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More on AZA Newspaper Clipping, April 21, 1974
18 Part V-Sun., April 21, 1974
Los Angeles Times
Sex Therapy Views
often the cause lies in the
attitudes and communica-
As a working profession-
tion of the couple rather
al in the field of human
than a physical defect.
sexuality, I appreciated
Although your article
Lynn Lilliston's recent ar-
contained several valid
ticle on sex therapy ("Sex
points, it was equivalent to
Therapists Respond to a
free advertising for Dr.
Need," April 4) and some
Grabers' clinic. You are,
of its therapists in Los An-
however, to be commend-
geles and surrounding
ed for publishing on this
subject since J definitely
There was, however, one
agree with you and the
omission in the otherwise
Grabers as to the magni-
interesting and informa-
tude of the problem.
tive story: the seeming
lack of practicing sex ther-
apists in the populous San
Fernando Valley.
Lynn Lilliston replies:
My own private practice,
My article did not "imply"
for one, concentrates for
anything. It quoted Dr.
mulated his idea for AZ
the time being in the mid-
and Mrs. Graber on their
Old files of the Cre
dle and western sections of
opinions. They have treat-
onian, the student new
the Valley.
With a
ed 2,000 patients, a num-
per, are replete with r
number of professional
ber which gives them con-
ences to Dr. Beber's
colleagues, I am working
siderable experience in
neer efforts. In my opi
toward the formation of a
this field.
due credit should also
marital and sexual center
The story was not in-
been given to the un
for the Valley area. The
tended to be a directory to
sity which provided th
center would bring a less
all sex therapy facilities in
tellectual and religious
pragmatic and more hu-
Los Angeles and Orange
mosphere leading to
manistic approach to sex-
counties. I wanted to list
Beber's great achievem
ual problems. Not ev-
some sources SO that read-
He is one of the m
eryone who presents a
ers/wouldn't be confined to
problem needs extensive
distinguished Jew
the Grabers alone as a
alumni of whom we
and expensive therapy, for
place to inquire further. I
example, and certainly not
did a story on them be-
everyone who needs help
cause they are a husband-
responds to the same ther-
and wife team operating
apy as might benefit oth-
the only medical practice
ers. Adult sex education-
Professor Emer
devoted exclusively to sex
whether at the beginning,
of Sociol
therapy in this area, which
intermediate, or advanced
Creighton Univers
makes them highly
levels-seems to be a ne-
Omaha, I
cessity for those with sex-
ual difficulty.
More on AZA
Joy From Jeanett
I was interested in The
Times account of
I wish to tell you h
I am a resident physician
reminiscences in connec-
much I enjoyed Mich
in obstetrics-gynecology at
tion with the Aleph Zadik
Seiler's article abc
Harbor General Hospital,
Aleph's 50th anniversary.
Jeanette MacDonald
Torrance. I would like to
comment on your article
("AZA-Getting Jewish
Love Call to Jeanette M
Youth Involved," March
Donald,". April 11) a
concerning sex therapists.
First, I should like to in-
31). This organization, the
bravo to Sharon Rich
form you and the public
largest Jewish boys'
writing the book.
organization in the world, is
I am now 45 and have
that there are many other
one of the finest of its kind
individuals doing sex
ways been a fan of Je
therapy all over Los
ette MacDonald. As
Angeles and Orange coun-
But the reporting is not
young girl I saw all of ]
ties. Most medical centers
quite complete. Writer
movies and I often W
have therapists and there
Candy Sagon states
they'd show them on e
are numerous psy-
the organization was
ning TV.
chologists also involved.
begun in 1924 in Omaha,
There were a lot of gr
Neb., by a 22-year-old Jew-
stars in those days W
Second, your article
ish attorney named Sam
good stories backing the
wrongfully implied that
Beber," Sam, like many fine
My son, 20, watches a
surgery is commonly indi-
Jewish young men, at-
of good ones after m
cated to correct sexual
tended Creighton Univer-
night on TV and he lik
problems. Only on rare -
sity and graduated from its
them even if they are
casions is this necessary.
school of law. It was during
years old. Movies of tod
The article wrongfully im-
his Creighton experien-
exploit too much of the a
pied that "often there is a
ce-at a Jesuit univer-
normal, weird, brutal pa
physical cause." In reality,
sity-tha he formulated
of life for sensationalis
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More on AZA Newspaper Clipping, April 21, 1974
Laurence H. Brown writes in response to an article on the history of AZA published on the occasion of AZA's 50th anniversary to highlight the role of Creighton University in influencing Sam Beber's founding of AZA.