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The Shofar, Vol. XXIX, No. 5, June 1954
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIX, No. 5, June 1954
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
31st YEAR
JUNE, 1954
Office of Publications, Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar. 1761 R St., N.W. Washington 9. D.C.
To Serve As Full Partner
In $7.5 Million Campaign
Highlighting BBYO's growing status in the B'nai B'rith
family, delegates representing AZA, BBG and BBYM-YW at
the first B'nai B'rith Israel Bond Planning Conference here
May 6-7, exchanged pledges of cooperation with the order's
adult leaders in helping to sell $7.5 millions in Israel Bonds
this year.
AZA National
The more than 100 B'nai B'rith
delegates from all over the United
States and Canada gathered here
Delegate In
to map plans for the order's mass
bond-selling program, heard GAG
New Role
Steve Wasser and BBG interna-
tional President Chuckie Turner
Delegates to the 31st an-
pledge their "fullest support on be-
half of this magnificent under-
nual International AZA Con-
vention, Aug.. 25 31, will
Full Partnership
serve as next year's continu-
The history-making meeting
marked the first time that BBYO
ing link between interna-
had been invited to participate as
tional and the local chapter,
a full partner in a B'nai B'rith
preliminary convention plans
project. BBYO, for its part, will
BBYO'S REPRESENTATIVES TO last month's big Chicago Bonds for Israel meeting take time out to
sell bonds, do volunteer clerical
indicated this week.
Pose or this group photo with B'nai B'rith president Philip M. Klutznick. BBYO's spokesmen at the meet-
work, man sales booths and per-
ing pledged to work in full partnership with B'nai 'rith to help the order meet its goal of selling $7,500,-
Convention delegates will par-
form a variety of other services,
000 in Israel bonds by the end of this year. Pictured, left to right, Mert Brody, BBYM-YW Audrey
ticipate in a program geared to
according to the youth leaders,
Schwartz, Fund chairman; Aaron Zucker, BBYO District 6 Director; George Lefcoe. AZA International
equip them to explain to their local
AZA Community Service Chairman; Irving Canter. National BBYO Program Director; Alex Balzer, Na-
chapters the aims, philosophies and
For complete details regarding
tional BBYO Field Director: Mr. Klutznick; Florence Goldberg, Chairman, BBYM-YW Israel Committee;
Steve Wasser, Grand Aleph Godol, AZA, and International BBG President, Chuckie Turner.
program of the order. Heavy em-
BBYO's role in the B'nai B'rith
phasis will be placed on the local
Israel Bond-selling campaign, see
responsibilities of the 109 accred-
page 5.
BBG Parley
Record Number Will Take
ited delegates expected to attend
the seven-day parley at Camp
Chuckie Turner received a stand-
Has 2 Vital
B'nai B'rith, Starlight, Penna.
ing ovation as she told delegates:
Part In District Confabs
Institutes Vital
"We are delighted to accept re-
A vital aspect of this training
sponsibility in the B'nai B'rith Is-
A record 2000 BBYO'ers will participate in the annual
will be the Leadership Institutes,
rael Bond Program."
seven district conventions around the country beginning this
which will follow the close of the
(see PARTNER, Page 5)
"Two vital seminars dealing
regular convention business
with key aspects of BBG's
Dr. Brickner
Two of the district conventions, Districts 1 and 3, will
program will play a major
The leadership institute will be
be held at the newly-purchased
guided by this general theme-the
role in the 11th annual Inter-
Camp B'nai B'rith. Sites for the
ing their parley from June 25-June
national convention trains the dis-
To Address
national BBG Convention,
other conventions will include
trict leadership, which in turn
Aug. 16-22, at Camp B'nai
mountain and seaside resorts and
With the theme, "In District
trains the regional and council
Three, The Member's The Key,"
B'rith, Starlight, Penna., re-
a college campus.
both parleys will highlight plans
Key phases in this program will
Dr. Barnett R. Brickner,
lease of the tentative schedule
All but one of the conclaves will
for celebration of the American
concern themselves with the follow-
one of the nation's outstand-
this week revealed.
be either overlapping or joint af-
Jewish Tercentenary and feature
ing general themes:
The seminars are: "What is
fairs. The lone exception is District
special ceremonies marking the
1. How to best carry out the re-
ing major Reform speaker rabbis, will the be Inter- the
B'nai B'rith," which will serve to
30th and 10th anniversaries of
sponsibilities of a district executive
national BBYM-YW Conven-
demonstrate the vast panorama of
AZA and BBG, respectively.
board member.
