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The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 3, March 1956
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Adults (BBYA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 3, March 1956
Full Page Of J. J. Lieberman Creative Writing Entries
(See Page 6)
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
33rd YEAR
MARCH, 1956
Office of Publications, Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar, 1129 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 5. D. C.
Final Plans
Readied For
Parley Plans
BBYO National Director
Dr. Max F. Baer left this
month for Israel to work out
In Drawing
final details for the 1956
BBYO Summer Institute
Dr. Baer will confer with Dr.
Benzion Benshalom, Director of
the Youth Department of the
Board Stage
World Zionist Organization, which
is coordinating the institute in co-
operation with BBYO.
Discussion on finalizing the
Relaxed Pace
Institute Of
BBYO Institute program will be
one of many things to be accom-
Keynote Of
Judaism At
plished by Dr. Baer during his stay
in Israel. Also included on his
itinerary are scheduled visits to
BBG Confab
AZA Conclave
the B'nai B'rith Children's Home,
to which BBYO chapters have con-
A more relaxed pace than
AZA's 1956 joint interna-
tributed more than $10,000; the
previous conventions and in-
tional leadership training in-
B'nai B'rith Martyrs' Forest, an-
other BBYO project, and the kib-
stitutions is one of the major
stitute and convention, set for
butzim established in Israel by
goals of this year's joint BBG
Aug. 22-Aug. 31 at the Uni-
ARTIST'S CONCEPTION of the proposed B'nai B'rith headquarters
B'nai B'rith.
events at the University of
versity of Illinois, Urbana,
building to be erected in Washington, D.C. this year. BBYO, which
These same points of interest
Ill., will offer several innovations,
has already contributed more than. $5000 towards the furnishing of
Illinois, Urbana, Ill.
are to be included as part of the
preliminary planning indicates.
a BBYO conference room for the building, will continue its fund-
sightseeing phase of the seven-
The eight-day parley, which will
The five-day leadership training
raising efforts on behalf of the edifice which will stand as a symbol
week BBYO Institute. Participants,
run from Tuesday, Aug. 7 through
institute, which will precede the
of the contributions to democracy of American and Canadian Jewry.
in addition, will attend seminars,
Thursday, Aug. 16, will be divided
convention, will be built around the
The Building will house BBYO international headquarters, along with
study groups and hear lectures by
this way: The convention will come
series of lectures and discussions
the headquarters of the other departments and agencies of B'nai B'rith,
top-ranking Israeli government
first, winding up Friday evening,
on the Bible and movements in
(See story, page 5.)
Aug. 10. The institute will begin
Jewish life. Workshops, which
on the evening of the next day. Sat-
were customary at past institutes,
Applications Available
Scholarship Fund Key To
urday, Aug. 11, is being planned to
are to be replaced by "electives"-
The Institute, first one of its
serve as a day of transition between
a series of seminar groups which
kind to be undertaken by BBYO,
convention and institute.
will offer a varied choice of study
will begin in late June or early
July, when the BBYO group will
Your Delegate Participation
BBG coordinators for the events
in such areas as discussion tech-
are: Anne Goldstein, Silver Spring,
niques, the individual and the
leave by scheduled airliner from
Md., international cultural chair-
group, and others.
New York for a two-day sightsee-
The number of duly-elected delegates to the AZA and
man-convention coordinator; and
Four Categories
ing stopover in Paris. They will
BBG international conventions and leadership training insti-
Joyce Orliss, Seattle, Wash., in-
tutes, and the amount that each will receive as a scholarship
ternational secretary-institute co-
These will be divided into four
travel as a group during the entire
Institute, accompanied by a regu-
general categories:
lar member of BBYO's field staff.
to help defray part of the cost for attending the conclaves,
High on the list of convention is-
Leadership training.
Cost for the entire Institute will
hinges on the Scholarship fund-raising efforts of both orders.
sues to be resolved will be a re-
A concentrated effort to have
evaluation of BBG's membership
Arts and Crafts.
be $795.00 per person-which would
normally be the cost for round-
chapters meet their goals is being
of AZA and BBG duly-elected dele-
admission policies. In addition,
Depth Judaism.
trip transportation between New
gates to international conventions
delegates will decide on new inter-
The latter will enable partici-
York and Israel alone.
pushed for April and May. Final
national community service proj-
pants to go into a fairly extensive
and leadership training institutes
A unique feature of the projected
totals should be available by the
ects, contests and other pressing
exploration of a variety of Jewish
were not able to attend because of
institute will have BBYO partici-
end of May so that delegate ap-
lack of funds. Financial assistance
internal issues.
pants living in a kibbutz as regular
portionments can be made.
in the form of larger scholarships
Installation And Services
The Sabbath group will produce
members of one of Israel's collec-
the conclave's Sabbath services and
The importance of this fund-
would have enabled them to par-
Installation of officers will take
Havdallah program.
tive settlements for a period of
raising effort is stressed by a study
ticipate, it was found.
place Friday night, in combination
two weeks.
