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The Shofar, Vol. XXI [sic], No. 6, August 1954
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXI [sic], No. 6, August 1954
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
31st YEAR
AUGUST, 1954
Office of Publications, Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar. 1761 R St., N.W., Washington 9. D.C.
BBG's To Hear Klutznick;
AZA's Stress Leadership
AZA Launches
To Preside At AZA,
First President
BBG Conventions
Fourth Decade
To Speak At
Of History
BBG Convention
Starlight, Penna.
Starlight, Penna.
With the accent on leader-
Philip M. Klutznick, BBYO's
OLD AND NEW OFFICERS of BBYM-YW pose for an informal out-
ship training-at the chapter,
most distinguished alumnus
door group shot. Front row, kneeling, left to right: Harold Golden,
regional and district levels-
and president of the B'nai
treasurer: Steve Wasser, GAG, who was installation officer: president-
some 220 delegates, alternates
B'rith Supreme Lodge, will be
elect Mort Freedman; outgoing president Jerry Nelson; Nat Shapiro,
2nd vice president; and Art Henle, former BBYM-YW president and
and guests will launch a fourth
the major speaker at the 10th
Steve Wasser Chuckie Turner
executive secretary for the convention. Back row, standing, Julie
decade of AZA history here
International BBG Convention
Farber, outgoing secretary; Laura Bader, outgoing vice-president;
at the 31st International AZA
and Annual Leadership Train-
Lorraine Kahlenberg, 1st vice-president-elect; Margie Goldman, BBG's
Convention, Aug. 25-31 at
1st vice-president, who was a convention speaker, and Midge Skulsky,
Levi Fund
ing Institute at Camp B'nai
Camp B'nai B'rith.
a past BBYM-YW president and executive secretary of the Montreal
B'rith here, Aug. 16-22.
Concurrent with the international
YM-YW Council.
It will be the first time in BBG
parley will be the order's 2nd an-
history that a president of the
nual Leadership Training Institute,
Supreme Lodge will address an
'New Look
which will thread its way through
the seven-day meeting. Unlike last
BBYO's community service
international convention. Mr. Klutz-
nick's speech will come at the open-
year, which witnessed a clear-cut
activities reached new all-time
ing banquet of the convention, Mon-
division between convention and
heights last week with the an-
day evening, Aug. 16.
At YM-YW Parley;
leadership institute, the 1954 parley
will stress leadership training
nouncement that $6,851.89
The setting for his precedent-
ok re-
throughout. Focus will be on five
had been raised for the Leo N.
making appearance will be BBG's
major categories:
10th anniversary as an interna-
Freedman Named
Levi Hospital, as of July 20,
tional organization. Anniversary
*The Executive Board its re-
1954. The period covers July
celebrations will share the con-
sponsibilities and functions.
20 back through Sept. 1, 1953,
vention spotlight with the Sabbath
*How to best utilize the avail
Starlight, Penna.
able means of communication.
start of the campaign for
The dawn of a new era with the advent of a "new look"
AZA and BBG.
The anniversary celebration,
(see AZA, page 3)
which is being handled by Ruth
for B'nai B'rith Young Men Young Women was forecast
YM-YW, which launched its cam-
paign in March, 1953, has raised
Schlafman, St. Louis, Mo., outgoing
here as Mort Freedman of Los Angeles was unanimously
District 2 BBG president, will come
elected to guide the destinies of the order for the next 18
Call For Cartoons
$2157.69, a breakdown of figures
Wednesday evening, August 18. A
showed. That total is $657 over YM-
months at the closing session of BBYM-YW's 7th Interna-
highlight of the program will be an
Pays Off In Shofar
YW's original $1500 goal.
tional Convention and Leadership Training Institute at pic-
address by Frieda Wechsler, Pitts-
AZA, which had set a three-year,
burgh, first international BBG
turesque Camp B'nai B'rith.
The response to Shofar's call for
$3,000 goal, or $1,000 per year, shat-
"This is our year of decision,"
"staff artists" has already paid off
tered its own expectations by rais-
Freedman told the convention as-
handsomely (see page 3).
ing $3,294.57 in less than a year.
Three Sabbath Themes
semblage in a brief acceptance
Since our appeal went out in the
BBG has raised $1409.63.
The working portion of the seven-
speech. "We either move ahead
June issue, some one dozen artistic-
wise BBYO'ers have answered the
Totals Not Complete
day meeting will focus on the Sab-
with our proposed new look pro-
bath with three main themes-Sab-
gram or we will see the conse-
call and the result is a backlog of
"The totals are still far from
bath Services, Sabbath traditions
-consequences about which
first-quality cartoons which will
complete," Abe Kanterman, BBYO
and Sabbath in the Home. Conven-
none of us would be pleased," he
appear monthly.
