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- Speech by Sam Beber to be Delivered Over the Radio in Los Angeles, Tuesday Evening, July 21, 1936
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Speech by Sam Beber to be Delivered Over the Radio in Los Angeles, Tuesday Evening, July 21, 1936
In addition to this effort to aid in the physical rehabilitation
of Palestine, A.Z .A. is fully aware of the implications of its
cultural values. I have already spoken of our Hebrew Letter-
W riting contest. Last year the subject was "A Letter of
Conciliation to an Arab in Palestine. 11 This contest, won by
Jacob Kraft of Kansas City chapter 2, demanded a study of
Palestinian problems which benefited every participant.
The third sphere of Jewish interest is that of the individual.
Here, A.Z.A. plays a dual role. It works through the chapter as
a collective medium and then directly to the individual. The
Best Chapter A ard, given annually to that chapter which has best
carried out the program of A.Z.A., won in 1939 by Fidelity chapter
264 of Los Angeles, is a great incentive to the active participa-
tion of every chapter in our work. The Sam Beber Award. given to
that member who best expresses A Z.A. ideals was won by Robert
Friedman of St. Louis chapter 187.
Mention should be made at this time of the active cooperation of
A. with the B'nai B'rith Vocational Service Bureau. which as
you know, is headed by one of our alumni, Brother Max Baer.
Every month, information on vocational subjects reaches chapters
throughout the country, giving the members an opportunity to adjust
themselves to the modern economic arena.
within the Jewish community, A.Z.A. performs a useful function.
Through the A.Z.A. Sabbath, and regular monthly religious
programs, our members are taught to participat in the religious
life of their community. The Boris D. Bogen Award for the best
religious work done by a local chapter in its community, W on
last year by Leo Korn of San Pedro chapter 196, inculcates the
requisite attitude towards this part of our work. Through our
social-service program, the members learn to cooperate with
their local agencies in philanthropic affairs; not a month passes
but that some chapter somewhere is assisting the poor and the
needy. And, through its literary media. the Order encourages
contributions on matters affecting the history and literature of
our people. Here, attention should be called to the fact that
A.Z.A. has the only national circulating library in Judaica, through
which hundreds of books are sent to members thr oughout the United
States and Canada, keeping them informed of Jewish writers and
Jewish books.
It is proper that I should call attention to the fact that A.Z.A.
is one of B'nai B'rith's greatest cooperating agencies in each
community. There is on record instances of A.Z .A. chapters
organizing B'nai B'rith Lodges; constantly, alumni of A.Z.A. enter
B'nai B'rith ranks. The Alfred M. Cohen Award, won last year by
Pioneer Chapter 24 of Canonsburg, Pa., , is a constant reminder of
our recognition by our sponsoring Order. The Ben Z. Glass Award,
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Speech by Sam Beber to be Delivered Over the Radio in Los Angeles, Tuesday Evening, July 21, 1936
In this speech, Sam Beber promotes AZA as a Jewish youth organization.