AZA's present annual scholar-
The arts group will probe the
just completed which showed that
with Friday evening services.
art forms with particular emphasis
(see INSTITUTE, page 4)
previous years 50 to 60 percent
(see SCHOLARSHIP, page 2)
(see BBG, page 5)
(see AZA, page 3)
BBYO'ers In Record Numbers Attend Regional Meets
BBYO'ers in record numbers attended regional conventions and universities of BBYO
for "the average American girl"
elected was Leslie Miller. Phyllis
throughout the order during the period between December and February.
and problems concerned with
Pressman was elected president of
dating. Some 20 chapters in the
One of the largest single gatherings was the fourth annual Philadelphia University of
the BBG region. Contest winners
region were represented.
were: BBG Story-Telling Sym
BBYO, Feb. 17-19, attended by some 350 persons.
And in Rego Park, Long Island,
Winston, Canton, O.; BBG Discus-
Attendance at other events varied greatly
New York, 80 alephs and 120
sion-Hannah Kempler, Steuben-
In District 1, Blackstone-Narraganset AZA and BBG
at Hudde Junior High School. A
BBG's attended the region's joint
ville, O.; AZA Oratory - Fred
feature of the meeting was the re-
Bagel Brunch - a one-day event
Weismann, Warren, O.; AZA Dis-
regions held a joint convention in Worcester, Mass. Among
port on his trip of last summer to
which featured addresses by Rabbi
cussion - Jerry Glazman, Akron,
the 93 delegates attending were Joan S. Greenberg of Albert
Israel by Alan Bisno. The event-
Derby of the Rego Park Jewish
Einstein BBG, Cranston, R.I., who
laden parley, which began with Fri-
Center, and District 1 BBG presi-
First Coed For KIO
was named BBG discussion winner,
man, Mablehead Swampscott AZA
day evening services, featured a
dent Beverly Rubin and a discussion
and Marlene Gladstone of Robert
and James Levine, Chelsea (Mass.)
variety of seminars and workshops
on "Attitudes of Our Youth on
The Missouri-Kansas regional
Clovers AZA. A feature of the
ranging from discussion of Juda-
Judaism Today."
convention was also a joint affair.
Arthur Lavan BBG, Pawtucket,
gathering was the presentation to
ism to things to look for in select-
In District 2, the Greater Ohio
(see REGIONALS, page 8)
R.I., story-telling winner. AZA had
Sybil Falk of Milton (Mass.) BBG
ing a college. "University students"
BBG and AZA Councils held a
no contests.
of the Aleph Godol's trophy for her
also heard an address by Beverly
joint convention in Youngstown,
Where To Find It
District One's Tri-State's AZA
outstanding work in connection
Rubin, District 1 BBG president.
Ohio. Participating were 117
Region, with some 210 alephs par-
with the recent New England
Also in District 1, BBG's of the
alephs and 118 BBG's. Major
Aleph Godol's Message Page 3
ticipating, heard District 5 DAG
BBYO University.
Connecticut Valley Region held a
speakers included Youngstown
BBG President's
George Lefcoe deliver the main ad-
one-day conclave at the Norwalk,
Mayor Frank Kryzan; Eli Berk,
Page 5
dress at its Milton, Mass., conclave.
Bisno Speaks
Conn., Jewish Community Center,
president of Youngstown B'nai
Chapter Chatter
Page 2
The new regional godol is Jacob
In Brooklyn, New York, the AZA
with some 95 girls in attendance.
B'rith and Mrs. Francis Snider-
Segal of Lynn AZA, Lynn, Mass. and BBG regions held their second Highlights of the convention pro-
On The World Stage Page 2
man president of Youngstown B'nai
Oratory winners were: Saul Feld- annual University from Déc. 9-11 gram were discussions on Judaism
What Do You Think? Page 2
B'rith Women. New AZA godol
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The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 3, March 1956
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.