you will
better strengthen yourselves
all members of the national
instructions. Taps were
tional Convention at Camp
speaker. Another speaker
AZA Community Service
sounded for the Haganah
Achim on Aug. 26 to 29.
will sum up the decisions,
SO that you will not easily be
Committee, Teitelbaum
dead and the declaration of
One delegate will represent
arrived at in the small group
dismayed by the name-
calling, libels, or dis-
the Jewish State read before
65 members of BBG. The
meetings, immediately be-
criminations which you
you should devote
the young people started on
list of delegates and alter-
fore the joint business
your efforts to stimulating
their rounds of the city.
nates elected at District Con-
session at which resolutions
surely will encounter during
the coming years. You will
chapters to aid in the drive
The organization of Ha-
ventions are to be forwarded
will be made.
KNOW that right is with us.
for uniforms, to sign up
ganah Day was set up under
to the National President im-
The three-day meeting
that the religious, moral,
blood donors, and to work
the dynamic leadership of
mediately. Alternates must
will be at the Hotel Tuller
and social ideals and hopes
with the United Jewish Ap-
Bertram Rosenberg, Director
also be duly elected and
(See YM-YW, Page 3)
of mankind were proclaimed
peal. The district offices
of Boys' Work in the Phila-
cannot replace delegates un-
by our people thousands of
will be able to help you in
delphia Region, and various
less their names are on this
years ago. You will KNOW
leaders of BBYO. Learning
AZA Will Feature
these endeavors, and if you
that until the present time
do a good job here, your
that Hadassah was beginning
All delegates and guests
committee will have
its efforts to secure blood
Jews were always to be
are requested to register
Oratory, Debate
found in the vanguard of
achieved a great deal."
donors for the Red Mogen
immediately with the Na-
those who work and fight
Although the Executive
Dovid, the campaign di-
tional Office. The deadline
Plans for an efficient,
Committee of AZA plans
rectors arranged for the
for registrations is Aug. 1.
well-oiled Convention body
for social righteousness, for
liberty, and for peace.
that the national convention
BBYO members to distribute
Registration forms can be
are evolving for the Na-
should consider the adop-
10,000 cards appealing for
secured from District Di-
tional AZA Convention to
By inculcating yourselves
tion of a single national
volunteers to give blood.
rectors. Completed forms
begin on Aug. 31. GAG
with a thorough understand-
ing of Jewish history and
project in this area for next
No sooner had H-Day
are to be mailed to BBYO,
Myron Teitelbaum has an-
the Jewish way of life, you
year, the local units of AZA
been declared than tele-
1746 M St., N.W., Washing-
nounced. Lasting until Sept.
(See ALL AID, Page 2)
(See H-DAY, Page 12)
(See BBG, Page 4)
3, the Convention will
will become proud of be-
feature national oratory
longing to a people that had
and debate finals, business
the stamina to survive the
sessions, social affairs, out-
vicissitudes of time-
door sports and seminars.
only living people with a
One delegate represent-
history of four thousand
ing 118 AZA members is
years behind them, and with
the ratio set by the Na-
a glorious future before
tional Executive Committee
in an effort to keep the Con-
With this in mind, I urge
vention expenses low in
you to keep on reading and
order to allow a gala Anni-
THINKING, and to become
versary Convention next
enriched and stimulated by
year. Preference as guests
our deep tradition, so that
will be given alternates, who
you may be qualified to take
were elected with the dele-
an active part in the shaping
gates at the District Conven-
of Jewish history to come.
Today the Jewish people is
Delegates and guests can
beginning a new era, and in
obtain registration forms
this time of grave crisis our
from District Directors.
people is in dire need of
These forms must be filled in
leaders and workers. By
completely and returned to
your participation in this
the National Office by
program you can prepare
August 1. The registration
yourselves to fulfill your
fee is to accompany the
duties and obligations to
registration form. Address
your people.
the forms to BBYO, 1746
To all Alephs, my sincer-
M St. N.W., Washington 6,
est best wishes for a joyous
vacation, and to the dele-
A SMALL PART of the 350,000
received such overwhelming re-
tons of clothing were collected
gates to our National Con-
army uniforms collected by
sponse that storage depots over-
in the campaign in which every
The registration fee of
flowed and new facilities for
BBYO members in Philadelphia
neighborhood in Philadelphia
$18 will cover all expenses
vention, I hope to see you at
storing the pants, shirts, shoes,
was canvassed. This clothing
incurred at camp. Those
Camp Achim this coming
are shown here. Inaugurated
blouses, and helmets collected
and equipment is armarked for
who plan to attend the Con-
August 31.
on H-Day, May 16, the drive
had to be secured. About 50
the Haganah.
(See AZA, Page 2)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 10, June 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.