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The Foreseen Rise of Russ Feingold Newspaper Clipping, November 30, 1992
The Foreseen Rise
Of Russ Feingold
Wisconsin's New Senator
Knew His Offbeat Campaign
Would Work-Just - Ask Him
By Michael Abramowitz
Washington Post Staff Writer
t was November 1986, and although Russ Fein-
gold had just been reelected to the Wisconsin
State Senate by a comfortable margin, he
wasn't satisfied. As he partied with supporters, his
attention was drawn to an image on the television:
Bob Kasten, who'd just won his own reelection to
the U.S. Senate.
For a Wisconsin "progressive" like Feingold, Kas-
ten was something akin to the Devil himself, or at
least the state's version of Ronald Reagan. After
all, Kasten had retired one of the state's liberal
icons, Sen. Gaylord Nelson, in the landslide of
But for Feingold, more than politics was at stake
here. Just weeks after the '80 election, his father,
Leon Feingold, had died of cancer. A small-town
lawyer who had been among the most prominent
progressive Democrats in southern Wisconsin-
pals with the likes of Nelson and Tom Fairchild,
who once ran for the U.S. Senate against Joe Mc-
Carthy-Leon Feingold had been depressed and
bitter, his family said, over the results of the last
election he would ever see.
Now his son, still only 33 and a junior state legis-
lator, was beginning to entertain thoughts of aveng-
ing that loss. Russ Feingold looked up at the TV set
and pointed at Kasten. And he told his friends: "I
want him."
Six years later and two weeks out from having
fulfilled that audacious promise, Russ Feingold is
lounging in the back seat of a dusty blue-and-gray
Ford van, oblivious to the passing landscape of em-
erald dairy pastures and golden corn fields of cen-
tral Wisconsin. The flecks of gray in his closely
cropped black hair are about the only signs of age
on a face that would not seem grossly out of place
in a college yearbook. He speaks with the casual
self-confidence of the high school debate champion
he used to be, for the most part folksy-but with a
surprising amount of anti-politician rhetoric, even
bile, for someone raised in a political family, educat-
ed at such Establishment institutions as Harvard
and Oxford (where he was a Rhodes scholar) and
clearly gifted in political maneuver.
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The Foreseen Rise of Russ Feingold Newspaper Clipping, November 30, 1992
This article profiles Russ Feingold, United States Senator-Elect from Wisconsin.