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The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4, April 1956
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Adults (BBYA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4, April 1956
More J.J. Lieberman Creative Writing Entries
(See Page 7)
the SH
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
33rd YEAR
APRIL, 1956
Office of Publications, Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar, 1129 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D. C.
9 Registered For BBYO
Israel Tour; Deadline
Extended To April 30
Registration for BBYO's first Summer Institute in Israel
reached nine this week as the deadline for applications loomed
within one month. The registrants represent a geographical
cross-section of BBYO membership. Among them are a
brother and sister, Barbara and Michael Laikin of Milwaukee,
Among new developments in con-
nection with the forthcoming tour
was the extension of the applica-
tions deadline. Applications will
continue to be accepted through
April 30.
Named For
Dates Now Set
Definite departure and arrival
BBG Confab
dates have also been set. The BBYO
Institute participants will meet in
Three major coordinating
New York City and leave there
posts for BBG's 12th interna-
BBYC CHAIRMAN MEETS SOME OF HIS KIDS. Label A. Katz, chairman of the B'nai B'rith Youth
from Idlewild Airport on Satur-
tional convention and leader-
Commission, was in New York last month to address the Metropolitan B'nai B'rith Council. After his
day evening, June 23, arriving in
ship training institute were
presentation, BBYO leaders gathered 'round for an informal gab session. Pictured, (left to right):
Israel, Monday morning, June 25.
Steve Schilder, AZA Brooklyn Region godol; Noel Tepper, District 1 AZA aleph s'gan; Henny Wolf,
They will travel as a group, ac-
announced this month by
Brooklyn Region BBG president; Jackie Koss, Long Island BBG Region president; Al Shapiro, AZA
companied by a regular member
BBG international president
Long Island Region godol; Louise Schine, District 1 BBG vice-president. In the background is Arnold
of BBYO's staff, both to and from
Sharon Blanck.
Henochstein, BBYO chairman of the Metropolitan Council.
(see TOUR, page 8)
Appointees are: Rena Fox, Dis-
trict BBG president, who will
AZA Parley
AZA Membership Committee
chair the committee on structure
which will re-evaluate BBG's pyra-
To Feature
Launches Study On Chapter
mid structure and make recom-
mendations; Barbe Gold, District
Program Day
2 BBG president, who will coordi-
Heavy stress on better
Member Intake Policies
nate all leadership training insti-
tutes at the convention; and Nan
methods of interpreting
A searching, order-wide study of AZA membership practices has been launched by the
Cook, BBG international 2nd vice-
AZA's international programs
AZA International Membership Committee under chairman Dan Tretiak.
president, who will coordinate the
to the "grass roots" aleph will
Major objective of the study is to determine if and why AZA chapters exclude prospec-
national programming seminars at
be the major focus of the order's
the convention.
tive members from joining.
33rd international convention at
Tretiak's study will result in a
for membership practice evalua-
our sponsoring orders.
Overall coordinators, already
the University of Illinois, Urbana,
set of recommendations to be passed
tions in their areas, Tretiak
"The problem that I am refer-
named, are: Anne Goldstein, inter-
Ill., Aug. 22-Aug. 31, GAG Leon
on to the B'nai B'rith Youth Com-
summed up the present state of
ring to is one which concerns chap-
national cultural chairman, who is
Ginsberg asserted this week.
things this way: "During the last
mission, which has set up a para-
few months certain events in vari-
ters being over-selective in their
serving as convention coordinator,
AZA's chief executive declared
lell study.
ous parts of the country have
membership. Many people have
and Joyce Orliss, BBG internation=
the new emphasis, which is being
Membership practices in AZA
brought to a serious head a prob-
been greatly hurt by the actions
al secretary, who will coordinate
called "Program Day," results
have recently come in for much
lem confronting our order. The
of chapters who simply desire to
the BBG international leadership
from evidence that AZA programs,
solution that we in AZA take on
discussion as a result of reported
keep prospective members out
training institute.
