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Stanley W. Harris to Harvey Berk, Max Baer, and Max Kohnop Letter, May 7, 1975
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
District Two
Harvey Berk, Dr. Max Baer, Max Kohnop
DATE: May 7, 1975
Stanley W. Harris
I know that our District #2 News and the Shofar are always interested in programs and projects
involving the BBYOers and adult B'nai B'rith.
Recently, Ebn Ezra Lodge and Chapter of St. Louis sponsored a "Youth Recognition Night."
There was a large turnout both of young people and adults. This program was held in University
City Heman Park Community Center. The motivating force behind the program were various members
of the Lodge, including Sidney Towerman, Gerald Towbin, a BBYO alumnus and outgoing Lodge
president, and Hyman Feder, editor of the Lodge Ebn Ezra Light and an individual who has
served as an advisor in the past, on the BBYO committee, and in many other capacities with
our youth program.
Aubrey Herman, JCCA-BBY0 Missouri-Kansas Regional Director and our office here were also
involved. You can see Aubrey in the background in the second picture in the copy of the
Light enclosed, and I think you can see the top of my head way in the background in the
top picture. Interestingly enough, in the third picture, seated in the front row with a num-
ber of the BBGS, is Harry Kessler, whom there are a couple of special stories in theLight.
Bill Kahn, executive director of the JCCA, and Robert Cohen, editor of the Jewish Federation
The Jewish Light, were among those on the program.
In the picture in The Light you will see Gerald Towbin presenting an award to Marty Borenstein,
outgoing America #511 AZA president, and to the far left in that particular picture in
The Light, you will see Bill Mack, who has been the chapter advisor for many, many years.
If you need some names for the BBG picture, the middle is Carol Faintich and the Chai BBG
president, Tobie Dobin.
Feder was good enough to send us some additional copies of the Ebn Ezra Light, and five
different pictures. I am sending the copy of the AZA picture and presentation to Max
for the District #2 News, along with a copy of the Ebn Ezra Light, and I am sending Harvey
the large picture of the Chai BBG group and another picture showing the crowd that was
assembled. I imagine these last two can be used in the Shofar or in some other way. I would
appreciate it if everyone receiving pictures would return these to our office at an early
date, since these are our only copies, and I want to include these pictures in our excellent
district #2 scrapbooks. We utilize these scrapbooks at youth and adult conventions, board
meetings, community programs, and other BBYO and B'nai B'rith events.
I would have written more on this excellent program, but we are in the middle of our advanced
preplanning for our district youth institutes, and things are somewhat hectic. Also, Jerry
Towbin and Sid Towerman and Aubrey Herman told me they might be sending some material to the
District #2 News and Shofar. If you haven't seen this already, I hope that this is helpful.
I'm sure that you would agree that this kind of cooperative adult-youth program deserves the
widest publicity.
Thanks for everyone's attention to this matter, and trusting that I have been helpful.
Stanley Start
CC: H man Feder, Seymour Stein, Mrs. I. Marks
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Stanley W. Harris to Harvey Berk, Max Baer, and Max Kohnop Letter, May 7, 1975
Stanley W. Harris provides information on the Ebn Ezra Lodge and Chapter of St. Louis's Youth Recognition Night.