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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, December 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, December 1948
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Send address changes to The Shofar,
1746 M St. N. W., Washington a.
Athletic Gear Collected
Age Limit Ruling
Dr. Max Baer Appointed
For Israeli Army Group
Clarified by GAG
Acting Head of BBYO
Recognizing that Israeli soldiers are in need of recrea-
Aleph To Be Under
Dr. Max F. Baer, national director of the B'nai B'rith
tional materials for periods of relaxation, Philadelphia
Vocational Service Bureau, has accepted appointment as
AZA is now concerned with collecting athletic equipment
20 at District Meet
acting national director of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organ-
for them. The equipment is being collected for one anti-
tank battalion, which requested it.
In order to prevent mis-
ization. The appointment was announced by Frank Gold-
understanding of the age
man, president of B'nai B'rith, and J. Lieberman, chair-
The boys are limiting their efforts to collecting the
limit rules for participation
man of the B'nai B'rith Youth Commission, after a mail
specific items requested.
in AZA tournaments, the
+referendum of members of
Such equipment includes
the Commission.
Grand Aleph Godol, Orrin
boxing gloves, soccer balls,
Kabaker, has interpreted
Dr. Baer, who declined to
rugby balls, chess sets,
Chairmen Urge
the rule to be applied this
be considered for the per-
dominos, ping-pong sets and
year. In a letter to the Na-
enough baseball equipment
manent position of national
tional Executive Committee
(gloves, bats and balls) to
director of BBYO, will con-
Chapter Interest
of AZA Orrin says that the
outfit two teams.
rule to be followed is that
tinue to direct the operations
They feel that they have
"an aleph would not be
of the B'nai B'rith Voca-
With the desire to encour-
a personal part in helping
age every member of BBG
eligible if he reached twenty
tional Service Bureau. A
the Israeli soldiers since the
to become aware of the ad-
by the time of his District
fifteen-year veteran of
equipment will be sent di-
vantages offered in the
Tournament." This ruling ap-
B'nai B'rith professional
rectly to the men who are
Anita Perlman Scholarship
plies to oratory and debate
service, he was at one time
Fund, Sondra Fischman, Na-
tournaments as well as
assistant national director of
in need of it. The request
tional BBG Scholarship
for the material was made
Fund Chairman, has urged
Orrin points out that it is
AZA Alumnus
by the battalion commander
the district chairmen to in-
logical to base the age limit
to Maurice Bisgyer, Secre-
form chapters on the subject
on the tournament rather
The new BBYO head was
tary of the Supreme Lodge
now. It is felt that many
than the district convention,
introduced to AZA back in
of B'nai B'rith, during his
eligible BBG members do
although in many cases
1929, when he was initiated
recent visit to Israel.
not apply for the award be-
these two coincide. This ex-
into St. Joseph Valley Chap-
The AZA members are
cause they do not know
planation was based on the
ter 92, South Bend, Ind. The
collecting used equipment.
enough about it.
policy adopted at the 1947
very next year he was in-
from their own cellars, com-
A similar fund is main-
National AZA Convention
New BBYW National
vited to address the Indiana
tained by BBYW. each
that alephs who were
State Association of B'nai
munity centers, synagogues,
and sports goods stores. The
organization awarding at
eligible to compete in the
B'rith on the aims and ac-
amount of equipment needed
least two $200 grants to
district tournament would
Chairmen Appointed
tivities of AZA. In 1931 he
by the battalion can be filled
members who have shown
also be eligible for partici-
was a finalist in the national
in the one city, therefore the
pation in the national finals,
Several changes and addi-
AZA oratory contest. Serv-
a need for help in continu-
Philadelphia AZA's adopted
ing their education and
This policy was adopted
tions to the National BBYW
ing as Aleph Godol of his
the project. They expect to
who have the necessary at-
at the convention after much
Executive Committee and
chapter in 1932, he attracted
complete the project this
tributes to warrant receipt
discussion during which it
the list of National BBYW
the attention of national
of the award. A release
was pointed out that th e
Chairmen have been made
AZA headquarters as his
concerning the fund was al-
ruling should assure fair
by Ruth Cohen, National
chapter won the best-all-
so prepared by the BBYW
competition while involving
President of BBYW.
around chapter award for
Community Joins
National Scholarship Fund
no unfairness to any team
Two district representa-
the year. In the following
Chairman, Audrey Schwartz.
or individual.
