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The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 2, February 1956
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Adults (BBYA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 2, February 1956
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
33rd YEAR
Office of Publications, Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar, 1129 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D. C.
Univ. Of Illinois To Be
Scene Of International
AZA And BBG 1956 Parleys
The AZA and BBG international conventions and leadership training institutes for 1956
will be held at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.
This year's events will be two separate eight-day-affairs. The BBG parley will run from
Tuesday, August 7, through Thursday, August 16. The AZA convention and institute will
begin Wednesday, August 22 and run through Friday, Aug-
ust 31.
If you have moved recently,
This year's conventions and institutes will be the longest
see story on page 6, this issue,
individual events in BBYO history. The additional time will
for an important announcement.
A VIEW OF HUFF GYM at the University of Illinois, where AZA
allow for more varied program ac-
international convention and leadership training institute participants
tivities, workshops and seminars.
will hold their basketball playoffs at this summer's conclaves. BBG's
First Since 1953
Steubenville BBG Is First
will play volleyball at the University's Women's Gymnasium.
They will be the first university
1954-55 AZA Press Club
conventions for AZA and BBG
To Register For BBYO
since 1953, when the Champaign-
Urbana campus was also used. It
Summer Institute In Israel
Award Winners Named
will mark the third time that AZA
and BBG international events will
A Steubenville, Ohio BBG has become the first BBYO'er
A total of 54 awards have been
cause they did not submit enough
to register for the 1956 BBYO Summer Institute in Israel.
be held there. The first one was
made in the 1954-'55 International
papers-in some cases only one was
She is Michele Esther Levite, 15-year-old member of
AZA Press Club contest.
staged in 1951.
(See PRESS CLUB, page 4)
Meyer Polonofsky BBG.
A special panel of judges named
Many of the University's facil-
week, complete with $10 registra-
13 aleph-produced publications as
ities will be at the disposal of
tion fee and the signed approval
gold certificate winners, 30 as sil-
BBG Rituals
BBYO for its international events,
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David
ver certificate winners and 11 re-
including Illinois' famed George
ceived certificates of honorable
Booklet Off
Huff Gymnasium, where AZA bas-
ketball tournaments will be held.
She will participate in the seven-
BBG's will hold volley ball and
week Institute along with other
(See full listing of winners on
page 4.
The Press
basketball contests in the Univer-
BBYO'ers this summer attending
sity's Women's Gymnasium, The
seminars, study groups, visiting
The judges expressed great sat-
A "Guide to Chapter Rituals,"
gymnasia swimming pools are also
points of interest and hearing lec-
isfaction that they were confront-
expected to be open for BBYO use.
tures by top-ranking Israeli gov-
ed with considerable difficulty in
compiled by Ann Lansky, Inter-
ernment officials. The BBYO Insti-
making their final selections. "The
national BBG 1st vice-president,
Convention participants and staff
tute participants will leave New
has just been published by the
will be housed and fed in two wings
competition was extremely keen,"
York by scheduled airliner in late
BBYO Department of Programs
of the Men's Residence Halls.
they reported.
June or early July, spending two
and Publications.
In addition, outdoor basketball
One of the Silver Certificate Pa-
days sightseeing in Paris en route
pers was the Spanish language
The 23-page mimeographed pub-
courts, tennis courts and a large
to Israel. They will be accompanied
"Logias Juveniles B'nei B'rithi-
lication includes rituals for the
baseball diamond will be at the
by a member of BBYO's field staff
lighting of the menorah, prayers
disposal of BBYO convention dele-
ans," published by Mexico City's
and travel as a unit during the
Alberto Einstein AZA.
for opening and closing meeting,
entire Institute.
elections, installation of MITS, in-
More Data Later
Criteria Listed
stallation of officers, life member-
Deadline Is April 15
Among criteria used in the judg-
ship ceremonies and two special
Some of the larger meeting
The Institute, first one to be
were: excellence of written ma-
features- Sabbath cantata and
rooms on the campus are air-con-
sponsored by BBYO, is being un-
terial, excellence of production
a section on ceremonies ideas.
ditioned. Mass indoor events will
dertaken in cooperation with the
(well mimeographed, etc.), art
"There is nothing more beautiful
be held in those rooms.
Michele Levite
Youth Department of the Jewish
work, make-up, degree of chapter
or meaningful than our rituals,"
On the sprawling campus is Il-
Agency, which has conducted simi-
participation in the production of
Ann says in her introduction. Com-
lini Grove, a large tree-lined picnic
Michele, a sophomore at Steuben-
lar institutes since 1948 for teen-
paper, variety and originality
pilation of the booklet was done
area, where some of the conven-
ville High School, where she is a
agers and young adult's from all
of ideas.
with the assistance of Flo Rozen
tion and institute outdoor activi-
member of the Latin and Math
over the United States and Canada.
