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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, September 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, September 1948
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Send address changes to The Shofar.
1746 M St. N. W., Washington 6, D. O.
New National Presidents
Delegates to the BBYW
Representative from
Now Meeting
National Convention began
BBYM chapters in the
their meetings on July 4 at
United States and Canada
As this issue goes to press,
the Hotel Tuller in Detroit.
the National Conventions of
met in Detroit, Mich., the
During the three days of
AZA and BBG are meeting
weekend of July 4. The OC-
business sessions and dis-
casion was the third annual
at Camp Achim in Michigan.
cussions, the young women
Upon the completion of
set up active plans for the
National Convention of
BBG business on Aug. 29,
coming year.
AZA takes over the camp
RS-Education, Recrea-
The delegates reviewed
tion, Social action-became
past progress and mistakes.
for their meeting. The AZA
Convention was to begin
the slogan of the Conven-
They planned the future
tion. The delegates mapped
course of the organization.
Aug. 31 and end on Sept. 3.
Beginning on Aug. 26,
a program to carry out the
New concepts were added
three phases of the motto
to the BBYM program and
BBG divided its three-day
convention into two parts:
they adopted. They planned
previously adopted policies
two days to be spent in
to integrate all phases of
were further implemented.
seminars and workshops, the
BBYW activity so that one
Meeting at the same time
other time to be devoted to
Alvin Booker
would not be separated from
as the BBYW National Con-
Ruth Cohen
another. Their assumption
vention, the representatives
business sessions. This
separation of business and
Trained Leaders
YM Heads Record
was that one well-rounded
enjoyed joint sessions with
workshops was planned so
activity could include all
the girls, had several social
that attendance at one would
three facets of ERS.
events with th em, and to-
not interfere with other ac-
Elected by YW
Long Affiliations
Ruth Cohen, past Presi-
gether searched for their
tivities. Each delegate was
dent of District 6 BBYW,
responsibilities as Jewish
to be assigned to workshops
Heading the list of na-
Big, affable Alvin Booker,
was elected National Presi-
youth in a seminar. All the
in order to keep the groups
tional officers of BBYW for
dent for the coming year.
meetings of both groups
who was elected to the na-
small and to separate them
the coming year is Ruth
tional presidency of BBYM,
She succeeds Helene Fish-
were held at the Hotel Tul-
according to urban and rural
Fagan Cohen, National
has a long record of achieve-
bein, who presided over the
ler, July 4-7.
President. She is the past
business sessions. The Na-
Alvin Booker was chosen
ment in BBYM. As National
The AZA Convention
president of District 5 BBYW
Secretary last year, he dis-
tional Vice-President will be
to head the national organ-
features include seminars,
and a member of the Frances
played tireless interest in all
Charlotte Waterstone of De-
ization for the coming year.
Slanger chapter in Wash-
phases of the program, serv-
troit, Mich. Helen A. Umans,
Booker is a Philadelphian
oratory and debate finals,
softball games and plenty of
ington, D. C. In 1946, she
ing as chairman of several
New York City, is the Na-
and is past secretary treas-
time for newspaper, arts and
was co-chairman of the Na-
national committees as well.
tional Treasurer and Dor-
urer of BBYM. Elected to
crafts and dramatics work-
tional Convention Planning
othy Gordon, Pittsburgh,
the office of vice-president
Al is a Philadelphian and a
shops. A campfire was to be
Committee and was chair-
member of Frankford
Pa., is National Youth Com-
was Nathan Rosen of Los
the attraction on the last
man of the Constitution
missioner. Ruth has ap-
BBYM. He began his career
night of the camp meeting
in BBYM offices as Secretary
pointed Anna Frances Stark
The national secretary-
Committee at the National
with a speaker discussing
Convention this summer.
of his chapter.
of Pittsburgh as secretary.
treasurer of BBYM this year
the current Palestine situa-
Candid and sincere with
A graduate of Temple
BBYW met jointly with
will be Arthur Henle of New
University, Booker continued
BBYM, who met simul-
York City. Joseph Abra-
associates, Ruth attacks a
(See AZA, BBG, Page 12)
(See YW LEADERS, Page 10)
(See YM OFFICERS, Page 8)
taneously at the Hotel Tul-
(See YM MEET, Page 4)
ler, on several occasions.