tives to the National Execu-
year he was appointed
It is to be noted that this
tive Board have been named
junior deputy of AZA for
In AZA Project
The decision upon the
ruling concerning eligibility
chairmen of national com-
the states of Indiana, Ohio,
recipient of a grant is
for tournament competition
mittees. Rae Mevorah will
and Kentucky. From 1934 to
A greater understanding of
1937 he served as assistant
(See AGE LIMITS, Page 2)
(See YW CHAIRMEN, Page 9)
what BBYO's goals are for the
executive secretary at the
American Jewish youth developed
national office. He resigned
among members of the Wheeling,
Southern California Survey Proposes
from this position to accept
appointment as national di-
W. Va., community as a result of
rector of the newly-estab-
a recent project of Wheeling AZA
431. The chapter members set
Variety of Activities For Chapters
lished Vocational Service
Bureau early in 1938. He
aside November to carry out the
In order to provide ac-
placed on the strengthening
indicated to the chapters as
was previously voted one of
National AZA Convention deci-
tivities that will appeal to
of individual chapters with
possibilities are golf, volley-
the charter members of the
sion to send messages to national
the Council acting as a co-
AZA Legion of Honor.
figures asking de jure recognition
the many interests of BBYM
ball (one tournament for
ordinating body. The pro-
and BBYW members in
BBYM and one for BBYW),
Student and Teacher
of Israel.
grams planned by the vari-
Dr. Baer studied eco-
Southern California, the
ous Council committees will
table tennis and bowling.
However, the AZA .chapter did
Many suggested general
nomics at the universities of
not limit the sending of letters and
BBYM-YW Southern Region
serve the chapter as well as
the Region.
meetings were considered
Notre Dame and Arizona.
telegrams to their own members
Council is offering many pro-
only. They enlisted the aid of the
grams of seminars, sports
Among the suggested
and offered to the chapters
He holds the degree of
entire community. A committee
and interest groups. The
projects that would meet
as possibilities. They will be
Bachelor of Laws from
Council prepared a survey
regularly were a drama
organized as soon as the
Creighton University, Master
was appointed to promote the
project of having letters sent by
incorporating their many
group and a choir. A train-
chapters have expressed
of Arts from Columbia
each member of the Jewish com-
program suggestions so that
ing course on the Anti-
their opinions as to the inter-
University, and Doctor of
each chapter might indicate
Defamation League would
est in the topics. These sug-
Education from George
The project grew out of a meet-
gestions were a round table
Washington University. He
those of interest to the
meet twice and would serve
ing at which a member discussed
members. After the survey
on BBYO and other Jewish
has taught at Catholic Uni-
to acquaint members with
the current situation in Palestine
answers are compiled, those
the ADL program, W it
youth organizations; a joint
versity, Bucknell University,
and the United Nations. The mem-
programs which received the
can be presented in the
meeting with a non-Jewish
and George Washington
bers became so interested in fur-
most votes will be carried
chapter, and how the indi-
group; discussions on cur-
thering Israel's position in the
out by the Council.
rent events, the recent elec-
Dr. Baer has been serving
family of nations that they decid-
vidual member can be in-
tions and their significance,
for several years as public
ed to ask the community's help.
Representatives Meet
volved in the ADL program
At the same meeting, the chap-
on a community-wide scale.
Israel and its constitution,
relations chairman of the
This survey is an offshoot
A series of six sessions is
marriage, a current film
National Vocational Guid-
ter discussed items of interest
of a recent meeting of repre-
from The Shofar. Their main
planned to prepare leaders
(after seeing the film to-
ance Association. He is a
sentatives from the chapters.
member of the Attorney
concern was to become aware of
to act as advisers to AZA
gether), business oppor-
decisions made at the National
They discussed the apparent
and BBG chapters.
tunities, "How Easy Is It To
General's Committee on
Convention of AZA and to decide
lack of interest in the pro-
Be a Wife?" "Am a Yom
Scholarships for Juvenile
how they affected their own chap-
gram among individuals and
Kippur Jew?". and "What's
Delinquents, the Federal Ad-
ter. The AZA chapter cooperat-
decided upon this plan to
Several tournaments were
in a Nose?"; several socials
visory Council for the
ing with Wheeling BBG in plan-
stimulate activity in the
suggested for the city for
including a samovar social
Bureau of Employment
ning a carnival and dance to be
area. The Council agreed
those who are interested in
and a hamburger party; and
Security, the National Jew-
held in the near future.
athletics. Those that were
an Aid to Israel Project.
(See DR. BEAR, Page 12)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, December 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.