Among things which counted
of District 4 and Martha Miller,
ties are expected to be held.
Clubs, has been a member of BBG
The Jewish agency will assign
most heavily against papers were
District 2.
The district delegations, rebate
since June, 1954. She is also a
members of its staff in Israel to
f-color jokes and poking of fun
Ann points out that the rituals
formulas, registration fees, regis-
member of the National Federa-
the BBYO Institute to conduct par-
at an individual's expense.
included "are but a few of the
tration deadline and other infor-
tion of Temple Youth.
ticipants on a series of guided tours
Some papers were placed in the
'wealth of ritual material' available
mation will be published in sub-
Michele filed her application with
not ordinarily available to the aver-
honorable mention category be-
to chapters."
sequent issues of SHOFAR.
the BBYO Washington office last
(see ISRAEL, page 5)
Newspapers, Magazines Give Wide Coverage To BBYO Activities
An unprecedented amount of newspaper and magazine
Regional convention in Atlanta and
are constantly growing as a result
In addition to wide newspaper
coverage has been given to BBYO activities within recent
the third was an article pointing
of the "coming of age" of children
coverage of the election of Larry
weeks, a survey of clippings arriving at the SHOFAR office
up the financial needs of BBYO's
born in the early 1940's.
Schwimmer of Los Angeles as
program in the South.
The "Inter Mountain Jewish
international BBYA president, a
The bulk of the published ma-
ary 15 which featured a two-page
The same newspaper on January
News," published in Denver, Colo-
variety of other BBYO stories ap-
terial has been concerned with
27 carried an editorial entitled
picture story on the AZA Five-
rado, carried a two-column editorial
peared throughout the United
"Shall We Fail Our Children?'
various regional events, although
Fold program in Houston. The four
by editor and publisher Arnold
States and Canada.
there has been wide coverage of
pictures which appeared were ac-
which was a plea to B'nai B'rith
Gamzey lauding the recent Rocky
Numerous BBYO regional con-
series of articles by BBYO Na-
companied by a story explaining
lodges and chapters to provide
Mountain Regional convention
vention stories which appeared in
tional Director Max F. Baer deal-
AZA's program by staff writer Lila
more funds for BBYO's growing
which he had attended.
various publications have not yet
program throughout the South.
with the history, aims and ob-
The January issue of the "Pro-
been brought to the attention of
sectives of the organization. Many
NJM Gives Big Play
gram News of the Canadian Jew-
On January 22, the Sunday sup-
daily and Anglo-Jewish news-
ish Congress," gave prominence to
plement of the "Boston Globe" ran
"The National Jewish Monthly,"
papers also gave good coverage to
an article on "Jewish Goals for
two pages of pictures and an ac-
official organ of the B'nai B'rith
recent international executive
Youth," by Dr. Baer.
Where To Find It
companying story on the recent
Supreme Lodge, published in Wash-
committees of AZA and BBG in
BBYO University Weekend in
ington, D. C., in both its January
Others Not Reported
Aleph Godol's Message Page 3
Washington. Individual releases on
and February issues, carried arti-
A somewhat different approach
BBG President's
various executive committee
members were sent to papers in
The Anglo-Jewish newspaper
cles authored by BBYO National
was used by Philadelphia's leading
Page 5
"Southern Israelite," published in
Director Max. F. Baer dealing with
Anglo-Jewish weekly "Jewish Ex-
Chapter Chatter
Page 5
Atlanta, Georgia, carried three sep-
the objectives and programs, of
ponent," which had staff writer
Looking Back
Page 7
Picture Story
arate stories on BBYO in its issue
BBYO. In addition, NJM's Febru-
Joan Friedman write a story on
On The World Stage
Page 2
of the biggest newspaper
of January 20. One item reported
ary issue carried an editorial "The
BBG's programs there. The article
spreads to appear was the one in
Names In The News
on the Cotton States Regional con-
War Babies Are Coming of Age,"
Page 5
was so effectively written that
Sunday rotogravure section of
Sport Scope
vention in Memphis, another dealt
Page 7
in which its was pointed out that
SHOFAR reprinted it in its en-
"Houston Chronicle" on Janu-
World Datelines
with the District 5 Southeastern
Page 5
demands for membership in BBYO
tirety. (See January, 1956 issue.)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 2, February 1956
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.