The o groups joined in
BBYO to Join B'nai B'rith
discussions of "The Role of
Jewish Youth in the World
Today." Their discussions
were inaugurated in a key-
note address by Manheim
A joint national committee has
(See ERS, Page 9)
been established by BBYM and
"Aid to Israel" is a top
a few of the many. Each
BBYW to investigate possibilities
priority project these days
project should not detract
chapter should contact its
of merging the two organizations,
of the entire B'nai B'rith
from the United Jewish Ap-
sponsoring B'nai B'rith
Swords, Plowshares
The committee was set up by the
peal and that the general
Lodge and do what it, can
delegates to the two National Con-
family. Coming at a time
After a representative of Ma-
public not be contacted for
to aid this campaign. This
ventions in response to recommen-
terials for Palestine visited Mc-
when supplies are desper-
assistance, the chapters, al-
drive affords an exceptional
dations made by both National
Keesport, Pa., a concerted drive
ately needed by the civilian
ready involved in the project,
opportunity to help our
to collect garden tools and army
Such a merger has been favored
population, the B'nai B'rith
have worked out plans with
Israeli brothers. We can
uniforms was inaugurated by the
project to provide auto-
the adult B'nai B'rith groups
adult and youth groups. Members
by members of both BBYO units
capitalize on our oppor-
for some time. It is felt that the
motive equipment, clothing
in their areas to give them
tunities by making the neces-
of B'nai B'rith, AZA, zionist and
two organizations are bound by
and toilet articles for the
assistance and to act jointly
sary contacts immediately
synagogue organizations can-
vassed homes for these materials
common interests and goals. They
Israelim provides an oppor-
on this program.
and getting AZA into th e
so that no fund raising was nec-
have cooperated in many common
tunity for BBYO members to
The National Community
drive as soon as possible. It
undertakings on all levels. in the
cooperate with B'nai B'rith
Service Committee of AZA
is already under way, so all
Several truckloads of the tools
past and the recommendation was
Lodges and Women's chap-
is encouraging full participa-
time is precious."
and clothing were transported to
prompted by a desire to avoid du-
ters in a worthy activity.
tion in this activity among
Copies of lists of materials
the Pittsburgh office of Materials
plication of efforts and to combine
Although much of the
AZA chapters. In a letter to
desired and instructions as
for Palestine, where they were
then sent on to New York.
The committee will be directed
project involves raising
his committee members,
to their shipment were re-
A tuck convoy will leave soon
by Alvin Booker, National Presi-
money for purchasing trucks
Dick Brownstein, National
ceived by all BBYO district
from Detroit, Mich., on its way to
dent of BBYM, and Ruth Cohen,
and clothing in bulk, many
Community Service chair-
and regional offices, as well
Materials for Palestine in New
National President of BBYW. Its
BBYO chapters have found
man, wrote:
as all B'nai B'rith Lodges.
York. Ten of the members of the
purpose will be to ascertain the
ways to cooperate with the
"There are numerous ways
Those participating in this
McKeesport AZA chapter have
possible effects of such a merger,
Lodges and Women's chap-
in which AZA might aid the
project are asked to report
volunteered to meet the convoy
studying the advantages and dis-
ters by assembling and
in Pittsburgh and help drive it to
advantages of such action. After
Lodges. We can make phone
their activities to both their
New York, Some of the trucks
gathering the information, the
packing toilet article kits,
calls, pick-ups and deliver-
local BBYO directors and the
will carry clothes that were col-
committee will report their con-
acting as secretaries, and
ies, package, and sponsor
National Program Depart-
lected in Detroit; others are being
clusions to the next National Con-
collecting donations.
the drive within all the
ment of BBYO, 1746 M St.
transported for shipment to Pales-
ventions for action by the dele-
Cognizant of the B'nai BBYO groups, to name only
N. W., Washington 6, D. C.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, September 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.