Administrative Assistant said in
tion Workshop committees will con-
Our artist for this issue is Han-
announcing the figures. "Many
centrate their activities around
The international president-elect,
nah Schwartz of Nashville, Tenn..
more contributions are on their
these themes, basing their presen-
who will serve as the chief archi-
a member of Henrietta Szold BBG.
way into BBYO Headquarters as
tations on them.
tect in a reconstituted organization,
And while we're on the subject,
1761 "R" Street NW, Washington,
International President Chuckie
took with him into office for the
we're still looking for more car-
D.C. and have not yet been re-
Turner, will preside at all plenary
1954-55 term: Lorraine Kahlenberg,
toonists. Those interested should
corded on our books. The an-
sessions. Other speakers slated to
Miami Beach, Fla., 1st vice-presi-
send their material to: "BBYO
nounced totals include only contri-
address the expected 175 delegates
dent; Nathan Shapiro, Chelsea,
Life," 1761 "R" St., NW, Washing-
butions which have been receipted
and alternates are Jacob J. Lieber-
Mass., 2nd vice-president; Harold
Mort Freedman
ton 9, D.C.
(see LEVI, page 4)
man, Chairman, B'nai B'rith Youth
Golden, Chicago, treasurer; and
Commission, and Mrs. Anita Perl-
Charlotte Chernick, Los Angeles,
(see BBG, page 7)
(Brief biographical sketches of
Alumni Head AZA Speaker List
YM-YW's new officers appear on
page 5.)
Three prominent leaders in
What Every
ner of the Sam Beber Distinguished
Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld will
Jerry Nelson, immediate past in-
American-Jewish life, two of them
Alumni Award. In 1931 he won the
address the convention on' Satur-
ternational president, and one of
outstanding AZA alumni, will be
AZA International oratory contest.
day, Aug. 28, leading off the "Jew-
Camper Knows
the leading advocates of a YM-YW
Mr. Cherne will address the dele-
"new look" was unanimously chosen
featured speakers at the 31st In-
ish Life in America" series. His
Starlight, Penna,
gates on "The Liberal and Demo-
address will be on the "Meaning
There's cold in them thar' hills-
(see LOOK, page 6)
ternational AZA Convention, Aug.
cratic Spirit."
of Jewish Traditions to Jewish
the Pocono Mountains, that is.
25-31, at Camp B'nai B'rith:
B'nai B'rith's National Member-
Youth in Contemporary Life."
Don't be misled by the sweltering
They are Leo M. Cherne and
ship Director, Max N. Kroloff, is
Director of the Hillel Founda-
August temperatures at home when
Max Kroloff-former members of
Where To Find It
a former GAG, 1927-1928. Mr.
tions since 1948, Rabbi Lelyveld
you're packing for convention.
AZA-and Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld,
Kroloff, who practiced law before
joined Hillel in 1946 as Associate
Pocono Mountain nights get pretty
National Director, B'nai B'rith
joining the B'nai B'rith staff, has
National Director When Dr.
chilly, so make certain you include
Aleph Godol's Message Page 3
Hillel Foundations.
had a long record of distinguished
Abraham Sachar left the top Hillel
something that will keep you warm
A noted economist, attorney and
service to the order. At one time
BBG President's
post two years later Rabbi Lely-
enough for convention outdoor pro-
research expert, Mr. Cherne has
he served as Assistant National
veld succeeded him. Formerly rabbi
Page 7
grams. A heavy jacket is a good
served on the faculties of several
Director of the B'nai B'rith Anti-
of Temple Israel, Omaha, Nebr.,
idea. So is a woolen sweater.
colleges and universities. In 1946,
Defamation League, a position he
he has served as executive director
If you bring along a flashlight
Chapter Chatter
Page 7
at the request of General Mac-
held for seven years.
and national chairman of the Com-
you'll find you've made a good de-
Arthur and the War Department,
A former member of Sioux City
mittee on Unity for Palestine of
cision, too.
In the ADL Corner
Page 2
he went to Tokyo to draft plans
AZA, Mr. Kroloff was International
the Zionist Organization of
Camp B'nai B'rith abounds with
for revision of Japan's tax and
AZA Oratory champion for two
athletic facilities, so here's a handy
fiscal structure. Presently, he is
consecutive years, 1926 and 1927.
Camp B'nai B'rith's staff of pro-
checklist of things to bring: bath-
serving as chairman of the Inter-
In 1949, on the occasion of AZA's
fessional experts will also be on
ing suit, tennis rackets, tennis balls,
national Rescue Mission, a non-
25th anniversary, he served as
hand for both AZA and BBG con-
sneakers, baseball glove, etc.
YM-YW President's
profit foundation which seeks to
chairman of the AZA National
ventions. They are: Rabbi Maurice
Another thing you'll want to in-
Page 5
bring refugées out from behind the
Silver Anniversary Committee.
Pekarsky, Hillel Director at He-
clude in your suitcase is some
Iron Curtain.
This year he will speak on the
brew University in Jerusalem:
article of white clothing for the
YM-YW News
A member of New York's Re-
theme of "30 Years of AZA." Mr.
Herbert Kummel, dance director;
Sabbath. White shirts for boys and
hoboth AZA from 1927 to 1933, Mr.
Kroloff will address the final ban-
and William Sharlin music
white blouses, skirts or dresses for
Cherne was named in 1952 as win-
girls are preferred.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXI [sic], No. 6, August 1954
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.