decided on international, district
that problem is so important that
questionable procedure.
unless we solve the problem the
for no good reason whatever. Some
Relaxed Pace
and regional levels, are not filtering
Letter To G'dolim
funds needed to carry on such
people say that this problem ac-
The BBG summer event, which
down to chapters in a form clear
In a letter last month to AZA re-
things as national conventions and
tually rarely occurs; others say
will be held Aug. 7-Aug. 16, at the
(see AZA, page 3)
gional and council g'dolim asking
institutes will cease to flow from
(see MEMBERSHIP, page 3)
University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.,
will be one of the most relaxed in
AZA, BBG Raise
$3845 To Date
BBG history. Among other fea-
tures will be a "lounge night" every
evening of the leadership training
(A complete box score of contributions will be found on page 6.)
institute. Under the plan, delegates
AZA and BBG chapters throughout the order have raised
The funds contributed represent
How It's Recorded
will have free choice in selecting
a grand total of $3845.14 through March 21, 1956 of the cur-
variety of chapter-sponsored
The BBG Scholarship Fund
from among a group of informal
rent registration year, a tally this week showed. All contribu-
money-raising ventures - from
makes provisions for an apportion-
activities which will include, among
tions recorded by the BBYO Washington office from Sept. 1,
dances and carnivals to sale of
ment of money raised among the
others, folk dancing, singing, lis-
tening to music, reading, viewing
1955 through the March 21 date are included. The figures
districts. The money is divided on
The scholarship funds of both
are for major fund projects only.
the basis of the total funds con-
BBG and AZA fall into special cate-
The BBG convention will open
Of that total, AZA has contrib-
tributed by a district, plus the dis-
Tuesday, Aug. 7, winding up Fri-
gories. The sale of Life Member
uted $314.11 towards its annual
Other Funds
tance to be travelled by delegates
day evening, Aug. 10 with special
cards are utilized as fund raisers
overall $3,000 Richard Klutznick
to the international convention and
religious services. The following
A concentrated fund-raising ef-
by both orders.
fort is being made this month and
leadership training institute. An-
day, Saturday, Aug. 11, will serve
Scholarship Fund. BBG has raised
$499.95 of its $2,500 Anita Perlman
next for chapters to help meet in-
In BBG, a chapter minimum of
other part of the BBG scholarship
as a day of transition between con-
ternational goals.
$5.00 has been set. No quota on the
money is awarded for college
vention and institute. The day will
Scholarship Fund goal.
number of Life Member Cards-
scholarships to one or two deserving
Here is a breakdown on other
(see BBG, page 4)
Both scholarship funds play an
which sell for $3.00 each-has been
fund-raising totals, to date:
important part in the order's an-
Contributions to all BBYO fund-
AZA-B'nai B'rith Building -
Where To Find It
nual leadership training institutes.
AZA, however, has set a mini-
raising projects should be sent di-
$330.35; Martyrs' Forest-$167.75;
The number of duly-elected dele-
Bellefaire Home-$925.10.
mum of two Life Member Cards per
rectly to the BBYO International
Aleph Godol's Message. Page 3
chapter as its annual goal. Cards
Office, c/o Abe Kanterman, 1129
BBG President's
gates to both parleys, and the
BBG - Leo N. Levi Memorial
are sold at $3.00 and in cases
Vermont Ave.; N. W., Washington
Page 5
amount each delegate receives in
Hospital - $122.73; B'nai B'rith
where chapters do not have gradu-
5, D. C.
Calendar of Events
Page 2
rebate to help defray part of his
Children's Home $1343.15, B'nai
ating alumni, a chapter contribu-
No contribution is counted as
Chapter Chatter
Page 6
enrollment fee is dependent upon
B'rith Building-$56.00; Martyrs'
tion of $6.00-raised from other
official until it is recorded in the
On The World Stage
Page 2
the total sum raised.
sources-is being required.
BBYO International Office.
Sport Scope
Page 8
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The Shofar, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4, April 1956
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.