Leadership Theme
tion at Starlight, Penna., it
B'nai B'rith activities to BBG lead-
In District 4, some 120 AZA'ers
2. What should be accomplished
ers with a view towards develop-
District 1 AZA will meet June
will meet June 28-July 2, at the
district executive board
was announced this week by
ing their own ideas for B'nai B'rith
27-June 30 at Camp B'nai B'rith,
Jerry Nelson, International
Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pa-
cooperation in local areas; and
with the District BBG delegates
cific Grove, Calif. Theme of the
3. How to develop efficiency in
and Membership" which will
scheduled to arrive one day later,
four-day parley will be based on
Rabbi Brickner, spiritual leader
deal with problems connected with
June 28, and wind up one day later,
of Cleveland's famed Euclid Avenue
members in training programs and
July 1. The AZA parley will fea-
(see DISTRICTS, page 8)
(see DELEGATE, page 6)
Temple, will speak on the topic,
other related membership problems.
ture a series of seminars entitled
"Challenges That Face The Jew-
"Leadership Training for AZA."
ish Young Adult in the World To-
Commissioners May Lead
The BBG program will consist of
day." His address will come on Fri-
Chuckie International
educational seminars on the order's
day evening, July 2, during the con-
number present President, plans Turner, having a
announced that
program and BBG leadership. Both
vention Oneg Shabbat.
call for
conventions, of course, will feature
Theme of his address will deal
of the Youth Commission-
district run-offs in the various
with the role of Jewish young
ers. expected to be present for the
adults in helping to build a better
convention, lead seminars.
world. His talk will stress that
The campus of the University of
Jewish teachings and philosophy
ment boro, Chuckie Margie announced Goldman, appoint- Greens-
Cincinnati will be the site of the
can help to shape that "better"
combined District 2 AZA-BBG con-
presidents, Bronx, Y., C., Kaner,
N. and Micki
vention June 17-June 20. Work-
N. first and second vice-
shops on the techniques and use of
Institute Faculty Member
respectively, as camp
"visual aids" are expected to be
A distinguished member of the
the main attractions of the parley.
rabbinate, Dr. Brickner will serve
Creative will include
The program will also be geared to
as a faculty member for the B'nai
newspaper such workshops dance, crafts, drama, plus
favorites as
prepare delegates for participation
B'rith adult Institutes of Judaism,
and arts and
in the international conventions
which will be held concurrently
number of additions: Sabbath in
next August.
AZA's LEO N. LEVI drive gets another push with the presentation
with the YM-YW convention at the
home: kiddush, lighting of the
of a check for $140 from Youngstown (Ohio) AZA. Leon Roskey
candles, havdallah, and synagogue
District 3 Overlaps
(right) is shown making the presentation to Irwin Lasky, Ohio
Rabbi Brickner's long career of
The overlapping convention pat-
Region BBYO director. The $140 contribution was the result of a
service to the world Jewry, includes
to The convention will also serve
tern will also be utilized by District
chapter-sponsored dance. Pictured are, Avery Cohen, chapter
his activities on behalf of the Young
introduce the new life member-
3 at its Camp B'nai B'rith conven-
treasurer; Aaron Grossman, president of the Youngstown BB lodge
Judea Movement, which he helped
tions. BBG's will meet from June
and an alumnus of AZA; Lasky; Sigmund Nissenson, who has been
found in 1919.
(see BBG, page 7)
24-June 27, with the AZA's hold-
chapter advisor for 20 years and Roskey, dance committee chairman.
(see BRICKNER, Page 4)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIX, No. 5, June 1954
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.